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Class SecretClient

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The SecretClient provides methods to manage KeyVaultSecret in the Azure Key Vault. The client supports creating, retrieving, updating, deleting, purging, backing up, restoring and listing KeyVaultSecrets. The client also supports listing DeletedSecret for a soft-delete enabled Azure Key Vault.


  • SecretClient




  • Creates an instance of SecretClient.

    Example usage:

    import { SecretClient } from "@azure/keyvault-secrets";
    import { DefaultAzureCredential } from "@azure/identity";
    let vaultUrl = `https://<MY KEYVAULT HERE>.vault.azure.net`;
    let credentials = new DefaultAzureCredential();
    let client = new SecretClient(vaultUrl, credentials);


    • vaultUrl: string

      The base URL to the vault.

    • credential: TokenCredential

      An object that implements the TokenCredential interface used to authenticate requests to the service. Use the @azure/identity package to create a credential that suits your needs.

    • Default value pipelineOptions: SecretClientOptions = {}

      Pipeline options used to configure Key Vault API requests. Omit this parameter to use the default pipeline configuration.

    Returns SecretClient



vaultUrl: string

The base URL to the vault



  • backupSecret(secretName: string, options?: BackupSecretOptions): Promise<Uint8Array | undefined>
  • Requests that a backup of the specified secret be downloaded to the client. All versions of the secret will be downloaded. This operation requires the secrets/backup permission.

    Example usage:

    let client = new SecretClient(url, credentials);
    let backupResult = await client.backupSecret("MySecretName");

    Backs up the specified secret.


    • secretName: string

      The name of the secret.

    • Default value options: BackupSecretOptions = {}

      The optional parameters.

    Returns Promise<Uint8Array | undefined>


  • Deletes a secret stored in Azure Key Vault. This function returns a Long Running Operation poller that allows you to wait indefinitely until the secret is deleted.

    This operation requires the secrets/delete permission.

    Example usage:

    const client = new SecretClient(url, credentials);
    await client.setSecret("MySecretName", "ABC123");
    const deletePoller = await client.beginDeleteSecret("MySecretName");
    // Serializing the poller
    const serialized = deletePoller.toString();
    // A new poller can be created with:
    // const newPoller = await client.beginDeleteSecret("MySecretName", { resumeFrom: serialized });
    // Waiting until it's done
    const deletedSecret = await deletePoller.pollUntilDone();

    Deletes a secret from a specified key vault.


    Returns Promise<PollerLike<PollOperationState<DeletedSecret>, DeletedSecret>>


  • Recovers the deleted secret in the specified vault. This function returns a Long Running Operation poller that allows you to wait indefinitely until the secret is recovered.

    This operation requires the secrets/recover permission.

    Example usage:

    const client = new SecretClient(url, credentials);
    await client.setSecret("MySecretName", "ABC123");
    const deletePoller = await client.beginDeleteSecret("MySecretName");
    await deletePoller.pollUntilDone();
    const recoverPoller = await client.beginRecoverDeletedSecret("MySecretName");
    // Serializing the poller
    const serialized = recoverPoller.toString();
    // A new poller can be created with:
    // const newPoller = await client.beginRecoverDeletedSecret("MySecretName", { resumeFrom: serialized });
    // Waiting until it's done
    const deletedSecret = await recoverPoller.pollUntilDone();

    Recovers the deleted secret to the latest version.


    Returns Promise<PollerLike<PollOperationState<SecretProperties>, SecretProperties>>


  • The getDeletedSecret method returns the specified deleted secret along with its attributes. This operation requires the secrets/get permission.

    Example usage:

    let client = new SecretClient(url, credentials);
    await client.getDeletedSecret("MyDeletedSecret");

    Gets the specified deleted secret.


    • secretName: string

      The name of the secret.

    • Default value options: GetDeletedSecretOptions = {}

      The optional parameters.

    Returns Promise<DeletedSecret>


  • The getSecret method is applicable to any secret stored in Azure Key Vault. This operation requires the secrets/get permission.

    Example usage:

    let client = new SecretClient(url, credentials);
    let secret = await client.getSecret("MySecretName");

    Get a specified secret from a given key vault.


    • secretName: string

      The name of the secret.

    • Default value options: GetSecretOptions = {}

      The optional parameters.

    Returns Promise<KeyVaultSecret>


  • Iterates the deleted secrets in the vault. The full secret identifier and attributes are provided in the response. No values are returned for the secrets. This operations requires the secrets/list permission.

    Example usage:

    let client = new SecretClient(url, credentials);
    for await (const deletedSecret of client.listDeletedSecrets()) {
      console.log("deleted secret: ", deletedSecret);

    List all secrets in the vault.


    Returns PagedAsyncIterableIterator<DeletedSecret>


  • Iterates all versions of the given secret in the vault. The full secret identifier and attributes are provided in the response. No values are returned for the secrets. This operations requires the secrets/list permission.

    Example usage:

    let client = new SecretClient(url, credentials);
    for await (const secretProperties of client.listPropertiesOfSecretVersions("MySecretName")) {
      const secret = await client.getSecret(secretProperties.name);
      console.log("secret version: ", secret);


    Returns PagedAsyncIterableIterator<SecretProperties>


  • Iterates the latest version of all secrets in the vault. The full secret identifier and attributes are provided in the response. No values are returned for the secrets. This operations requires the secrets/list permission.

    Example usage:

    let client = new SecretClient(url, credentials);
    for await (const secretProperties of client.listPropertiesOfSecrets()) {
      const secret = await client.getSecret(secretProperties.name);
      console.log("secret: ", secret);

    List all secrets in the vault.


    Returns PagedAsyncIterableIterator<SecretProperties>


  • The purge deleted secret operation removes the secret permanently, without the possibility of recovery. This operation can only be enabled on a soft-delete enabled vault. This operation requires the secrets/purge permission.

    Example usage:

    const client = new SecretClient(url, credentials);
    const deletePoller = await client.beginDeleteSecret("MySecretName");
    await deletePoller.pollUntilDone();
    await client.purgeDeletedSecret("MySecretName");

    Permanently deletes the specified secret.


    Returns Promise<void>


  • Restores a backed up secret, and all its versions, to a vault. This operation requires the secrets/restore permission.

    Example usage:

    let client = new SecretClient(url, credentials);
    let mySecretBundle = await client.backupSecret("MySecretName");
    // ...
    await client.restoreSecretBackup(mySecretBundle);

    Restores a backed up secret to a vault.


    • secretBundleBackup: Uint8Array

      The backup blob associated with a secret bundle.

    • Default value options: RestoreSecretBackupOptions = {}

      The optional parameters.

    Returns Promise<SecretProperties>


  • The setSecret method adds a secret or secret version to the Azure Key Vault. If the named secret already exists, Azure Key Vault creates a new version of that secret. This operation requires the secrets/set permission.

    Example usage:

    let client = new SecretClient(url, credentials);
    await client.setSecret("MySecretName", "ABC123");

    Adds a secret in a specified key vault.


    • secretName: string

      The name of the secret.

    • value: string

      The value of the secret.

    • Default value options: SetSecretOptions = {}

      The optional parameters.

    Returns Promise<KeyVaultSecret>


  • The updateSecret method changes specified attributes of an existing stored secret. Properties that are not specified in the request are left unchanged. The value of a secret itself cannot be changed. This operation requires the secrets/set permission.

    Example usage:

    let secretName = "MySecretName";
    let client = new SecretClient(url, credentials);
    let secret = await client.getSecret(secretName);
    await client.updateSecretProperties(secretName, secret.properties.version, { enabled: false });

    Updates the attributes associated with a specified secret in a given key vault.


    • secretName: string

      The name of the secret.

    • secretVersion: string

      The version of the secret.

    • Default value options: UpdateSecretPropertiesOptions = {}

      The optional parameters.

    Returns Promise<SecretProperties>

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