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Interface CloudEvent<T>

Package version

Properties of an event published to an Event Grid topic using the CloudEvent 1.0 Schema An event in the Cloud Event 1.0 schema.

Type parameters

  • T


  • CloudEvent


[property: string]: any

Describes unknown properties. The value of an unknown property can be of "any" type.



Optional data

data: T

Event data specific to the event type. Event data specific to the event type.

Optional dataBase64

dataBase64: Uint8Array

Event data specific to the event type, encoded as a base64 string.

Optional datacontenttype

datacontenttype: undefined | string

Content type of data value. Content type of data value.

Optional dataschema

dataschema: undefined | string

Identifies the schema that data adheres to. Identifies the schema that data adheres to.

Optional extensionAttributes

extensionAttributes: Record<string, unknown>

Additional context attributes for the event. The Cloud Event specification refers to these as "extension attributes".


id: string

An identifier for the event. The combination of id and source must be unique for each distinct event. An identifier for the event. The combination of id and source must be unique for each distinct event.


source: string

Identifies the context in which an event happened. The combination of id and source must be unique for each distinct event. Identifies the context in which an event happened. The combination of id and source must be unique for each distinct event.


specversion: string

The version of the CloudEvents specification which the event uses.

Optional subject

subject: undefined | string

This describes the subject of the event in the context of the event producer (identified by source). This describes the subject of the event in the context of the event producer (identified by source).

Optional time

time: Date

The time (in UTC) the event was generated, in RFC3339 format. The time the event was generated.


type: string

Type of event related to the originating occurrence. Type of event related to the originating occurrence.

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