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Interface LroEngineOptions<TResult, TState>

Package version

Options for the LRO poller.

Type parameters

  • TResult

  • TState


  • LroEngineOptions



Optional cancel

cancel: undefined | ((state: TState) => Promise<void>)

A function that takes the mutable state as input and attempts to cancel the LRO.

Optional intervalInMs

intervalInMs: undefined | number

Defines how much time the poller is going to wait before making a new request to the service.

Optional isDone

isDone: undefined | ((lastResponse: unknown, state: TState) => boolean)

A predicate to determine whether the LRO finished processing.

Optional lroResourceLocationConfig

lroResourceLocationConfig: LroResourceLocationConfig

The potential location of the result of the LRO if specified by the LRO extension in the swagger.

Optional processResult

processResult: undefined | ((result: unknown, state: TState) => TResult)

A function to process the result of the LRO.

Optional resumeFrom

resumeFrom: undefined | string

A serialized poller which can be used to resume an existing paused Long-Running-Operation.

Optional updateState

updateState: undefined | ((state: TState, lastResponse: RawResponse) => void)

A function to process the state of the LRO.

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