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Interface ScheduledAlertRuleCommonProperties

Package version

Scheduled alert rule template property bag.


  • ScheduledAlertRuleCommonProperties



Optional alertDetailsOverride

alertDetailsOverride: AlertDetailsOverride

The alert details override settings

Optional customDetails

customDetails: undefined | {}

Dictionary of string key-value pairs of columns to be attached to the alert

Optional entityMappings

entityMappings: EntityMapping[]

Array of the entity mappings of the alert rule

Optional eventGroupingSettings

eventGroupingSettings: EventGroupingSettings

The event grouping settings.

Optional query

query: undefined | string

The query that creates alerts for this rule.

Optional queryFrequency

queryFrequency: undefined | string

The frequency (in ISO 8601 duration format) for this alert rule to run.

Optional queryPeriod

queryPeriod: undefined | string

The period (in ISO 8601 duration format) that this alert rule looks at.

Optional severity

severity: AlertSeverity

The severity for alerts created by this alert rule.

Optional triggerOperator

triggerOperator: TriggerOperator

The operation against the threshold that triggers alert rule.

Optional triggerThreshold

triggerThreshold: undefined | number

The threshold triggers this alert rule.

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