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Interface ResourcesListOptionalParams

Package version

Optional Parameters.


  • any
    • ResourcesListOptionalParams




Optional expand

expand: undefined | string

The $expand query parameter. You can expand createdTime and changedTime. For example, to expand both properties, use $expand=changedTime,createdTime

Optional filter

filter: undefined | string

The filter to apply on the operation.

The properties you can use for eq (equals) or ne (not equals) are: location, resourceType, name, resourceGroup, identity, identity/principalId, plan, plan/publisher, plan/product, plan/name, plan/version, and plan/promotionCode.

For example, to filter by a resource type, use: $filter=resourceType eq 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'

You can use substringof(value, property) in the filter. The properties you can use for substring are: name and resourceGroup.

For example, to get all resources with 'demo' anywhere in the name, use: $filter=substringof('demo', name)

You can link more than one substringof together by adding and/or operators.

You can filter by tag names and values. For example, to filter for a tag name and value, use $filter=tagName eq 'tag1' and tagValue eq 'Value1'

You can use some properties together when filtering. The combinations you can use are: substringof and/or resourceType, plan and plan/publisher and plan/name, identity and identity/principalId.

Optional top

top: undefined | number

The number of results to return. If null is passed, returns all resource groups.

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