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Interface QueryOptions

Package version

Parameter group


  • QueryOptions



Optional apply

apply: undefined | string

OData apply expression for aggregations.

Optional expand

expand: undefined | string

The $expand query parameter. For example, to expand components use $expand=components

Optional filter

filter: undefined | string

OData filter expression.

Optional from

from: Date

ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the start time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses ($to - 1-day).

Optional orderBy

orderBy: undefined | string

Ordering expression using OData notation. One or more comma-separated column names with an optional "desc" (the default) or "asc", e.g. "$orderby=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId asc".

Optional select

select: undefined | string

Select expression using OData notation. Limits the columns on each record to just those requested, e.g. "$select=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId".

Optional skipToken

skipToken: undefined | string

Skiptoken is only provided if a previous response returned a partial result as a part of nextLink element.

Optional to

to: Date

ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the end time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses request time.

Optional top

top: undefined | number

Maximum number of records to return.

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