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Interface SearchMetadata

Package version

Metadata for search results.


  • SearchMetadata



Optional aggregatedGroupingFields

aggregatedGroupingFields: undefined | string

The aggregated grouping fields.

Optional aggregatedValueField

aggregatedValueField: undefined | string

The aggregated value field.

Optional coreSummaries

coreSummaries: CoreSummary[]

The core summaries.

Optional eTag

eTag: undefined | string

The ETag of the search results.

Optional id

id: undefined | string

The id of the search results request.

Optional lastUpdated

lastUpdated: Date

The time of last update.

Optional max

max: undefined | number

The max of all aggregates returned in the result set.

Optional requestTime

requestTime: undefined | number

The request time.

Optional resultType

resultType: undefined | string

The search result type.

Optional schema

The schema.

Optional searchId

searchId: undefined | string

The request id of the search.

Optional sort

sort: SearchSort[]

How the results are sorted.

Optional startTime

startTime: Date

The start time for the search.

Optional status

status: undefined | string

The status of the search results.

Optional sum

sum: undefined | number

The sum of all aggregates returned in the result set.

Optional top

top: undefined | number

The number of top search results.

Optional total

total: undefined | number

The total number of search results.

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