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Interface DigitalTwinsEndpointResourceProperties

Package version

Properties related to Digital Twins Endpoint


  • DigitalTwinsEndpointResourceProperties



Optional authenticationType

authenticationType: AuthenticationType

Specifies the authentication type being used for connecting to the endpoint. Defaults to 'KeyBased'. If 'KeyBased' is selected, a connection string must be specified (at least the primary connection string). If 'IdentityBased' is select, the endpointUri and entityPath properties must be specified.

Optional createdTime

createdTime: Date

Time when the Endpoint was added to DigitalTwinsInstance. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional deadLetterSecret

deadLetterSecret: undefined | string

Dead letter storage secret for key-based authentication. Will be obfuscated during read.

Optional deadLetterUri

deadLetterUri: undefined | string

Dead letter storage URL for identity-based authentication.


endpointType: "ServiceBus" | "EventHub" | "EventGrid"

Polymorphic discriminator, which specifies the different types this object can be

Optional provisioningState

provisioningState: EndpointProvisioningState

The provisioning state. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

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