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Interface ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile

Package version

Parameters to be applied to the cluster-autoscaler when enabled


  • ManagedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile



Optional balanceSimilarNodeGroups

balanceSimilarNodeGroups: undefined | string

Valid values are 'true' and 'false'

Optional expander

expander: Expander

If not specified, the default is 'random'. See expanders for more information.

Optional maxEmptyBulkDelete

maxEmptyBulkDelete: undefined | string

The default is 10.

Optional maxGracefulTerminationSec

maxGracefulTerminationSec: undefined | string

The default is 600.

Optional maxNodeProvisionTime

maxNodeProvisionTime: undefined | string

The default is '15m'. Values must be an integer followed by an 'm'. No unit of time other than minutes (m) is supported.

Optional maxTotalUnreadyPercentage

maxTotalUnreadyPercentage: undefined | string

The default is 45. The maximum is 100 and the minimum is 0.

Optional newPodScaleUpDelay

newPodScaleUpDelay: undefined | string

For scenarios like burst/batch scale where you don't want CA to act before the kubernetes scheduler could schedule all the pods, you can tell CA to ignore unscheduled pods before they're a certain age. The default is '0s'. Values must be an integer followed by a unit ('s' for seconds, 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours, etc).

Optional okTotalUnreadyCount

okTotalUnreadyCount: undefined | string

This must be an integer. The default is 3.

Optional scaleDownDelayAfterAdd

scaleDownDelayAfterAdd: undefined | string

The default is '10m'. Values must be an integer followed by an 'm'. No unit of time other than minutes (m) is supported.

Optional scaleDownDelayAfterDelete

scaleDownDelayAfterDelete: undefined | string

The default is the scan-interval. Values must be an integer followed by an 'm'. No unit of time other than minutes (m) is supported.

Optional scaleDownDelayAfterFailure

scaleDownDelayAfterFailure: undefined | string

The default is '3m'. Values must be an integer followed by an 'm'. No unit of time other than minutes (m) is supported.

Optional scaleDownUnneededTime

scaleDownUnneededTime: undefined | string

The default is '10m'. Values must be an integer followed by an 'm'. No unit of time other than minutes (m) is supported.

Optional scaleDownUnreadyTime

scaleDownUnreadyTime: undefined | string

The default is '20m'. Values must be an integer followed by an 'm'. No unit of time other than minutes (m) is supported.

Optional scaleDownUtilizationThreshold

scaleDownUtilizationThreshold: undefined | string

The default is '0.5'.

Optional scanInterval

scanInterval: undefined | string

The default is '10'. Values must be an integer number of seconds.

Optional skipNodesWithLocalStorage

skipNodesWithLocalStorage: undefined | string

The default is true.

Optional skipNodesWithSystemPods

skipNodesWithSystemPods: undefined | string

The default is true.

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