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Interface ManagedClusterLoadBalancerProfile

Package version

Profile of the managed cluster load balancer.


  • ManagedClusterLoadBalancerProfile



Optional allocatedOutboundPorts

allocatedOutboundPorts: undefined | number

The desired number of allocated SNAT ports per VM. Allowed values are in the range of 0 to 64000 (inclusive). The default value is 0 which results in Azure dynamically allocating ports.

Optional backendPoolType

backendPoolType: BackendPoolType

The type of the managed inbound Load Balancer BackendPool.

Optional effectiveOutboundIPs

effectiveOutboundIPs: ResourceReference[]

The effective outbound IP resources of the cluster load balancer.

Optional enableMultipleStandardLoadBalancers

enableMultipleStandardLoadBalancers: undefined | false | true

Enable multiple standard load balancers per AKS cluster or not.

Optional idleTimeoutInMinutes

idleTimeoutInMinutes: undefined | number

Desired outbound flow idle timeout in minutes. Allowed values are in the range of 4 to 120 (inclusive). The default value is 30 minutes.

Optional managedOutboundIPs

Desired managed outbound IPs for the cluster load balancer.

Optional outboundIPPrefixes

Desired outbound IP Prefix resources for the cluster load balancer.

Optional outboundIPs

Desired outbound IP resources for the cluster load balancer.

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