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Interface RegistryUpdateParameters

Package version

The parameters for updating a container registry.


  • RegistryUpdateParameters



Optional adminUserEnabled

adminUserEnabled: undefined | false | true

The value that indicates whether the admin user is enabled.

Optional anonymousPullEnabled

anonymousPullEnabled: undefined | false | true

Enables registry-wide pull from unauthenticated clients.

Optional dataEndpointEnabled

dataEndpointEnabled: undefined | false | true

Enable a single data endpoint per region for serving data.

Optional encryption

encryption: EncryptionProperty

The encryption settings of container registry.

Optional identity

The identity of the container registry.

Optional networkRuleBypassOptions

networkRuleBypassOptions: NetworkRuleBypassOptions

Whether to allow trusted Azure services to access a network restricted registry.

Optional networkRuleSet

networkRuleSet: NetworkRuleSet

The network rule set for a container registry.

Optional policies

policies: Policies

The policies for a container registry.

Optional publicNetworkAccess

publicNetworkAccess: PublicNetworkAccess

Whether or not public network access is allowed for the container registry.

Optional sku

sku: Sku

The SKU of the container registry.

Optional tags

tags: undefined | {}

The tags for the container registry.

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