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Interface VirtualDisk

Package version

Virtual disk model


  • VirtualDisk



Optional controllerKey

controllerKey: undefined | number

Gets or sets the controller id.

Optional deviceKey

deviceKey: undefined | number

Gets or sets the device key value.

Optional deviceName

deviceName: undefined | string

Gets or sets the device name.

Optional diskMode

diskMode: DiskMode

Gets or sets the disk mode.

Optional diskObjectId

diskObjectId: undefined | string

Gets or sets the disk object id. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional diskSizeGB

diskSizeGB: undefined | number

Gets or sets the disk total size.

Optional diskType

diskType: DiskType

Gets or sets the disk backing type.

Optional label

label: undefined | string

Gets or sets the label of the virtual disk in vCenter. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional name

name: undefined | string

Gets or sets the name of the virtual disk.

Optional unitNumber

unitNumber: undefined | number

Gets or sets the unit number of the disk on the controller.

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