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Interface NetworkProfile

Package version

Service network profile payload


  • NetworkProfile



Optional appNetworkResourceGroup

appNetworkResourceGroup: undefined | string

Name of the resource group containing network resources for customer apps in Azure Spring Apps

Optional appSubnetId

appSubnetId: undefined | string

Fully qualified resource Id of the subnet to host customer apps in Azure Spring Apps

Optional ingressConfig

ingressConfig: IngressConfig

Ingress configuration payload for Azure Spring Apps resource.

Optional outboundIPs

Desired outbound IP resources for Azure Spring Apps resource. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional outboundType

outboundType: undefined | string

The egress traffic type of Azure Spring Apps VNet instances.

Optional requiredTraffics

requiredTraffics: RequiredTraffic[]

Required inbound or outbound traffics for Azure Spring Apps resource. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional serviceCidr

serviceCidr: undefined | string

Azure Spring Apps service reserved CIDR

Optional serviceRuntimeNetworkResourceGroup

serviceRuntimeNetworkResourceGroup: undefined | string

Name of the resource group containing network resources of Azure Spring Apps Service Runtime

Optional serviceRuntimeSubnetId

serviceRuntimeSubnetId: undefined | string

Fully qualified resource Id of the subnet to host Azure Spring Apps Service Runtime

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