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Interface MonitoringSettingProperties

Package version

Monitoring Setting properties payload


  • MonitoringSettingProperties



Optional appInsightsAgentVersions

appInsightsAgentVersions: ApplicationInsightsAgentVersions

Indicates the versions of application insight agent

Optional appInsightsInstrumentationKey

appInsightsInstrumentationKey: undefined | string

Target application insight instrumentation key, null or whitespace include empty will disable monitoringSettings

Optional appInsightsSamplingRate

appInsightsSamplingRate: undefined | number

Indicates the sampling rate of application insight agent, should be in range [0.0, 100.0]

Optional error

error: ErrorModel

Error when apply Monitoring Setting changes.

Optional provisioningState

provisioningState: MonitoringSettingState

State of the Monitoring Setting. NOTE: This property will not be serialized. It can only be populated by the server.

Optional traceEnabled

traceEnabled: undefined | false | true

Indicates whether enable the trace functionality, which will be deprecated since api version 2020-11-01-preview. Please leverage appInsightsInstrumentationKey to indicate if monitoringSettings enabled or not

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