All Classes and Interfaces

Checkpoint config to describe different checkpoint strategies.
The offset commit behavior enumeration.
Common properties shared by event hub namespace, a producer, and a consumer.
An event hub consumer related properties.
The EventHubsProducerFactory implementation to produce cached EventHubProducerAsyncClient instances for provided NamespaceProperties and optional producer PropertiesSupplier on each DefaultEventHubsNamespaceProducerFactory.createProducer(java.lang.String) invocation.
The properties to describe an Event Hubs listener container.
Azure Event Hubs internal headers for Spring Messaging messages.
EventHubs message listener container using EventProcessorClient to subscribe to event hubs and consume events from all the partitions of each event hub.
The strategy to produce EventProcessorClient instance.
Called whenever a processor is added or removed.
The strategy to produce EventHubProducerAsyncClient instance.
Called whenever a producer is added or removed.
A template for executing sending operations asynchronously to Event Hubs.
An event hub namespace related properties.
Represents a supplier of partition id or key.
An event hub processor related properties.
An event hub producer related properties.