All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract protocolResolver for Storage
Storage container client.
Storage container item.
Storage item.
Properties shared by all amqp client builders.
Extend the proxy properties for AMQP connection
Unified http retry properties for all Azure SDKs based on HTTP.
Resolver interface to resolve an azure credential implementation, the method AzureCredentialResolver.resolve(AzureProperties) returns null if the related properties does not match.
A AzureCredentialResolvers can resolve the Azure credential from the AzureProperties with a list of provided AzureCredentialResolver.
The AzureEnvironment defines all properties to Azure services, such as endpoints, resource ids, etc.
Skeleton implementation of a AzureProfileOptionsProvider.ProfileOptions.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to provide the Azure profile options.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe an Azure cloud environment options.
Define the cloud environment type, with four known Azure cloud types and the types don't fall in the four known types will be OTHER.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe an Azure cloud profile.
The AzureProfile defines the properties related to an Azure subscription.
Unified properties for Azure SDK clients.
Metadata defining an Azure resource.
Customizer of an Azure service client builder.
Describes an Azure service type.
The App Configuration service.
The Event Hub service.
The Service Bus service.
The Storage Blob service.
The Storage File Share service.
The Storage Queue service.
A ProtocolResolver implementation for the azure-blob:// protocol.
A ProtocolResolver implementation for the azure-file:// protocol.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to provide the client options.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe an amqp based client sdk.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe sdk client common options.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe a http based client sdk.
Properties shared by all azure service client builders.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to provide the connection string.
Properties of the exponential retry mode.
Properties of the fixed retry mode.
Describing a header such as a http header.
Properties shared by all http client builders.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe logging options in http-based client sdks options.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe logging options in http-based client sdks options.
Options related to http logging.
Extend the proxy properties for HTTP connection
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to provide the key.
Represents a pojo containing the key and the name of the key.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to provide the named key.
Unified properties for Azure passwordless clients.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to provide the proxy options.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe the amqp based client proxy.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe the http based client proxy.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe the proxy.
Common proxy properties for all Azure SDKs.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to provide the retry options.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe amqp related retry options.
The retry backoff mode when retrying.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe retry options.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe retry options of exponential retry mode.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe retry options of fixed retry mode.
Common retry properties for all Azure SDKs.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to provide the sas token.
Service connection string provider to provide the connection string for a service type.
A static implementation of ServiceConnectionStringProvider, with static value of connection string.
Implements WritableResource for reading and writing objects in Azure StorageAccount blob.
Implements WritableResource for reading and writing objects in Azure StorageAccount file.
The Azure Storage specific NestedRuntimeException.
Azure Storage Account types.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to provide the token credential options.
Interface to be implemented by classes that wish to describe the token credential related options.
Azure properties used for getting token credential.