All Classes and Interfaces

Azure AD application type.
A stateless authentication filter which uses app roles feature of Azure Active Directory.
A stateful authentication filter which uses Microsoft Graph groups to authorize.
Auto-configuration for Azure Active Authentication filters.
Configuration properties for Azure Active Directory Authentication.
Properties dedicated to changing the behavior of how the groups are mapped from the Azure AD response.
Used to get endpoints for Microsoft Identity authorization server.
Auto configure beans required for AAD.
This class handles the OAuth2 request procession for AAD B2C authorization.
Configure the necessary beans for AAD B2C authentication and authorization, and import AadB2cOAuth2ClientConfiguration class for AAD B2C OAuth2 client support.
Properties used for authorize.
Get the url of successful logout and handle the navigation on logout.
Configuration for AAD B2C OAuth2 client support, when depends on the Spring OAuth2 Client module.
Configure B2C OAUTH2 login properties.
Profile of Azure cloud environment.
Configuration properties for Azure Active Directory B2C.
Configure bean: AADB2CProperties.
Configure necessary beans for Azure AD B2C resource server beans, and import AadB2cOAuth2ClientConfiguration class for Azure AD B2C OAuth2 client support.
Construct a trusted aad b2c issuer repository.
Manage all AAD OAuth2 clients configured by property "".
Properties used for authorize.
To add conditional policy claims to authorization URL.
The configuration will not be activated if no ClientRegistration classes provided.
Properties to Azure Active Directory endpoints.
Profile of Azure cloud environment.
Configure Azure Active Directory related property beans
The configuration will not be activated if no BearerTokenAuthenticationToken class provided.
HTTP security configurer class for Azure Active Directory resource server scenario, used to make OAuth2ResourceServerConfigurer.JwtConfigurer and AadJwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter take effect.
Configuration properties for Azure Active Directory B2C.
A tenant id is used to construct the trusted issuer repository.
Configure the necessary beans used for Azure AD authentication and authorization.
HTTP security configurer class for Azure Active Directory Web application scenario, used to make Azure client registration repository and OAuth2 request entity converter take effect.
Properties for an oauth2 client.
Properties for an oauth2 client.
Auto-configuration for Azure App Configuration support.
Configures a BlobCheckpointStore
Converts Azure service broker metadata into Spring Cloud Azure configuration properties.
Auto-configuration for Spring Cloud Azure compatibility verifier.
Properties for CompatibilityVerifier
Azure Context utilities.
Auto-configuration for Azure Cosmos DB support.
Auto-configuration for Azure Event Hubs support.
Auto-configuration for Azure Event Hubs Kafka Azure Identity support on Spring Cloud Stream framework.
Auto-configuration for Azure Event Hubs Kafka support.
Auto-configuration for Spring Messaging Azure Event Hubs support.
Configure the EventHubsTemplate
Configure the EventHubsProcessorFactory
Auto-configuration for Event Hubs resource manager support.
An EnvironmentPostProcessor to convert environment variables predefined by Azure Core and Azure SDKs to Azure Spring properties, and add a property source for them as well.
Azure global properties.
Transport properties for amqp-based clients.
Proxy properties only apply to amqp-based clients.
Retry properties only apply to amqp-based clients.
Global configurations for the transport client underneath.
Transport properties for http-based clients.
Proxy properties only apply to http-based clients.
Global profile properties.
Global configurations for proxy.
Global configurations for proxy.
Auto-configuration for AzureGlobalProperties.
Auto-configuration for Azure Identify JDBC support.
Configuration for OAuth2 support on Spring Cloud Stream Kafka Binder.
Auto-configuration for Azure Key Vault Certificate support.
Configuration for Azure Key Vault support.
Auto-configuration for Azure Key Vault Secrets support.
Auto-configuration for annotation-driven messaging.
The AzureProfile defines the properties related to an Azure subscription.
Azure environment configuration properties.
Auto-configuration for Spring Cache using Azure Redis Cache support.
Auto-configuration for Azure Resource Manager support.
Auto-configuration for Azure Service Bus support.
ConfigurationProperties for configuring Azure Service Bus JMS.
Properties to configure JmsListener for AbstractJmsListenerContainerFactory.
Properties to configure JmsDefaultPrefetchPolicy for JmsConnectionFactory .
Auto-configuration for Spring Messaging Azure Service Bus support.
Configure the ServiceBusProcessorFactory
Configure the ServiceBusTemplate
Auto-configuration for Service Bus resource manager support.
A configuration base class for all Azure SDK configuration.
A configuration base class for all Azure SDK resource managers.
Auto-configuration for Azure Storage Blob support.
Auto-configuration for Spring Resource with Azure Storage Blob support.
Common configuration for Azure Storage support.
Auto-configuration for Azure Storage File Share support.
Auto-configuration for Spring Resource with Azure Storage File Share support.
Auto-configuration for Azure Storage Queue support.
Auto-configuration for Spring Messaging Azure Storage Queue support.
Auto-configuration for Storage Queue resource manager support.
Auto-configuration for Spring Cloud Azure default TokenCredential.
Interface to be implemented in order to configure the BlobCheckpointStore's container programmatically.
Properties of the exponential retry mode.
Properties of the fixed retry mode.
Options related to http logging.
Common proxy properties for all Azure SDKs.
Retry properties.
Auto-configuration for Azure Service Bus JMS support.
ServiceBus JmsConnectionFactory implementation.
An auto-configuration for Service Bus JMS connection factory.
A factory for ServiceBusJmsConnectionFactory.
Abstract autoconfiguration class of ServiceBusJMS for JmsListenerContainerFactory.
Azure properties used for getting token credential.
entity class of UserPrincipal
A user principal manager to load user info from JWT.
Parses VCAP_SERVICES environment variable and sets corresponding property values.