Class QueueServiceClient

  • public final class QueueServiceClient
    extends Object
    This class provides a client that contains all the operations for interacting with a queue account in Azure Storage. Operations allowed by the client are creating, listing, and deleting queues, retrieving and updating properties of the account, and retrieving statistics of the account.

    Instantiating an Synchronous Queue Service Client

     QueueServiceClient client = new QueueServiceClientBuilder()

    View this for additional ways to construct the client.

    See Also:
    QueueServiceClientBuilder, QueueServiceAsyncClient, StorageSharedKeyCredential
    • Method Detail

      • getQueueServiceUrl

        public String getQueueServiceUrl()
        the URL of the storage queue
      • getServiceVersion

        public QueueServiceVersion getServiceVersion()
        Gets the service version the client is using.
        the service version the client is using.
      • getMessageEncoding

        public QueueMessageEncoding getMessageEncoding()
        Gets the message encoding the client is using.
        the message encoding the client is using.
      • getQueueClient

        public QueueClient getQueueClient​(String queueName)
        Constructs a QueueClient that interacts with the specified queue. This will not create the queue in the storage account if it doesn't exist.
        queueName - Name of the queue
        QueueClient that interacts with the specified queue
      • createQueue

        public QueueClient createQueue​(String queueName)
        Creates a queue in the storage account with the specified name and returns a QueueClient to interact with it.

        Code Samples

        Create the queue "test"

         System.out.println("Complete creating queue.");
        queueName - Name of the queue
        A response containing the QueueClient and the status of creating the queue
        QueueStorageException - If a queue with the same name and different metadata already exists
      • createQueueWithResponse

        public<QueueClient> createQueueWithResponse​(String queueName,
                                                                                      Map<String,​String> metadata,
                                                                                      Duration timeout,
        Creates a queue in the storage account with the specified name and metadata and returns a QueueClient to interact with it.

        Code Samples

        Create the queue "test" with metadata "queue:metadata"

         Response<QueueClient> response = client.createQueueWithResponse("myqueue",
             Collections.singletonMap("queue", "metadata"), Duration.ofSeconds(1), new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.println("Complete creating queue with status code: " + response.getStatusCode());
        queueName - Name of the queue
        metadata - Metadata to associate with the queue. If there is leading or trailing whitespace in any metadata key or value, it must be removed or encoded.
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing the QueueClient and the status of creating the queue
        QueueStorageException - If a queue with the same name and different metadata already exists
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • deleteQueue

        public void deleteQueue​(String queueName)
        Deletes a queue in the storage account

        Code Samples

        Delete the queue "test"

         System.out.println("Complete deleting the queue.");
        queueName - Name of the queue
        QueueStorageException - If the queue doesn't exist
      • deleteQueueWithResponse

        public<Void> deleteQueueWithResponse​(String queueName,
                                                                               Duration timeout,
        Deletes a queue in the storage account

        Code Samples

        Delete the queue "test"

         Response<Void> response = client.deleteQueueWithResponse("myqueue", Duration.ofSeconds(1),
             new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.println("Complete deleting the queue with status code: " + response.getStatusCode());
        queueName - Name of the queue
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing the status of deleting the queue
        QueueStorageException - If the queue doesn't exist
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • listQueues

        public<QueueItem> listQueues()
        Lists all queues in the storage account without their metadata.

        Code Samples

        List all queues in the account

             queueItem -> System.out.printf("Queue %s exists in the account", queueItem.getName())

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        Queues in the storage account
      • listQueues

        public<QueueItem> listQueues​(QueuesSegmentOptions options,
                                                                            Duration timeout,
        Lists the queues in the storage account that pass the filter. Pass true to includeMetadata to have metadata returned for the queues.

        Code Samples

        List all queues that begin with "azure"

         client.listQueues(new QueuesSegmentOptions().setPrefix("azure"), Duration.ofSeconds(1),
             new Context(key1, value1)).forEach(
                 queueItem -> System.out.printf("Queue %s exists in the account and has metadata %s",
                 queueItem.getName(), queueItem.getMetadata())

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        options - Options for listing queues. If iterating by page, the page size passed to byPage methods such as * ContinuablePagedIterable.iterableByPage(int) will be preferred over the value set on these options.
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        Queues in the storage account that satisfy the filter requirements
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • getProperties

        public QueueServiceProperties getProperties()
        Retrieves the properties of the storage account's Queue service. The properties range from storage analytics and metric to CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).

        Code Samples

        Retrieve Queue service properties

         QueueServiceProperties properties = client.getProperties();
         System.out.printf("Hour metrics enabled: %b, Minute metrics enabled: %b",
             properties.getHourMetrics().isEnabled(), properties.getMinuteMetrics().isEnabled());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        Storage account Queue service properties
      • getPropertiesWithResponse

        public<QueueServiceProperties> getPropertiesWithResponse​(Duration timeout,
        Retrieves the properties of the storage account's Queue service. The properties range from storage analytics and metric to CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).

        Code Samples

        Retrieve Queue service properties

         QueueServiceProperties properties = client.getPropertiesWithResponse(Duration.ofSeconds(1),
             new Context(key1, value1)).getValue();
         System.out.printf("Hour metrics enabled: %b, Minute metrics enabled: %b",
             properties.getHourMetrics().isEnabled(), properties.getMinuteMetrics().isEnabled());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing the Storage account Queue service properties
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • setProperties

        public void setProperties​(QueueServiceProperties properties)
        Sets the properties for the storage account's Queue service. The properties range from storage analytics and metric to CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). To maintain the CORS in the Queue service pass a null value for CORS. To disable all CORS in the Queue service pass an empty list for CORS.

        Code Sample

        Clear CORS in the Queue service

         QueueServiceProperties properties = client.getProperties();
         System.out.println("Setting Queue service properties completed.");

        Enable Minute and Hour Metrics

         QueueServiceProperties properties = client.getProperties();
         properties.getMinuteMetrics().setRetentionPolicy(new QueueRetentionPolicy().setDays(7).setEnabled(true));
         properties.getHourMetrics().setRetentionPolicy(new QueueRetentionPolicy().setDays(7).setEnabled(true));
         System.out.println("Setting Queue service properties completed.");

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        properties - Storage account Queue service properties
        QueueStorageException - When one of the following is true
      • setPropertiesWithResponse

        public<Void> setPropertiesWithResponse​(QueueServiceProperties properties,
                                                                                 Duration timeout,
        Sets the properties for the storage account's Queue service. The properties range from storage analytics and metric to CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). To maintain the CORS in the Queue service pass a null value for CORS. To disable all CORS in the Queue service pass an empty list for CORS.

        Code Sample

        Clear CORS in the Queue service

         QueueServiceProperties properties = client.getProperties();
         Response<Void> response = client.setPropertiesWithResponse(properties, Duration.ofSeconds(1),
             new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.printf("Setting Queue service properties completed with status code %d", response.getStatusCode());

        Enable Minute and Hour Metrics

         QueueServiceProperties properties = client.getProperties();
         properties.getMinuteMetrics().setRetentionPolicy(new QueueRetentionPolicy().setDays(7).setEnabled(true));
         properties.getHourMetrics().setRetentionPolicy(new QueueRetentionPolicy().setDays(7).setEnabled(true));
         Response<Void> response = client.setPropertiesWithResponse(properties, Duration.ofSeconds(1),
             new Context(key1, value1));
         System.out.printf("Setting Queue service properties completed with status code %d", response.getStatusCode());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        properties - Storage account Queue service properties
        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response that only contains headers and response status code
        QueueStorageException - When one of the following is true
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • getStatistics

        public QueueServiceStatistics getStatistics()
        Retrieves the geo replication information about the Queue service.

        Code Samples

        Retrieve the geo replication information

         QueueServiceStatistics stats = client.getStatistics();
         System.out.printf("Geo replication status: %s, Last synced: %s",
             stats.getGeoReplication().getStatus(), stats.getGeoReplication().getLastSyncTime());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        The geo replication information about the Queue service
      • getStatisticsWithResponse

        public<QueueServiceStatistics> getStatisticsWithResponse​(Duration timeout,
        Retrieves the geo replication information about the Queue service.

        Code Samples

        Retrieve the geo replication information

         QueueServiceStatistics stats = client.getStatisticsWithResponse(Duration.ofSeconds(1),
             new Context(key1, value1)).getValue();
         System.out.printf("Geo replication status: %s, Last synced: %s",
             stats.getGeoReplication().getStatus(), stats.getGeoReplication().getLastSyncTime());

        For more information, see the Azure Docs.

        timeout - An optional timeout applied to the operation. If a response is not returned before the timeout concludes a RuntimeException will be thrown.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the Http pipeline during the service call.
        A response containing the geo replication information about the Queue service
        RuntimeException - if the operation doesn't complete before the timeout concludes.
      • getAccountName

        public String getAccountName()
        Get associated account name.
        account name associated with this storage resource.
      • getHttpPipeline

        public getHttpPipeline()
        Gets the HttpPipeline powering this client.
        The pipeline.
      • generateAccountSas

        public String generateAccountSas​(AccountSasSignatureValues accountSasSignatureValues)
        Generates an account SAS for the Azure Storage account using the specified AccountSasSignatureValues.

        Note : The client must be authenticated via StorageSharedKeyCredential

        See AccountSasSignatureValues for more information on how to construct an account SAS.

        Generating an account SAS

        The snippet below generates an AccountSasSignatureValues object that lasts for two days and gives the user read and list access to queue and file shares.

         AccountSasPermission permissions = new AccountSasPermission()
         AccountSasResourceType resourceTypes = new AccountSasResourceType().setContainer(true).setObject(true);
         AccountSasService services = new AccountSasService().setQueueAccess(true).setFileAccess(true);
         OffsetDateTime expiryTime =;
         AccountSasSignatureValues sasValues =
             new AccountSasSignatureValues(expiryTime, permissions, services, resourceTypes);
         // Client must be authenticated via StorageSharedKeyCredential
         String sas = queueServiceClient.generateAccountSas(sasValues);
        accountSasSignatureValues - AccountSasSignatureValues
        A String representing the SAS query parameters.
      • generateAccountSas

        public String generateAccountSas​(AccountSasSignatureValues accountSasSignatureValues,
        Generates an account SAS for the Azure Storage account using the specified AccountSasSignatureValues.

        Note : The client must be authenticated via StorageSharedKeyCredential

        See AccountSasSignatureValues for more information on how to construct an account SAS.

        Generating an account SAS

        The snippet below generates an AccountSasSignatureValues object that lasts for two days and gives the user read and list access to queue and file shares.

         AccountSasPermission permissions = new AccountSasPermission()
         AccountSasResourceType resourceTypes = new AccountSasResourceType().setContainer(true).setObject(true);
         AccountSasService services = new AccountSasService().setQueueAccess(true).setFileAccess(true);
         OffsetDateTime expiryTime =;
         AccountSasSignatureValues sasValues =
             new AccountSasSignatureValues(expiryTime, permissions, services, resourceTypes);
         // Client must be authenticated via StorageSharedKeyCredential
         String sas = queueServiceClient.generateAccountSas(sasValues, new Context("key", "value"));
        accountSasSignatureValues - AccountSasSignatureValues
        context - Additional context that is passed through the code when generating a SAS.
        A String representing the SAS query parameters.