Class PathProperties


public class PathProperties extends Object
This class contains the response information returned from the service when getting path properties.
  • Constructor Details

    • PathProperties

      public PathProperties(OffsetDateTime creationTime, OffsetDateTime lastModified, String eTag, long fileSize, String contentType, byte[] contentMd5, String contentEncoding, String contentDisposition, String contentLanguage, String cacheControl, LeaseStatusType leaseStatus, LeaseStateType leaseState, LeaseDurationType leaseDuration, String copyId, CopyStatusType copyStatus, String copySource, String copyProgress, OffsetDateTime copyCompletionTime, String copyStatusDescription, Boolean isServerEncrypted, Boolean isIncrementalCopy, AccessTier accessTier, ArchiveStatus archiveStatus, String encryptionKeySha256, OffsetDateTime accessTierChangeTime, Map<String,String> metadata)
      Constructs a PathProperties.
      creationTime - Creation time of the file.
      lastModified - Datetime when the file was last modified.
      eTag - ETag of the file.
      fileSize - Size of the file.
      contentType - Content type specified for the file.
      contentMd5 - Content MD5 specified for the file.
      contentEncoding - Content encoding specified for the file.
      contentDisposition - Content disposition specified for the file.
      contentLanguage - Content language specified for the file.
      cacheControl - Cache control specified for the file.
      leaseStatus - Status of the lease on the file.
      leaseState - State of the lease on the file.
      leaseDuration - Type of lease on the file.
      copyId - Identifier of the last copy operation performed on the file.
      copyStatus - Status of the last copy operation performed on the file.
      copySource - Source of the last copy operation performed on the file.
      copyProgress - Progress of the last copy operation performed on the file.
      copyCompletionTime - Datetime when the last copy operation on the file completed.
      copyStatusDescription - Description of the last copy operation on the file.
      isServerEncrypted - Flag indicating if the file's content is encrypted on the server.
      isIncrementalCopy - Flag indicating if the file was incrementally copied.
      accessTier - Access tier of the file.
      archiveStatus - Archive status of the file.
      encryptionKeySha256 - SHA256 of the customer provided encryption key used to encrypt the file on the server.
      accessTierChangeTime - Datetime when the access tier of the file last changed.
      metadata - Metadata associated with the file. pass null.
    • PathProperties

      public PathProperties(OffsetDateTime creationTime, OffsetDateTime lastModified, String eTag, long fileSize, String contentType, byte[] contentMd5, String contentEncoding, String contentDisposition, String contentLanguage, String cacheControl, LeaseStatusType leaseStatus, LeaseStateType leaseState, LeaseDurationType leaseDuration, String copyId, CopyStatusType copyStatus, String copySource, String copyProgress, OffsetDateTime copyCompletionTime, String copyStatusDescription, Boolean isServerEncrypted, Boolean isIncrementalCopy, AccessTier accessTier, ArchiveStatus archiveStatus, String encryptionKeySha256, OffsetDateTime accessTierChangeTime, Map<String,String> metadata, OffsetDateTime expiresOn)
      Constructs a PathProperties.
      creationTime - Creation time of the file.
      lastModified - Datetime when the file was last modified.
      eTag - ETag of the file.
      fileSize - Size of the file.
      contentType - Content type specified for the file.
      contentMd5 - Content MD5 specified for the file.
      contentEncoding - Content encoding specified for the file.
      contentDisposition - Content disposition specified for the file.
      contentLanguage - Content language specified for the file.
      cacheControl - Cache control specified for the file.
      leaseStatus - Status of the lease on the file.
      leaseState - State of the lease on the file.
      leaseDuration - Type of lease on the file.
      copyId - Identifier of the last copy operation performed on the file.
      copyStatus - Status of the last copy operation performed on the file.
      copySource - Source of the last copy operation performed on the file.
      copyProgress - Progress of the last copy operation performed on the file.
      copyCompletionTime - Datetime when the last copy operation on the file completed.
      copyStatusDescription - Description of the last copy operation on the file.
      isServerEncrypted - Flag indicating if the file's content is encrypted on the server.
      isIncrementalCopy - Flag indicating if the file was incrementally copied.
      accessTier - Access tier of the file.
      archiveStatus - Archive status of the file.
      encryptionKeySha256 - SHA256 of the customer provided encryption key used to encrypt the file on the server.
      accessTierChangeTime - Datetime when the access tier of the file last changed.
      metadata - Metadata associated with the file. pass null.
      expiresOn - the time when the path is going to expire.
  • Method Details

    • getCreationTime

      public OffsetDateTime getCreationTime()
      the time when the path was created
    • getLastModified

      public OffsetDateTime getLastModified()
      the time when the path was last modified
    • getETag

      public String getETag()
      the eTag of the path
    • getFileSize

      public long getFileSize()
      the size of the path in bytes
    • getContentType

      public String getContentType()
      the content type of the path
    • getContentMd5

      public byte[] getContentMd5()
      the MD5 of the path's content
    • getContentEncoding

      public String getContentEncoding()
      the content encoding of the path
    • getContentDisposition

      public String getContentDisposition()
      the content disposition of the path
    • getContentLanguage

      public String getContentLanguage()
      the content language of the path
    • getCacheControl

      public String getCacheControl()
      the cache control of the path
    • getLeaseStatus

      public LeaseStatusType getLeaseStatus()
      the lease status of the path
    • getLeaseState

      public LeaseStateType getLeaseState()
      the lease state of the path
    • getLeaseDuration

      public LeaseDurationType getLeaseDuration()
      the lease duration if the path is leased
    • getCopyId

      public String getCopyId()
      the identifier of the last copy operation. If this path hasn't been the target of a copy operation or has been modified since this won't be set.
    • getCopyStatus

      public CopyStatusType getCopyStatus()
      the status of the last copy operation. If this path hasn't been the target of a copy operation or has been modified since this won't be set.
    • getCopySource

      public String getCopySource()
      the source path URL from the last copy operation. If this path hasn't been the target of a copy operation or has been modified since this won't be set.
    • getCopyProgress

      public String getCopyProgress()
      the number of bytes copied and total bytes in the source from the last copy operation (bytes copied/total bytes). If this path hasn't been the target of a copy operation or has been modified since this won't be set.
    • getCopyCompletionTime

      public OffsetDateTime getCopyCompletionTime()
      the completion time of the last copy operation. If this path hasn't been the target of a copy operation or has been modified since this won't be set.
    • getCopyStatusDescription

      public String getCopyStatusDescription()
      the description of the last copy failure, this is set when the getCopyStatus is failed or aborted. If this path hasn't been the target of a copy operation or has been modified since this won't be set.
    • isServerEncrypted

      public Boolean isServerEncrypted()
      the status of the path being encrypted on the server
    • isIncrementalCopy

      public Boolean isIncrementalCopy()
      the status of the path being an incremental copy file
    • getAccessTier

      public AccessTier getAccessTier()
      the tier of the path.
    • getArchiveStatus

      public ArchiveStatus getArchiveStatus()
      the archive status of the path.
    • getEncryptionKeySha256

      public String getEncryptionKeySha256()
      the key used to encrypt the path
    • getAccessTierChangeTime

      public OffsetDateTime getAccessTierChangeTime()
      the time when the access tier for the path was last changed
    • getMetadata

      public Map<String,String> getMetadata()
      the metadata associated to this path
    • isDirectory

      public Boolean isDirectory()
      whether or not this path represents a directory
    • getExpiresOn

      public OffsetDateTime getExpiresOn()
      the time when the path is going to expire.
    • getEncryptionScope

      public String getEncryptionScope()
      the path's encryption scope.