Class BlobBatch


public final class BlobBatch extends Object
This class allows for batching of multiple Azure Storage operations in a single request via BlobBatchClient.submitBatch(BlobBatch) or BlobBatchAsyncClient.submitBatch(BlobBatch).

Azure Storage Blob batches are homogeneous which means a delete and set tier are not allowed to be in the same batch.

 try {
     Response<Void> deleteResponse = batch.deleteBlob("{url of blob}");
     Response<Void> setTierResponse = batch.setBlobAccessTier("{url of another blob}", AccessTier.HOT);
 } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
     System.err.printf("This will fail as Azure Storage Blob batch operations are homogeneous. Exception: %s%n",

Please refer to the Azure Docs for more information.

  • Method Details

    • deleteBlob

      public<Void> deleteBlob(String containerName, String blobName)
      Adds a delete blob operation to the batch.

      Code sample

       Response<Void> deleteResponse = batch.deleteBlob("{container name}", "{blob name}");
      containerName - The container of the blob.
      blobName - The name of the blob.
      a Response that will be used to associate this operation to the response when the batch is submitted.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this batch has already added an operation of another type.
    • deleteBlob

      public<Void> deleteBlob(String containerName, String blobName, DeleteSnapshotsOptionType deleteOptions, BlobRequestConditions blobRequestConditions)
      Adds a delete blob operation to the batch.

      Code sample

       BlobRequestConditions blobRequestConditions = new BlobRequestConditions().setLeaseId("{lease ID}");
       Response<Void> deleteResponse = batch.deleteBlob("{container name}", "{blob name}",
           DeleteSnapshotsOptionType.INCLUDE, blobRequestConditions);
      containerName - The container of the blob.
      blobName - The name of the blob.
      deleteOptions - Delete options for the blob and its snapshots.
      blobRequestConditions - Additional access conditions that must be met to allow this operation.
      a Response that will be used to associate this operation to the response when the batch is submitted.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this batch has already added an operation of another type.
    • deleteBlob

      public<Void> deleteBlob(String blobUrl)
      Adds a delete blob operation to the batch.

      Code sample

       Response<Void> deleteResponse = batch.deleteBlob("{url of blob}");
      blobUrl - URL of the blob. Blob name must be encoded to UTF-8.
      a Response that will be used to associate this operation to the response when the batch is submitted.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this batch has already added an operation of another type.
    • deleteBlob

      public<Void> deleteBlob(String blobUrl, DeleteSnapshotsOptionType deleteOptions, BlobRequestConditions blobRequestConditions)
      Adds a delete blob operation to the batch.

      Code sample

       BlobRequestConditions blobRequestConditions = new BlobRequestConditions().setLeaseId("{lease ID}");
       Response<Void> deleteResponse = batch.deleteBlob("{url of blob}", DeleteSnapshotsOptionType.INCLUDE,
      blobUrl - URL of the blob. Blob name must be encoded to UTF-8.
      deleteOptions - Delete options for the blob and its snapshots.
      blobRequestConditions - Additional access conditions that must be met to allow this operation.
      a Response that will be used to associate this operation to the response when the batch is submitted.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this batch has already added an operation of another type.
    • setBlobAccessTier

      public<Void> setBlobAccessTier(String containerName, String blobName, AccessTier accessTier)
      Adds a set tier operation to the batch.

      Code sample

       Response<Void> setTierResponse = batch.setBlobAccessTier("{container name}", "{blob name}", AccessTier.HOT);
      containerName - The container of the blob.
      blobName - The name of the blob.
      accessTier - The tier to set on the blob.
      a Response that will be used to associate this operation to the response when the batch is submitted.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this batch has already added an operation of another type.
    • setBlobAccessTier

      public<Void> setBlobAccessTier(String containerName, String blobName, AccessTier accessTier, String leaseId)
      Adds a set tier operation to the batch.

      Code sample

       Response<Void> setTierResponse = batch.setBlobAccessTier("{container name}", "{blob name}", AccessTier.HOT,
           "{lease ID}");
      containerName - The container of the blob.
      blobName - The name of the blob.
      accessTier - The tier to set on the blob.
      leaseId - The lease ID the active lease on the blob must match.
      a Response that will be used to associate this operation to the response when the batch is submitted.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this batch has already added an operation of another type.
    • setBlobAccessTier

      public<Void> setBlobAccessTier(String blobUrl, AccessTier accessTier)
      Adds a set tier operation to the batch.

      Code sample

       Response<Void> setTierResponse = batch.setBlobAccessTier("{url of blob}", AccessTier.HOT);
      blobUrl - URL of the blob. Blob name must be encoded to UTF-8.
      accessTier - The tier to set on the blob.
      a Response that will be used to associate this operation to the response when the batch is submitted.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this batch has already added an operation of another type.
    • setBlobAccessTier

      public<Void> setBlobAccessTier(String blobUrl, AccessTier accessTier, String leaseId)
      Adds a set tier operation to the batch.

      Code sample

       Response<Void> setTierResponse = batch.setBlobAccessTier("{url of blob}", AccessTier.HOT, "{lease ID}");
      blobUrl - URL of the blob. Blob name must be encoded to UTF-8.
      accessTier - The tier to set on the blob.
      leaseId - The lease ID the active lease on the blob must match.
      a Response that will be used to associate this operation to the response when the batch is submitted.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this batch has already added an operation of another type.
    • setBlobAccessTier

      public<Void> setBlobAccessTier(BlobBatchSetBlobAccessTierOptions options)
      Adds a set tier operation to the batch.

      Code sample

       Response<Void> setTierResponse = batch.setBlobAccessTier(
           new BlobBatchSetBlobAccessTierOptions("{url of blob}", AccessTier.HOT).setLeaseId("{lease ID}"));
      options - BlobBatchSetBlobAccessTierOptions
      a Response that will be used to associate this operation to the response when the batch is submitted.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If this batch has already added an operation of another type.