Class QueueDescription

  • public class QueueDescription
    extends Object
    Represents the metadata description of the queue.
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueueDescription

        public QueueDescription​(String path)
        Initializes a new instance of QueueDescription with the specified relative path.
        path - - Path of the topic. Max length is 260 chars. Cannot start or end with a slash. Cannot have restricted characters: '@','?','#','*'
    • Method Detail

      • getPath

        public String getPath()
        The path of the queue.
      • getLockDuration

        public Duration getLockDuration()
        The amount of time that the message is locked by a given receiver so that no other receiver receives the same message.
        The duration of a peek lock. Default value is 60 seconds.
      • setLockDuration

        public void setLockDuration​(Duration lockDuration)
        Sets The amount of time that the message is locked by a given receiver so that no other receiver receives the same message.
        lockDuration - - The duration of a peek lock. Max value is 5 minutes.
      • getMaxSizeInMB

        public long getMaxSizeInMB()
        the maximum size of the queue in megabytes, which is the size of memory allocated for the queue. Default value is 1024.
      • setMaxSizeInMB

        public void setMaxSizeInMB​(long maxSize)
        maxSize - - Maximum size of the queue in megabytes, which is the size of memory allocated for the queue.
      • isRequiresDuplicateDetection

        public boolean isRequiresDuplicateDetection()
        If enabled, duplicate messages having same IMessage.getMessageId() and sent to queue within duration of getDuplicationDetectionHistoryTimeWindow() will be discarded.
        value indicating if the queue requires guard against duplicate messages.
      • setRequiresDuplicateDetection

        public void setRequiresDuplicateDetection​(boolean requiresDuplicateDetection)
        requiresDuplicateDetection - - True if duplicate detection needs to be enabled. See also - isRequiresDuplicateDetection()
      • isRequiresSession

        public boolean isRequiresSession()
        boolean that indicates whether the queue supports the concept of session. Sessionful-messages follow FIFO ordering.
      • setRequiresSession

        public void setRequiresSession​(boolean requiresSession)
        requiresSession - - True if queue should support sessions.
      • getDefaultMessageTimeToLive

        public Duration getDefaultMessageTimeToLive()
        Time-To-Live is the duration after which the message expires, starting from when the message is sent to Service Bus. This is the default value used when IMessage.getTimeToLive() is not set on a message itself. Messages older than their TimeToLive value will expire and no longer be retained in the message store. Subscribers will be unable to receive expired messages.
        The default time to live value for the messages. Default value is ManagementClientConstants.MAX_DURATION
      • setDefaultMessageTimeToLive

        public void setDefaultMessageTimeToLive​(Duration defaultMessageTimeToLive)
        defaultMessageTimeToLive - - The default message time to live value. Value cannot be lower than 1 second. See getDefaultMessageTimeToLive()
      • setAutoDeleteOnIdle

        public void setAutoDeleteOnIdle​(Duration autoDeleteOnIdle)
        autoDeleteOnIdle - - The idle interval after which the queue is automatically deleted. The minimum duration is 5 minutes.
      • isEnableDeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration

        public boolean isEnableDeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration()
        Indicates whether this queue has dead letter support when a message expires.
        If true, the expired messages are moved to dead-letter sub-queue. Default value is false.
      • setEnableDeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration

        public void setEnableDeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration​(boolean enableDeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration)
        enableDeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration - - True if messages should be dead-lettered on expiration. See isEnableDeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration()
      • getDuplicationDetectionHistoryTimeWindow

        public Duration getDuplicationDetectionHistoryTimeWindow()
        The duration of duplicate detection history that is maintained by the service. The default value is 1 minute.
      • setDuplicationDetectionHistoryTimeWindow

        public void setDuplicationDetectionHistoryTimeWindow​(Duration duplicationDetectionHistoryTimeWindow)
        duplicationDetectionHistoryTimeWindow - - The duration of duplicate detection history that is maintained by the service. Max value is 1 day and minimum is 20 seconds.
      • getMaxDeliveryCount

        public int getMaxDeliveryCount()
        The maximum delivery count of a message before it is dead-lettered. The delivery count is increased when a message is received in ReceiveMode.PEEKLOCK mode and didn't complete the message before the message lock expired.
        Default value is 10.
      • setMaxDeliveryCount

        public void setMaxDeliveryCount​(int maxDeliveryCount)
        The maximum delivery count of a message before it is dead-lettered. The delivery count is increased when a message is received in ReceiveMode.PEEKLOCK mode and didn't complete the message before the message lock expired.
        maxDeliveryCount - - Minimum value is 1.
      • isEnableBatchedOperations

        public boolean isEnableBatchedOperations()
        Indicates whether server-side batched operations are enabled. Defaults to true.
      • setEnableBatchedOperations

        public void setEnableBatchedOperations​(boolean enableBatchedOperations)
        enableBatchedOperations - - Indicates whether server-side batched operations are enabled.
      • setAuthorizationRules

        public void setAuthorizationRules​(List<AuthorizationRule> authorizationRules)
        authorizationRules - - The AuthorizationRule on the queue to control user access at entity level.
      • getEntityStatus

        public EntityStatus getEntityStatus()
        Gets the status of the entity. When an entity is disabled, that entity cannot send or receive messages.
        The current status of the queue (Enabled / Disabled). The default value is Enabled.
      • setEntityStatus

        public void setEntityStatus​(EntityStatus status)
        status - - the status of the queue (Enabled / Disabled). When an entity is disabled, that entity cannot send or receive messages.
      • getForwardTo

        public String getForwardTo()
        The path of the recipient entity to which all the messages sent to the queue are forwarded to. If set, user cannot manually receive messages from this queue. The destination entity must be an already existing entity.
      • setForwardTo

        public void setForwardTo​(String forwardTo)
        forwardTo - - The path of the recipient entity to which all the messages sent to the queue are forwarded to. If set, user cannot manually receive messages from this queue. The destination entity must be an already existing entity.
      • getForwardDeadLetteredMessagesTo

        public String getForwardDeadLetteredMessagesTo()
        The path of the recipient entity to which all the dead-lettered messages of this queue are forwarded to. If set, user cannot manually receive dead-lettered messages from this queue. The destination entity must already exist.
      • setForwardDeadLetteredMessagesTo

        public void setForwardDeadLetteredMessagesTo​(String forwardDeadLetteredMessagesTo)
        forwardDeadLetteredMessagesTo - - The path of the recipient entity to which all the dead-lettered messages of this queue are forwarded to. If set, user cannot manually receive dead-lettered messages from this queue. The destination entity must already exist.
      • isEnablePartitioning

        public boolean isEnablePartitioning()
        boolean indicating whether the queue is to be partitioned across multiple message brokers. Defaults to false
      • setEnablePartitioning

        public void setEnablePartitioning​(boolean enablePartitioning)
        enablePartitioning - - true if queue is to be partitioned across multiple message brokers.
      • getUserMetadata

        public String getUserMetadata()
        Custom metdata that user can associate with the description.
      • setUserMetadata

        public void setUserMetadata​(String userMetadata)
        userMetadata - - Custom metdata that user can associate with the description. Cannot be null. Max length is 1024 chars
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object