Interface IMessageSender

    • Method Detail

      • send

        void send​(IMessage message)
           throws InterruptedException,
        Sends a message to the Azure Service Bus entity this sender is connected to. This method blocks until the message is sent to the entity. Calling this method is equivalent to calling sendAsync(message).get(). For better performance, use async methods.
        message - message to be sent to the entity
        InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted while waiting
        ServiceBusException - if message couldn't be sent to the entity
      • send

        void send​(IMessage message,
                  TransactionContext transaction)
           throws InterruptedException,
        Sends a message to the Azure Service Bus entity this sender is connected to. This method blocks until the message is sent to the entity. Calling this method is equivalent to calling sendAsync(message).get(). For better performance, use async methods.
        message - message to be sent to the entity
        transaction - TransactionContext which this operation should enlist to.
        InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted while waiting
        ServiceBusException - if message couldn't be sent to the entity
      • sendBatch

        void sendBatch​(Collection<? extends IMessage> messages)
                throws InterruptedException,
        Sends a batch of messages to the Azure Service Bus entity this sender is connected to. This method blocks until the batch is sent to the entity. Calling this method is equivalent to calling sendBatchAsync(messages).get(). For better performance, use async methods. When called on partitioned entities, messages meant for different partitions cannot be batched together.
        messages - collection of messages to be sent to the entity
        InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted while waiting
        ServiceBusException - if the batch couldn't be sent to the entity
      • sendBatch

        void sendBatch​(Collection<? extends IMessage> messages,
                       TransactionContext transaction)
                throws InterruptedException,
        Sends a batch of messages to the Azure Service Bus entity this sender is connected to. This method blocks until the batch is sent to the entity. Calling this method is equivalent to calling sendBatchAsync(messages).get(). For better performance, use async methods. When called on partitioned entities, messages meant for different partitions cannot be batched together.
        messages - collection of messages to be sent to the entity
        transaction - TransactionContext which this operation should enlist to.
        InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted while waiting
        ServiceBusException - if the batch couldn't be sent to the entity
      • sendAsync

        CompletableFuture<Void> sendAsync​(IMessage message)
        Sends a message to the Azure Service Bus entity this sender is connected to. This is an asynchronous method returning a CompletableFuture which completes when the message is sent to the entity.
        message - message to be sent to the entity
        a CompletableFuture representing the pending send
      • sendAsync

        CompletableFuture<Void> sendAsync​(IMessage message,
                                          TransactionContext transaction)
        Sends a message to the Azure Service Bus entity this sender is connected to. This is an asynchronous method returning a CompletableFuture which completes when the message is sent to the entity.
        message - message to be sent to the entity
        transaction - TransactionContext which this operation should enlist to.
        a CompletableFuture representing the pending send
      • sendBatchAsync

        CompletableFuture<Void> sendBatchAsync​(Collection<? extends IMessage> messages)
        Sends a batch of messages to the Azure Service Bus entity this sender is connected to. This is an asynchronous method returning a CompletableFuture which completes when the batch is sent to the entity. When called on partitioned entities, messages meant for different partitions cannot be batched together.
        messages - collection of messages to be sent to the entity
        a CompletableFuture representing the pending send
      • sendBatchAsync

        CompletableFuture<Void> sendBatchAsync​(Collection<? extends IMessage> messages,
                                               TransactionContext transaction)
        Sends a batch of messages to the Azure Service Bus entity this sender is connected to. This is an asynchronous method returning a CompletableFuture which completes when the batch is sent to the entity. When called on partitioned entities, messages meant for different partitions cannot be batched together.
        messages - collection of messages to be sent to the entity
        transaction - TransactionContext which this operation should enlist to.
        a CompletableFuture representing the pending send
      • scheduleMessageAsync

        CompletableFuture<Long> scheduleMessageAsync​(IMessage message,
                                                     Instant scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc)
        Sends a scheduled message to the Azure Service Bus entity this sender is connected to. A scheduled message is enqueued and made available to receivers only at the scheduled enqueue time. This is an asynchronous method returning a CompletableFuture which completes when the message is sent to the entity. The CompletableFuture, on completion, returns the sequence number of the scheduled message which can be used to cancel the scheduling of the message.
        message - message to be sent to the entity
        scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc - instant at which the message should be enqueued in the entity
        a CompletableFuture representing the pending send, which returns the sequence number of the scheduled message. This sequence number can be used to cancel the scheduling of the message.
      • scheduleMessageAsync

        CompletableFuture<Long> scheduleMessageAsync​(IMessage message,
                                                     Instant scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc,
                                                     TransactionContext transaction)
        Sends a scheduled message to the Azure Service Bus entity this sender is connected to. A scheduled message is enqueued and made available to receivers only at the scheduled enqueue time. This is an asynchronous method returning a CompletableFuture which completes when the message is sent to the entity. The CompletableFuture, on completion, returns the sequence number of the scheduled message which can be used to cancel the scheduling of the message.
        message - message to be sent to the entity
        scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc - instant at which the message should be enqueued in the entity
        transaction - TransactionContext which this operation should enlist to.
        a CompletableFuture representing the pending send, which returns the sequence number of the scheduled message. This sequence number can be used to cancel the scheduling of the message.
      • cancelScheduledMessageAsync

        CompletableFuture<Void> cancelScheduledMessageAsync​(long sequenceNumber)
        Cancels the enqueuing of an already sent scheduled message, if it was not already enqueued. This is an asynchronous method returning a CompletableFuture which completes when the message is cancelled.
        sequenceNumber - sequence number of the scheduled message
        a CompletableFuture representing the pending cancellation
      • scheduleMessage

        long scheduleMessage​(IMessage message,
                             Instant scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc)
                      throws InterruptedException,
        Sends a scheduled message to the Azure Service Bus entity this sender is connected to. A scheduled message is enqueued and made available to receivers only at the scheduled enqueue time. This method blocks until the message is sent to the entity. Calling this method is equivalent to calling scheduleMessageAsync(message, scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc).get(). For better performance, use async methods.
        message - message to be sent to the entity
        scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc - instant at which the message should be enqueued in the entity
        sequence number of the scheduled message
        InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted while waiting
        ServiceBusException - if message couldn't be sent to the entity
      • scheduleMessage

        long scheduleMessage​(IMessage message,
                             Instant scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc,
                             TransactionContext transaction)
                      throws InterruptedException,
        Sends a scheduled message to the Azure Service Bus entity this sender is connected to. A scheduled message is enqueued and made available to receivers only at the scheduled enqueue time. This method blocks until the message is sent to the entity. Calling this method is equivalent to calling scheduleMessageAsync(message, scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc).get(). For better performance, use async methods.
        message - message to be sent to the entity
        scheduledEnqueueTimeUtc - instant at which the message should be enqueued in the entity
        transaction - TransactionContext which this operation should enlist to.
        sequence number of the scheduled message
        InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted while waiting
        ServiceBusException - if message couldn't be sent to the entity
      • cancelScheduledMessage

        void cancelScheduledMessage​(long sequenceNumber)
                             throws InterruptedException,
        Cancels the enqueuing of an already sent scheduled message, if it was not already enqueued. This method blocks until the message is sent to the entity. Calling this method is equivalent to calling cancelScheduledMessageAsync(sequenceNumber).get(). For better performance, use async methods.
        sequenceNumber - sequence number of the scheduled message
        InterruptedException - if the current thread was interrupted while waiting
        ServiceBusException - if scheduled message couldn't be cancelled