Class KeyVaultAccessControlClient

    • Method Detail

      • getVaultUrl

        public String getVaultUrl()
        Gets the URL for the Key Vault this client is associated with.
        The Key Vault URL.
      • listRoleDefinitions

        public<KeyVaultRoleDefinition> listRoleDefinitions​(KeyVaultRoleScope roleScope,
        Get all role definitions that are applicable at the given role scope and above.

        Code Samples

        Lists all role definitions. Prints out the details of the retrieved role definitions.

         PagedIterable<KeyVaultRoleDefinition> keyVaultRoleDefinitions =
             keyVaultAccessControlClient.listRoleDefinitions(KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL, new Context("key1", "value1"));
         keyVaultRoleDefinitions.forEach(roleDefinition ->
             System.out.printf("Retrieved role definition with name '%s'.%n", roleDefinition.getName()));
        roleScope - The scope of the role definitions.
        context - Additional Context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call.
        A PagedIterable containing the role definitions for the given roleScope.
        KeyVaultAdministrationException - If the given roleScope is invalid.
        NullPointerException - If the roleScope is null.
      • setRoleDefinitionWithResponse

        public<KeyVaultRoleDefinition> setRoleDefinitionWithResponse​(SetRoleDefinitionOptions options,
        Creates or updates a role definition.

        Code Samples

        Creates or updates a role definition. Prints out the details of the HTTP response and the created role definition.

         String roleDefinitionName = "a86990e4-2080-4666-bd36-6e1664d3706f";
         List<KeyVaultRoleScope> assignableScopes = new ArrayList<>();
         List<KeyVaultDataAction> dataActions = new ArrayList<>();
         List<KeyVaultPermission> permissions = new ArrayList<>();
         permissions.add(new KeyVaultPermission(null, null, dataActions, null));
         SetRoleDefinitionOptions setRoleDefinitionOptions =
             new SetRoleDefinitionOptions(KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL, roleDefinitionName)
                 .setRoleName("Backup and Restore Role Definition")
                 .setDescription("Can backup and restore a whole Managed HSM, as well as individual keys.")
         Response<KeyVaultRoleDefinition> response =
                 new Context("key1", "value1"));
         System.out.printf("Response successful with status code: %d. Role definition with name '%s' and role name '%s' "
             + "was set.%n", response.getStatusCode(), response.getValue().getName(), response.getValue().getRoleName());
        options - Object representing the configurable options to create or update a role definition.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call.
        A Response whose value contains the created or updated role definition.
        KeyVaultAdministrationException - If any parameter in options is invalid.
        NullPointerException - If the role scope or roleDefinitionName in the options object are null.
      • getRoleDefinitionWithResponse

        public<KeyVaultRoleDefinition> getRoleDefinitionWithResponse​(KeyVaultRoleScope roleScope,
                                                                                                       String roleDefinitionName,
        Gets a role definition.

        Code Samples

        Gets a role definition. Prints out the details of the HTTP response and the retrieved role definition.

         String myRoleDefinitionName = "cb15ef18-b32c-4224-b048-3a91cd68acc3";
         Response<KeyVaultRoleDefinition> response =
             keyVaultAccessControlClient.getRoleDefinitionWithResponse(KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL, myRoleDefinitionName,
                 new Context("key1", "value1"));
         System.out.printf("Response successful with status code: %d. Role definition with name '%s' and role name '%s'"
             + " was retrieved.%n", response.getStatusCode(), response.getValue().getName(),
        roleScope - The role scope of the role definition.
        roleDefinitionName - The name of the role definition.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call.
        A Response whose value contains the retrieved role definition.
        KeyVaultAdministrationException - If a role definition with the given name cannot be found or if the given roleScope is invalid.
        NullPointerException - If the role scope or roleDefinitionName are null.
      • deleteRoleDefinitionWithResponse

        public<Void> deleteRoleDefinitionWithResponse​(KeyVaultRoleScope roleScope,
                                                                                        String roleDefinitionName,
        Deletes a role definition.

        Code Samples

        Deletes a role definition. Prints out the details of the HTTP response.

         String myRoleDefinitionName = "6b2d0b58-4108-44d6-b7e0-4fd02f77fe7e";
         Response<Void> response =
             keyVaultAccessControlClient.deleteRoleDefinitionWithResponse(KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL, myRoleDefinitionName,
                 new Context("key1", "value1"));
         System.out.printf("Response successful with status code: %d. Role definition with name '%s' was deleted.%n",
             response.getStatusCode(), myRoleDefinitionName);
        roleScope - The role scope of the role definition.
        roleDefinitionName - The name of the role definition.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call.
        A Response with a Void value.
        KeyVaultAdministrationException - If the given roleScope is invalid.
        NullPointerException - If the role scope or roleDefinitionName are null.
      • listRoleAssignments

        public<KeyVaultRoleAssignment> listRoleAssignments​(KeyVaultRoleScope roleScope,
        Get all role assignments that are applicable at the given role scope and above.

        Code Samples

        Lists all role assignments. Prints out the details of the retrieved role assignments.

         PagedIterable<KeyVaultRoleAssignment> keyVaultRoleAssignments =
             keyVaultAccessControlClient.listRoleAssignments(KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL, new Context("key1", "value1"));
         keyVaultRoleAssignments.forEach(roleAssignment ->
             System.out.printf("Retrieved role assignment with name '%s'.%n", roleAssignment.getName()));
        roleScope - The scope of the role assignment.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call.
        A PagedIterable containing the role assignments for the given roleScope.
        KeyVaultAdministrationException - If the given roleScope is invalid.
        NullPointerException - If the roleScope is null.
      • createRoleAssignment

        public KeyVaultRoleAssignment createRoleAssignment​(KeyVaultRoleScope roleScope,
                                                           String roleDefinitionId,
                                                           String principalId)
        Creates a role assignment with a randomly generated name.

        Code Samples

        Creates a role assignment with a randomly generated name. Prints out the details of the created role assignment.

         String roleDefinitionId = "b0b43a39-920c-475b-b34c-32ecc2bbb0ea";
         String servicePrincipalId = "169d6a86-61b3-4615-ac7e-2da09edfeed4";
         KeyVaultRoleAssignment roleAssignment =
             keyVaultAccessControlClient.createRoleAssignment(KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL, roleDefinitionId,
         System.out.printf("Created role assignment with randomly generated name '%s' for principal with id '%s'.%n",
             roleAssignment.getName(), roleAssignment.getProperties().getPrincipalId());
        roleScope - The role scope of the role assignment to create.
        roleDefinitionId - The role definition ID for the role assignment.
        principalId - The principal ID assigned to the role. This maps to the ID inside the Active Directory.
        A Mono containing the created role assignment.
        KeyVaultAdministrationException - If the given roleScope, roleDefinitionId or principalId are invalid.
        NullPointerException - If the roleScope, roleDefinitionId or principalId are null.
      • createRoleAssignment

        public KeyVaultRoleAssignment createRoleAssignment​(KeyVaultRoleScope roleScope,
                                                           String roleDefinitionId,
                                                           String principalId,
                                                           String roleAssignmentName)
        Creates a role assignment.

        Code Samples

        Creates a role assignment. Prints out the details of the created role assignment.

         String myRoleDefinitionId = "c7d4f70f-944d-494a-a73e-ff62fe7f04da";
         String myServicePrincipalId = "4196fc8f-7312-46b9-9a08-05bf44fdff37";
         String myRoleAssignmentName = "d80e9366-47a6-4f42-ba84-f2eefb084972";
         KeyVaultRoleAssignment myRoleAssignment =
             keyVaultAccessControlClient.createRoleAssignment(KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL, myRoleDefinitionId,
                 myServicePrincipalId, myRoleAssignmentName);
         System.out.printf("Created role assignment with name '%s' for principal with id '%s'.%n",
             myRoleAssignment.getName(), myRoleAssignment.getProperties().getPrincipalId());
        roleScope - The role scope of the role assignment to create.
        roleAssignmentName - The name used to create the role assignment. It can be any valid UUID.
        roleDefinitionId - The role definition ID for the role assignment.
        principalId - The principal ID assigned to the role. This maps to the ID inside the Active Directory.
        The created role assignment.
        KeyVaultAdministrationException - If a role assignment with the given name already exists or if the given roleScope, roleDefinitionId or principalId are invalid.
        NullPointerException - If the role scope, roleAssignmentName, roleDefinitionId or principalId are null.
      • createRoleAssignmentWithResponse

        public<KeyVaultRoleAssignment> createRoleAssignmentWithResponse​(KeyVaultRoleScope roleScope,
                                                                                                          String roleDefinitionId,
                                                                                                          String principalId,
                                                                                                          String roleAssignmentName,
        Creates a role assignment.

        Code Samples

        Creates a role assignment. Prints out details of the HTTP response and the created role assignment.

         String someRoleDefinitionId = "11385c39-5efa-4e5f-8748-055aa51d4d23";
         String someServicePrincipalId = "eab943f7-a204-4434-9681-ef2cc0c85b51";
         String someRoleAssignmentName = "4d95e0ea-4808-43a4-b7f9-d9e61dba7ea9";
         Response<KeyVaultRoleAssignment> response =
             keyVaultAccessControlClient.createRoleAssignmentWithResponse(KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL, someRoleDefinitionId,
                 someServicePrincipalId, someRoleAssignmentName, new Context("key1", "value1"));
         KeyVaultRoleAssignment createdRoleAssignment = response.getValue();
         System.out.printf("Response successful with status code: %d. Role assignment with name '%s' for principal with"
             + "id '%s' was created.%n", response.getStatusCode(), createdRoleAssignment.getName(),
        roleScope - The role scope of the role assignment to create.
        roleAssignmentName - The name used to create the role assignment. It can be any valid UUID.
        roleDefinitionId - The role definition ID for the role assignment.
        principalId - The principal ID assigned to the role. This maps to the ID inside the Active Directory.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call.
        A Mono containing a Response whose value contains the created role assignment.
        KeyVaultAdministrationException - If a role assignment with the given name already exists or if the given roleScope, roleDefinitionId or principalId are invalid.
        NullPointerException - If the role scope, roleAssignmentName, roleDefinitionId or principalId are null.
      • getRoleAssignmentWithResponse

        public<KeyVaultRoleAssignment> getRoleAssignmentWithResponse​(KeyVaultRoleScope roleScope,
                                                                                                       String roleAssignmentName,
        Gets a role assignment.

        Code Samples

        Deletes a role assignment. Prints out details of the HTTP response and the retrieved role assignment.

         String myRoleAssignmentName = "b4a970d5-c581-4760-bba5-61d3d5aa24f9";
         Response<KeyVaultRoleAssignment> response =
             keyVaultAccessControlClient.getRoleAssignmentWithResponse(KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL, myRoleAssignmentName,
                 new Context("key1", "value1"));
         System.out.printf("Response successful with status code: %d. Role assignment with name '%s' was retrieved.%n",
             response.getStatusCode(), response.getValue().getName());
        roleScope - The role scope of the role assignment.
        roleAssignmentName - The name of the role assignment.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call.
        The role assignment.
        KeyVaultAdministrationException - If a role assignment with the given name cannot be found or if the given roleScope is invalid.
        NullPointerException - If the roleScope or roleAssignmentName are null.
      • deleteRoleAssignmentWithResponse

        public<Void> deleteRoleAssignmentWithResponse​(KeyVaultRoleScope roleScope,
                                                                                        String roleAssignmentName,
        Deletes a role assignment.

        Code Samples

        Deletes a role assignment. Prints out details of the HTTP response.

         String myRoleAssignmentName = "8ac293e1-1ac8-4a71-b254-7caf9f7c2646";
         Response<Void> response =
             keyVaultAccessControlClient.deleteRoleAssignmentWithResponse(KeyVaultRoleScope.GLOBAL, myRoleAssignmentName,
                 new Context("key1", "value1"));
         System.out.printf("Response successful with status code: %d. Role assignment with name '%s' was deleted.%n",
             response.getStatusCode(), myRoleAssignmentName);
        roleScope - The role scope of the role assignment.
        roleAssignmentName - The name of the role assignment.
        context - Additional context that is passed through the HTTP pipeline during the service call.
        A Response with a Void value.
        KeyVaultAdministrationException - If the given roleScope is invalid.
        NullPointerException - If the roleScope or roleAssignmentName are null.