Class AzureMachineLearningSkill


public final class AzureMachineLearningSkill extends SearchIndexerSkill
The AML skill allows you to extend AI enrichment with a custom Azure Machine Learning (AML) model. Once an AML model is trained and deployed, an AML skill integrates it into AI enrichment.
  • Constructor Details

    • AzureMachineLearningSkill

      public AzureMachineLearningSkill(List<InputFieldMappingEntry> inputs, List<OutputFieldMappingEntry> outputs)
      Creates an instance of AzureMachineLearningSkill class.
      inputs - the inputs value to set.
      outputs - the outputs value to set.
  • Method Details

    • getOdataType

      public String getOdataType()
      Get the odataType property: Identifies the concrete type of the skill.
      the odataType value.
    • getScoringUri

      public String getScoringUri()
      Get the scoringUri property: (Required for no authentication or key authentication) The scoring URI of the AML service to which the JSON payload will be sent. Only the https URI scheme is allowed.
      the scoringUri value.
    • setScoringUri

      public AzureMachineLearningSkill setScoringUri(String scoringUri)
      Set the scoringUri property: (Required for no authentication or key authentication) The scoring URI of the AML service to which the JSON payload will be sent. Only the https URI scheme is allowed.
      scoringUri - the scoringUri value to set.
      the AzureMachineLearningSkill object itself.
    • getAuthenticationKey

      public String getAuthenticationKey()
      Get the authenticationKey property: (Required for key authentication) The key for the AML service.
      the authenticationKey value.
    • setAuthenticationKey

      public AzureMachineLearningSkill setAuthenticationKey(String authenticationKey)
      Set the authenticationKey property: (Required for key authentication) The key for the AML service.
      authenticationKey - the authenticationKey value to set.
      the AzureMachineLearningSkill object itself.
    • getResourceId

      public String getResourceId()
      Get the resourceId property: (Required for token authentication). The Azure Resource Manager resource ID of the AML service. It should be in the format subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/{workspace-name}/services/{service_name}.
      the resourceId value.
    • setResourceId

      public AzureMachineLearningSkill setResourceId(String resourceId)
      Set the resourceId property: (Required for token authentication). The Azure Resource Manager resource ID of the AML service. It should be in the format subscriptions/{guid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/{workspace-name}/services/{service_name}.
      resourceId - the resourceId value to set.
      the AzureMachineLearningSkill object itself.
    • getTimeout

      public Duration getTimeout()
      Get the timeout property: (Optional) When specified, indicates the timeout for the http client making the API call.
      the timeout value.
    • setTimeout

      public AzureMachineLearningSkill setTimeout(Duration timeout)
      Set the timeout property: (Optional) When specified, indicates the timeout for the http client making the API call.
      timeout - the timeout value to set.
      the AzureMachineLearningSkill object itself.
    • getRegion

      public String getRegion()
      Get the region property: (Optional for token authentication). The region the AML service is deployed in.
      the region value.
    • setRegion

      public AzureMachineLearningSkill setRegion(String region)
      Set the region property: (Optional for token authentication). The region the AML service is deployed in.
      region - the region value to set.
      the AzureMachineLearningSkill object itself.
    • getDegreeOfParallelism

      public Integer getDegreeOfParallelism()
      Get the degreeOfParallelism property: (Optional) When specified, indicates the number of calls the indexer will make in parallel to the endpoint you have provided. You can decrease this value if your endpoint is failing under too high of a request load, or raise it if your endpoint is able to accept more requests and you would like an increase in the performance of the indexer. If not set, a default value of 5 is used. The degreeOfParallelism can be set to a maximum of 10 and a minimum of 1.
      the degreeOfParallelism value.
    • setDegreeOfParallelism

      public AzureMachineLearningSkill setDegreeOfParallelism(Integer degreeOfParallelism)
      Set the degreeOfParallelism property: (Optional) When specified, indicates the number of calls the indexer will make in parallel to the endpoint you have provided. You can decrease this value if your endpoint is failing under too high of a request load, or raise it if your endpoint is able to accept more requests and you would like an increase in the performance of the indexer. If not set, a default value of 5 is used. The degreeOfParallelism can be set to a maximum of 10 and a minimum of 1.
      degreeOfParallelism - the degreeOfParallelism value to set.
      the AzureMachineLearningSkill object itself.
    • setName

      public AzureMachineLearningSkill setName(String name)
      Set the name property: The name of the skill which uniquely identifies it within the skillset. A skill with no name defined will be given a default name of its 1-based index in the skills array, prefixed with the character '#'.
      setName in class SearchIndexerSkill
      name - the name value to set.
      the SearchIndexerSkill object itself.
    • setDescription

      public AzureMachineLearningSkill setDescription(String description)
      Set the description property: The description of the skill which describes the inputs, outputs, and usage of the skill.
      setDescription in class SearchIndexerSkill
      description - the description value to set.
      the SearchIndexerSkill object itself.
    • setContext

      public AzureMachineLearningSkill setContext(String context)
      Set the context property: Represents the level at which operations take place, such as the document root or document content (for example, /document or /document/content). The default is /document.
      setContext in class SearchIndexerSkill
      context - the context value to set.
      the SearchIndexerSkill object itself.