All Classes and Interfaces

Information about a token returned by an analyzer.
Specifies some text and analysis components used to break that text into tokens.
An answer is a text passage extracted from the contents of the most relevant documents that matched the query.
Converts alphabetic, numeric, and symbolic Unicode characters which are not in the first 127 ASCII characters (the "Basic Latin" Unicode block) into their ASCII equivalents, if such equivalents exist.
The result of Autocomplete requests.
Defines values for AutocompleteMode.
Parameter group.
Implementation of PagedFluxBase where the element type is AutocompleteItem and the page type is AutocompletePagedResponse.
Implementation of PagedIterableBase where the element type is AutocompleteItem and the page type is AutocompletePagedResponse.
This class represents a response from the autocomplete API.
The result of Autocomplete query.
The AML skill allows you to extend AI enrichment with a custom Azure Machine Learning (AML) model.
Defines values for BlobIndexerDataToExtract.
Defines values for BlobIndexerImageAction.
Defines values for BlobIndexerParsingMode.
Defines values for BlobIndexerPdfTextRotationAlgorithm.
Ranking function based on the Okapi BM25 similarity algorithm.
Captions are the most representative passages from the document relatively to the search query.
Base type for character filters.
Defines values for CharFilterName.
Forms bigrams of CJK terms that are generated from the standard tokenizer.
Defines values for CjkBigramTokenFilterScripts.
Legacy similarity algorithm which uses the Lucene TFIDFSimilarity implementation of TF-IDF.
Grammar-based tokenizer that is suitable for processing most European-language documents.
Base type for describing any cognitive service resource attached to a skillset.
A cognitive service resource provisioned with a key that is attached to a skillset.
Construct bigrams for frequently occurring terms while indexing.
A skill that enables scenarios that require a Boolean operation to determine the data to assign to an output.
Defines options to control Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for an index.
This model represents a property bag containing all options for creating or updating a data source connection.
This model represents a property bag containing all options for creating or updating an indexer.
This model represents a property bag containing all options for creating or updating a skillset.
Allows you to take control over the process of converting text into indexable/searchable tokens.
An object that contains information about the matches that were found, and related metadata.
A complex object that can be used to specify alternative spellings or synonyms to the root entity name.
A skill looks for text from a custom, user-defined list of words and phrases.
Defines values for CustomEntityLookupSkillLanguage.
Allows you to configure normalization for filterable, sortable, and facetable fields, which by default operate with strict matching.
Base type for data change detection policies.
Base type for data deletion detection policies.
An empty object that represents the default cognitive service resource for a skillset.
Decomposes compound words found in many Germanic languages.
Defines a function that boosts scores based on distance from a geographic location.
Provides parameter values to a distance scoring function.
A skill that extracts content from a file within the enrichment pipeline.
Generates n-grams of the given size(s) starting from the front or the back of an input token.
Defines values for EdgeNGramTokenFilterSide.
Tokenizes the input from an edge into n-grams of the given size(s).
Removes elisions.
Defines values for EntityCategory.
Using the Text Analytics API, extracts linked entities from text.
Text analytics entity recognition.
Defines values for EntityRecognitionSkillLanguage.
Represents the version of EntityRecognitionSkill.
A single bucket of a facet query result.
Marker annotation that indicates the field or method is to be ignored by converting to SearchField.
Additional parameters to build SearchField.
Defines a mapping between a field in a data source and a target field in an index.
Represents a function that transforms a value from a data source before indexing.
Defines a function that boosts scores based on the value of a date-time field.
Provides parameter values to a freshness scoring function.
Defines a data change detection policy that captures changes based on the value of a high water mark column.
A skill that analyzes image files.
Defines values for ImageAnalysisSkillLanguage.
Defines values for ImageDetail.
Represents an index action that operates on a document.
Defines values for IndexActionType.
Contains a batch of document write actions to send to the index.
An IndexBatchException is thrown whenever Azure Cognitive Search index call was only partially successful.
Contains a batch of document write actions to send to the index.
Options for document index operations.
Response containing the status of operations for all documents in the indexing request.
Represents all of the state that defines and dictates the indexer's current execution.
Defines values for IndexerExecutionEnvironment.
Represents the result of an individual indexer execution.
Defines values for IndexerExecutionStatus.
Defines values for IndexerExecutionStatusDetail.
Defines values for IndexerStatus.
Defines values for IndexingMode.
Represents parameters for indexer execution.
A dictionary of indexer-specific configuration properties.
Status of an indexing operation for a single document.
Represents a schedule for indexer execution.
Input field mapping for a skill.
A token filter that only keeps tokens with text contained in a specified list of words.
A skill that uses text analytics for key phrase extraction.
Defines values for KeyPhraseExtractionSkillLanguage.
Marks terms as keywords.
Emits the entire input as a single token.
A skill that detects the language of input text and reports a single language code for every document submitted on the request.
Removes words that are too long or too short.
Base type for analyzers.
Defines values for LexicalAnalyzerName.
Base type for normalizers.
Defines values for LexicalNormalizerName.
Base type for tokenizers.
Defines values for LexicalTokenizerName.
Limits the number of tokens while indexing.
Defines values for LineEnding.
Standard Apache Lucene analyzer; Composed of the standard tokenizer, lowercase filter and stop filter.
Breaks text following the Unicode Text Segmentation rules.
Defines a function that boosts scores based on the magnitude of a numeric field.
Provides parameter values to a magnitude scoring function.
A character filter that applies mappings defined with the mappings option.
A skill for merging two or more strings into a single unified string, with an optional user-defined delimiter separating each component part.
Divides text using language-specific rules and reduces words to their base forms.
Divides text using language-specific rules.
Defines values for MicrosoftStemmingTokenizerLanguage.
Defines values for MicrosoftTokenizerLanguage.
Generates n-grams of the given size(s).
Tokenizes the input into n-grams of the given size(s).
A skill that extracts text from image files.
Defines values for OcrSkillLanguage.
Output field mapping for a skill.
Tokenizer for path-like hierarchies.
Flexibly separates text into terms via a regular expression pattern.
Uses Java regexes to emit multiple tokens - one for each capture group in one or more patterns.
A character filter that replaces characters in the input string.
A character filter that replaces characters in the input string.
Tokenizer that uses regex pattern matching to construct distinct tokens.
Defines values for PhoneticEncoder.
Create tokens for phonetic matches.
Using the Text Analytics API, extracts personal information from an input text and gives you the option of masking it.
Defines values for PiiDetectionSkillMaskingMode.
Describes the title, content, and keywords fields to be used for semantic ranking, captions, highlights, and answers.
Defines values for QueryAnswerType.
Defines values for QueryCaptionType.
Defines values for QueryLanguage.
Defines values for QuerySpellerType.
Defines values for QueryType.
A single bucket of a range facet query result that reports the number of documents with a field value falling within a particular range.
Defines values for RegexFlags.
Represents a resource's usage and quota.
Base type for functions that can modify document scores during ranking.
Defines values for ScoringFunctionAggregation.
Defines values for ScoringFunctionInterpolation.
Represents a parameter value to be used in scoring functions (for example, referencePointParameter).
Defines parameters for a search index that influence scoring in search queries.
Defines values for ScoringStatistics.
An annotation that directs SearchIndexAsyncClient.buildSearchFields(Class, FieldBuilderOptions) to turn the field or method into a searchable field.
Represents an index alias, which describes a mapping from the alias name to an index.
This class provides a client that contains the operations for querying an index and uploading, merging, or deleting documents in an Azure Cognitive Search service.
This class provides a client that contains the operations for querying an index and uploading, merging, or deleting documents in an Azure Cognitive Search service.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of SearchClients and SearchAsyncClients.
Represents an untyped document returned from a search or document lookup.
Represents a field in an index definition, which describes the name, data type, and search behavior of a field.
Defines values for SearchFieldDataType.
This class is used to help construct valid OData filter expressions by automatically replacing, quoting, and escaping string parameters.
Represents a search index definition, which describes the fields and search behavior of an index.
This class provides a client that contains the operations for creating, getting, listing, updating, or deleting indexes or synonym map and analyzing text in an Azure Cognitive Search service.
This class provides a client that contains the operations for creating, getting, listing, updating, or deleting indexes or synonym map and analyzing text in an Azure Cognitive Search service.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of SearchIndexClients and SearchIndexAsyncClients.
Represents an indexer.
This class provides a client that contains the operations for creating, getting, listing, updating, or deleting data source connections, indexers, or skillsets and running or resetting indexers in an Azure Cognitive Search service.
The SearchIndexerCache model.
This class provides a client that contains the operations for creating, getting, listing, updating, or deleting data source connections, indexers, or skillsets and running or resetting indexers in an Azure Cognitive Search service.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of SearchIndexerClients and SearchIndexerAsyncClients.
Represents information about the entity (such as Azure SQL table or CosmosDB collection) that will be indexed.
Abstract base type for data identities.
Clears the identity property of a datasource.
Represents a datasource definition, which can be used to configure an indexer.
Utility class that aids in the creation of SearchIndexerDataSourceConnections.
Defines values for SearchIndexerDataSourceType.
Specifies the identity for a datasource to use.
Represents an item- or document-level indexing error.
Definition of additional projections to azure blob, table, or files, of enriched data.
Abstract class to share properties between concrete selectors.
Projection definition for what data to store in Azure Files.
Projection definition for what data to store in Azure Blob.
Container object for various projection selectors.
Abstract class to share properties between concrete selectors.
Description for what data to store in Azure Tables.
The SearchIndexerLimits model.
Base type for skills.
A list of skills.
Represents the current status and execution history of an indexer.
Represents an item-level warning.
This class provides a buffered sender that contains operations for conveniently indexing documents to an Azure Search index.
This class provides a buffered sender that contains operations for conveniently indexing documents to an Azure Search index.
Statistics for a given index.
Defines values for SearchMode.
Additional parameters for searchGet operation.
Implementation of ContinuablePagedFlux where the continuation token type is SearchRequest, the element type is SearchResult, and the page type is SearchPagedResponse.
Implementation of ContinuablePagedIterable where the continuation token type is SearchRequest, the element type is SearchResult, and the page type is SearchPagedResponse.
Represents an HTTP response from the search API request that contains a list of items deserialized into a Page.
A customer-managed encryption key in Azure Key Vault.
Contains a document found by a search query, plus associated metadata.
Represents service-level resource counters and quotas.
Represents various service level limits.
Response from a get service statistics request.
The versions of Azure Cognitive Search supported by this client library.
Defines how the Suggest API should apply to a group of fields in the index.
Defines a specific configuration to be used in the context of semantic capabilities.
A field that is used as part of the semantic configuration.
Defines parameters for a search index that influence semantic capabilities.
Text analytics positive-negative sentiment analysis, scored as a floating point value in a range of zero to 1.
Defines values for SentimentSkillLanguage.
Represents the version of SentimentSkill.
A skill for reshaping the outputs.
Creates combinations of tokens as a single token.
Base type for similarity algorithms.
An annotation that directs SearchIndexAsyncClient.buildSearchFields(Class, FieldBuilderOptions) to turn the field or method into a non-searchable field.
A filter that stems words using a Snowball-generated stemmer.
Defines values for SnowballTokenFilterLanguage.
Defines a data deletion detection policy that implements a soft-deletion strategy.
A skill to split a string into chunks of text.
Defines values for SplitSkillLanguage.
Defines a data change detection policy that captures changes using the Integrated Change Tracking feature of Azure SQL Database.
Provides the ability to override other stemming filters with custom dictionary-based stemming.
Language specific stemming filter.
Defines values for StemmerTokenFilterLanguage.
Divides text at non-letters; Applies the lowercase and stopword token filters.
Defines values for StopwordsList.
Removes stop words from a token stream.
Parameter group.
Implementation of PagedFluxBase where the element type is SuggestResult and the page type is SuggestPagedResponse.
Implementation of PagedIterableBase where the element type is SuggestResult and the page type is SuggestPagedResponse.
Represents an HTTP response from the suggest API request that contains a list of items deserialized into a Page.
A result containing a document found by a suggestion query, plus associated metadata.
Represents a synonym map definition.
Matches single or multi-word synonyms in a token stream.
Defines a function that boosts scores of documents with string values matching a given list of tags.
Provides parameter values to a tag scoring function.
Defines values for TextSplitMode.
A skill to translate text from one language to another.
Defines values for TextTranslationSkillLanguage.
Defines weights on index fields for which matches should boost scoring in search queries.
Defines values for TokenCharacterKind.
Base type for token filters.
Defines values for TokenFilterName.
Truncates the terms to a specific length.
Tokenizes urls and emails as one token.
Filters out tokens with same text as the previous token.
A single bucket of a simple or interval facet query result that reports the number of documents with a field falling within a particular interval or having a specific value.
Defines values for VisualFeature.
A skill that can call a Web API endpoint, allowing you to extend a skillset by having it call your custom code.
Splits words into subwords and performs optional transformations on subword groups.