Interface ReferenceDataSetResource.DefinitionStages.WithDataStringComparisonBehavior

All Known Subinterfaces:
ReferenceDataSetResource.Definition, ReferenceDataSetResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate
Enclosing interface:

public static interface ReferenceDataSetResource.DefinitionStages.WithDataStringComparisonBehavior
The stage of the ReferenceDataSetResource definition allowing to specify dataStringComparisonBehavior.
  • Method Details

    • withDataStringComparisonBehavior

      ReferenceDataSetResource.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withDataStringComparisonBehavior(DataStringComparisonBehavior dataStringComparisonBehavior)
      Specifies the dataStringComparisonBehavior property: The reference data set key comparison behavior can be set using this property. By default, the value is 'Ordinal' - which means case sensitive key comparison will be performed while joining reference data with events or while adding new reference data. When 'OrdinalIgnoreCase' is set, case insensitive comparison will be used..
      dataStringComparisonBehavior - The reference data set key comparison behavior can be set using this property. By default, the value is 'Ordinal' - which means case sensitive key comparison will be performed while joining reference data with events or while adding new reference data. When 'OrdinalIgnoreCase' is set, case insensitive comparison will be used.
      the next definition stage.