Interface DataMaskingPolicy.DefinitionStages.WithExemptPrincipals

    • Method Detail

      • withExemptPrincipals

        DataMaskingPolicy.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withExemptPrincipals​(String exemptPrincipals)
        Specifies the exemptPrincipals property: The list of the exempt principals. Specifies the semicolon-separated list of database users for which the data masking policy does not apply. The specified users receive data results without masking for all of the database queries..
        exemptPrincipals - The list of the exempt principals. Specifies the semicolon-separated list of database users for which the data masking policy does not apply. The specified users receive data results without masking for all of the database queries.
        the next definition stage.