Uses of Package
Package containing the classes for SecurityInsights.
Package containing the service clients for SecurityInsights.
Package containing the inner data models for SecurityInsights.
Package containing the data models for SecurityInsights.
ClassDescriptionResource collection API of Actions.Resource collection API of AlertRules.Resource collection API of AlertRuleTemplates.Resource collection API of AutomationRules.Resource collection API of BookmarkOperations.Resource collection API of BookmarkRelations.Resource collection API of Bookmarks.Resource collection API of DataConnectors.Resource collection API of DataConnectorsCheckRequirementsOperations.Resource collection API of DomainWhois.Resource collection API of Entities.Resource collection API of EntitiesGetTimelines.Resource collection API of EntitiesRelations.Resource collection API of EntityQueries.Resource collection API of EntityQueryTemplates.Resource collection API of EntityRelations.Resource collection API of FileImports.Resource collection API of IncidentComments.Resource collection API of IncidentRelations.Resource collection API of Incidents.Resource collection API of IpGeodatas.Resource collection API of Metadatas.Resource collection API of OfficeConsents.Resource collection API of Operations.Resource collection API of ProductSettings.Resource collection API of SecurityMLAnalyticsSettings.Resource collection API of SentinelOnboardingStates.Resource collection API of SourceControls.Resource collection API of SourceControlsOperations.Resource collection API of ThreatIntelligenceIndicatorMetrics.Resource collection API of ThreatIntelligenceIndicators.Resource collection API of ThreatIntelligenceIndicatorsOperations.Resource collection API of WatchlistItems.Resource collection API of Watchlists.
ClassDescriptionAction for alert rule.The parameters required to execute an expand operation on the given bookmark.Defines values for Constant88.Specific entity query that supports put requests.Represents Codeless API Polling data connector.Data connector requirements properties.The parameters required to execute an expand operation on the given entity.The parameters required to execute insights operation on the given entity.Defines values for EntityItemQueryKind.Defines values for EntityQueriesKind.The parameters required to execute s timeline operation on the given entity.The ManualTriggerRequestBody model.Metadata patch request body.The type of repository.Describes team properties.Array of tags to be appended to the threat intelligence indicator.Filtering criteria for querying threat intelligence indicators.Threat intelligence indicator entity.Contains all response data for the createOrUpdate operation.Contains all response data for the delete operation.
ClassDescriptionAction property bag base.The Activity query definitions.The Activity query definitions.Settings for how to dynamically override alert static details.alert rule template data sources.Base alert rule template property bag.Alert rule template with MITRE property bag.Alerts data type for data connectors.The severity of the alert.The lifecycle status of the alert.The directionality of this mail message.The severity for alerts created by this alert rule.Describes an automation rule action.Describes automation rule triggering logic.The available data types for Amazon Web Services CloudTrail data connector.The available data types for Amazon Web Services S3 data connector.Describes the entity mappings of a single entity.The expansion result values.Information on the client (user or application) that made some action.Config to describe the polling config for API poller connector.Config to describe the instructions blade.The confidence level of this alert.The confidence score calculation status, i.e.The content type of a source control path.Describes the state of user's authorization for a connector kind.Describes the state of user's license for a connector kind.Properties data connector on tenant level.Data connector properties.The data type definition.The delivery action of this mail message like Delivered, Blocked, Replaced etc.The delivery location of this mail message like Inbox, JunkFolder etc.Information regarding a deployment.Device importance, determines if the device classified as 'crown jewel'.The available data types for Dynamics365 data connector.The elevation token associated with the process.The whois record for a given domain.Entity common property bag.The expansion result values.Entity insight Item.Single entity mapping for the alert rule.The entity provider that is synced.An abstract Query item for entity.Entity timeline Item.The type of the entity.Event grouping settings property bag.Expansion result metadata.The hash algorithm type.The content type of this file.The state of the file import.Represents a file.Represents a Fusion scenario exclusion patterns in Fusion detection.Represents a supported source signal configuration in Fusion detection.Represents a source signal consumed in Fusion detection.The geo-location context attached to the ip entity.Get Insights result metadata.Represents a Hunting bookmark entity.Incident additional data property bag.The reason the incident was closed.The classification reason the incident was closed with.Incident Configuration property bag.Information of a specific aggregation in the incident related entities result.Describes related incident information for the bookmark.Represents an incident label.Information on the user an incident is assigned to.The severity of the incident.The status of the incident.Describes how to ingest the records in the file.Holds the alert intent stage(s) mapping for this alert.The kind of content the metadata is for.The available data types for MCAS (Microsoft Cloud App Security) data connector.Publisher or creator of the content item.ies for the solution content item.Dependencies for the content item, what other content items it requires to work.The original source of the content item, where it comes from.Support information for the content item.MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation rule common property bag.The alerts' productName on which the cases will be generated.The available data types for Microsoft Threat Intelligence Platforms data connector.The available data types for Microsoft Threat Protection Platforms data connector.The available data types for Office Microsoft Project data connector.The available data types for office data connector.The available data types for Office Microsoft PowerBI data connector.Properties of the operation.The operating system type.The polling frequency for the TAXII server.the hive that holds the registry key.Specifies the data types to use when storing values in the registry, or identifies the data type of a value in the registry.metadata of a repository.Resources created in user's repository for the source-control.The type of repository.An azure resource object with an Etag property.Scheduled alert rule template property bag.Represents a security alert entity.confidence reason ml analytics settings data sources.The anomaly SecurityMLAnalyticsSettings status.The sourceType of the watchlist.The alert rule template status.ThreatIntelligence property bag.Describes external reference.Describes threat granular marking model entity.Describes threat kill chain phase entity.Threat intelligence metrics.Describes parsed pattern entity.The available data types for TI (Threat Intelligence) data connector.Expansion result metadata.The available data types for Threat Intelligence TAXII data connector.The operation against the threshold that triggers alert rule.The data source that enriched by ueba.User information that made some action.Describes an error encountered in the file during validation.The version of the source control.
ClassDescriptionRepresents AAD (Azure Active Directory) data connector.Represents AATP (Azure Advanced Threat Protection) data connector.Action property bag base.Action for alert rule.An immutable client-side representation of ActionResponse.The first stage of the ActionResponse definition.The stage of the ActionResponse definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the ActionResponse definition allowing to specify etag.The stage of the ActionResponse definition allowing to specify logicAppResourceId.The stage of the ActionResponse definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the ActionResponse definition allowing to specify triggerUri.The template for ActionResponse update.The stage of the ActionResponse update allowing to specify etag.The stage of the ActionResponse update allowing to specify logicAppResourceId.The stage of the ActionResponse update allowing to specify triggerUri.List all the actions.The type of the automation rule action.Represents Activity entity query.The Activity query definitions.Represents Activity entity query.Represents Activity entity query.The Activity query definitions.Represents Activity timeline item.Alert detail.Settings for how to dynamically override alert static details.An immutable client-side representation of AlertRule.The kind of the alert rule.List all the alert rules.An immutable client-side representation of AlertRuleTemplate.alert rule template data sources.Base alert rule template property bag.List all the alert rule templates.Alert rule template with MITRE property bag.Alerts data type for data connectors.The severity of the alert.The lifecycle status of the alert.Settings with single toggle.Represents Anomaly Security ML Analytics Settings.Represents anomaly timeline item.The directionality of this mail message.Represents ASC (Azure Security Center) requirements check request.Represents ASC (Azure Security Center) data connector.The severity for alerts created by this alert rule.An immutable client-side representation of AutomationRule.The first stage of the AutomationRule definition.The stage of the AutomationRule definition allowing to specify actions.The stage of the AutomationRule definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the AutomationRule definition allowing to specify displayName.The stage of the AutomationRule definition allowing to specify etag.The stage of the AutomationRule definition allowing to specify order.The stage of the AutomationRule definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the AutomationRule definition allowing to specify triggeringLogic.The template for AutomationRule update.The stage of the AutomationRule update allowing to specify actions.The stage of the AutomationRule update allowing to specify displayName.The stage of the AutomationRule update allowing to specify etag.The stage of the AutomationRule update allowing to specify order.The stage of the AutomationRule update allowing to specify triggeringLogic.Describes an automation rule action.The AutomationRuleBooleanCondition model.Defines values for AutomationRuleBooleanConditionSupportedOperator.Describes an automation rule condition.Describes an automation rule action to modify an object's properties.Defines values for AutomationRulePropertyArrayChangedConditionSupportedArrayType.Defines values for AutomationRulePropertyArrayChangedConditionSupportedChangeType.The AutomationRulePropertyArrayChangedValuesCondition model.Defines values for AutomationRulePropertyArrayConditionSupportedArrayConditionType.Defines values for AutomationRulePropertyArrayConditionSupportedArrayType.The AutomationRulePropertyArrayValuesCondition model.Defines values for AutomationRulePropertyChangedConditionSupportedChangedType.Defines values for AutomationRulePropertyChangedConditionSupportedPropertyType.Defines values for AutomationRulePropertyConditionSupportedOperator.The property to evaluate in an automation rule property condition.The AutomationRulePropertyValuesChangedCondition model.The AutomationRulePropertyValuesCondition model.Describes an automation rule action to run a playbook.The AutomationRulesList model.Describes automation rule triggering logic.Connector Availability Status.The connector Availability Status.Represents Amazon Web Services CloudTrail data connector.The available data types for Amazon Web Services CloudTrail data connector.Logs data type.Represents Amazon Web Services S3 data connector.The available data types for Amazon Web Services S3 data connector.Logs data type.Resources created in Azure DevOps repository.An immutable client-side representation of Bookmark.The first stage of the Bookmark definition.The stage of the Bookmark definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify created.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify createdBy.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify displayName.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify entityMappings.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify etag.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify eventTime.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify incidentInfo.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify labels.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify notes.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify query.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify queryEndTime.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify queryResult.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify queryStartTime.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify tactics.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify techniques.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify updated.The stage of the Bookmark definition allowing to specify updatedBy.The template for Bookmark update.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify created.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify createdBy.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify displayName.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify entityMappings.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify etag.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify eventTime.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify incidentInfo.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify labels.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify notes.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify query.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify queryEndTime.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify queryResult.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify queryStartTime.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify tactics.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify techniques.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify updated.The stage of the Bookmark update allowing to specify updatedBy.Describes the entity mappings of a single entity.The parameters required to execute an expand operation on the given bookmark.An immutable client-side representation of BookmarkExpandResponse.The expansion result values.List all the bookmarks.Represents bookmark timeline item.Describes an automation rule condition that applies a boolean operator (e.g AND, OR) to conditions.Information on the client (user or application) that made some action.Represents Codeless API Polling data connector.Describe the authentication properties needed to successfully authenticate with the server.Config to describe the polling config for API poller connector.Describe the properties needed to make a pagination call.Describe the request properties needed to successfully pull from the server.Describes the response from the external server.Config to describe the instructions blade.The CodelessUiConnectorConfigPropertiesConnectivityCriteriaItem model.The CodelessUiConnectorConfigPropertiesDataTypesItem model.The CodelessUiConnectorConfigPropertiesGraphQueriesItem model.The CodelessUiConnectorConfigPropertiesInstructionStepsItem model.The CodelessUiConnectorConfigPropertiesSampleQueriesItem model.Represents Codeless UI data connector.Defines values for ConditionType.The confidence level of this alert.The confidence score calculation status, i.e.The authentication kind used to poll the data.Expansion result connected entities.Setting for the connector check connectivity.type of connectivity.Instruction step details.Defines values for Constant88.The mapping of content type to a repo path.The content type of a source control path.Specific entity query that supports put requests.The kind of the entity query that supports put request.Customs permissions required for the connector.Customs permissions required for the connector.An immutable client-side representation of DataConnector.Describes the state of user's authorization for a connector kind.Represents Codeless API Polling data connector.Common field for data type in data connectors.The kind of the data connector.Describes the state of user's license for a connector kind.List all the data connectors.An immutable client-side representation of DataConnectorRequirementsState.Data connector requirements properties.Properties data connector on tenant level.Data connector properties.The data type definition.Describe whether this data type connection is enabled or not.Indicates whether the file was deleted from the storage account.The delivery action of this mail message like Delivered, Blocked, Replaced etc.The delivery location of this mail message like Inbox, JunkFolder etc.Description about a deployment.Status while trying to fetch the deployment information.Information regarding a deployment.Status while trying to fetch the deployment information.The current state of the deployment.Device importance, determines if the device classified as 'crown jewel'.Represents Dynamics365 data connector.The available data types for Dynamics365 data connector.Common Data Service data type connection.The elevation token associated with the process.An immutable client-side representation of EnrichmentDomainWhois.An individual contact associated with this domain.The set of contacts associated with this domain.The whois record for a given domain.The registrar associated with this domain.An immutable client-side representation of EnrichmentIpGeodata.An immutable client-side representation of Entity.Settings with single toggle.The edge that connects the entity to the other entity.The parameters required to execute an expand operation on the given entity.An immutable client-side representation of EntityExpandResponse.The expansion result values.Map identifiers of a single entity.The parameters required to execute insights operation on the given entity.An immutable client-side representation of EntityGetInsightsResponse.Entity insight Item.The Time interval that the query actually executed on.Defines values for EntityItemQueryKind.The kind of the entity.List of all the entities.Single entity mapping for the alert rule.The V3 type of the mapped entity.The entity provider that is synced.Defines values for EntityQueriesKind.An immutable client-side representation of EntityQuery.An abstract Query item for entity.An properties abstract Query item for entity.The EntityQueryItemPropertiesDataTypesItem model.The kind of the entity query.List of all the entity queries.An immutable client-side representation of EntityQueryTemplate.The kind of the entity query template.List of all the entity query templates.Entity timeline Item.The entity query kind.The parameters required to execute s timeline operation on the given entity.An immutable client-side representation of EntityTimelineResponse.The type of the entity.The event grouping aggregation kinds.Event grouping settings property bag.Represents Expansion entity query.Information of a specific aggregation in the expansion result.Expansion result metadata.Settings with single toggle.A single field mapping of the mapped entity.The format of the file.The hash algorithm type.An immutable client-side representation of FileImport.The first stage of the FileImport definition.The stage of the FileImport definition allowing to specify contentType.The stage of the FileImport definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the FileImport definition allowing to specify importFile.The stage of the FileImport definition allowing to specify ingestionMode.The stage of the FileImport definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the FileImport definition allowing to specify source.The content type of this file.List all the file imports.The state of the file import.Represents a file.Represents Fusion alert rule.Represents Fusion alert rule template.Represents a Fusion scenario exclusion patterns in Fusion detection.Represents a supported source signal configuration in Fusion detection.Represents a supported source subtype configuration under a source signal in Fusion detection.Represents severity configuration for a source subtype consumed in Fusion detection.Represents a Severity filter setting for a given source subtype consumed in Fusion detection.Represents a source signal consumed in Fusion detection.Represents a source subtype under a source signal consumed in Fusion detection.Represents severity configurations available for a source subtype consumed in Fusion detection.The geo-location context attached to the ip entity.the query kind.GetInsights Query Errors.Get Insights result metadata.An immutable client-side representation of GetQueriesResponse.Resources created in GitHub repository.The graph query to show the current data status.Grouping configuration property bag.Represents a host entity.Represents a Hunting bookmark entity.An immutable client-side representation of Incident.The first stage of the Incident definition.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify classification.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify classificationComment.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify classificationReason.The stage of the Incident definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify description.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify etag.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify firstActivityTimeUtc.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify labels.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify lastActivityTimeUtc.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify owner.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify providerIncidentId.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify providerName.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify severity.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify status.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify teamInformation.The stage of the Incident definition allowing to specify title.The template for Incident update.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify classification.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify classificationComment.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify classificationReason.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify description.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify etag.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify firstActivityTimeUtc.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify labels.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify lastActivityTimeUtc.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify owner.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify providerIncidentId.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify providerName.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify severity.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify status.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify teamInformation.The stage of the Incident update allowing to specify title.Incident additional data property bag.An immutable client-side representation of IncidentAlertList.An immutable client-side representation of IncidentBookmarkList.The reason the incident was closed.The classification reason the incident was closed with.An immutable client-side representation of IncidentComment.The first stage of the IncidentComment definition.The stage of the IncidentComment definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the IncidentComment definition allowing to specify etag.The stage of the IncidentComment definition allowing to specify message.The stage of the IncidentComment definition allowing to specify parent resource.The template for IncidentComment update.The stage of the IncidentComment update allowing to specify etag.The stage of the IncidentComment update allowing to specify message.List of incident comments.Incident Configuration property bag.An immutable client-side representation of IncidentEntitiesResponse.Information of a specific aggregation in the incident related entities result.Describes related incident information for the bookmark.Represents an incident label.The type of the label.List all the incidents.Information on the user an incident is assigned to.The IncidentPropertiesAction model.The severity of the incident.The status of the incident.Describes how to ingest the records in the file.Represents Insight Query.Represents Insight Query.The activity query definitions.The insight chart query.The insight chart query.The insight table query.The InsightQueryItemPropertiesTableQueryColumnsDefinitionsItem model.The InsightQueryItemPropertiesTableQueryQueriesDefinitionsItem model.The InsightQueryItemPropertiesTableQueryQueriesDefinitionsPropertiesItemsItem model.Query results for table insights query.The InsightsTableResultColumnsItem model.Instruction steps to enable the connector.The InstructionStepsInstructionsItem model.Represents IoT requirements check request.Represents IoT data connector.Represents an IoT device entity.Holds the alert intent stage(s) mapping for this alert.The kind of content the metadata is for.Data type for last data received.Represents a mail message entity.The ManualTriggerRequestBody model.Grouping matching method.Represents MCAS (Microsoft Cloud App Security) data connector.The available data types for MCAS (Microsoft Cloud App Security) data connector.Represents MDATP (Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection) data connector.Publisher or creator of the content item.ies for the solution content item.Dependencies for the content item, what other content items it requires to work.List of all the metadata.An immutable client-side representation of MetadataModel.The first stage of the MetadataModel definition.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify author.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify categories.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify contentId.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify contentSchemaVersion.The stage of the MetadataModel definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify customVersion.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify dependencies.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify etag.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify firstPublishDate.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify icon.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify kind.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify lastPublishDate.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify parentId.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify previewImages.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify previewImagesDark.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify providers.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify source.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify support.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify threatAnalysisTactics.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify threatAnalysisTechniques.The stage of the MetadataModel definition allowing to specify version.The template for MetadataModel update.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify author.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify categories.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify contentId.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify contentSchemaVersion.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify customVersion.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify dependencies.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify etag.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify firstPublishDate.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify icon.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify kind.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify lastPublishDate.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify parentId.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify previewImages.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify previewImagesDark.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify providers.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify source.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify support.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify threatAnalysisTactics.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify threatAnalysisTechniques.The stage of the MetadataModel update allowing to specify version.Metadata patch request body.The original source of the content item, where it comes from.Support information for the content item.Represents MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation rule.MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation rule common property bag.Represents MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation rule template.The alerts' productName on which the cases will be generated.Represents MLBehaviorAnalytics alert rule.Represents MLBehaviorAnalytics alert rule template.Represents Microsoft Threat Intelligence data connector.The available data types for Microsoft Threat Intelligence Platforms data connector.Data type for Microsoft Threat Intelligence Platforms data connector.Data type for Microsoft Threat Intelligence Platforms data connector.Represents MTP (Microsoft Threat Protection) data connector.The available data types for Microsoft Threat Protection Platforms data connector.Data type for Microsoft Threat Protection Platforms data connector.Represents NRT alert rule.Represents NRT alert rule template.The available data types for Office Microsoft Project data connector.Logs data type.Represents Office Microsoft Project data connector.Represents OfficeATP (Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection) data connector.An immutable client-side representation of OfficeConsent.List of all the office365 consents.Represents office data connector.The available data types for office data connector.Exchange data type connection.SharePoint data type connection.Teams data type connection.Represents OfficeIRM (Microsoft Insider Risk Management) data connector.The available data types for Office Microsoft PowerBI data connector.Logs data type.Represents Office Microsoft PowerBI data connector.An immutable client-side representation of Operation.Properties of the operation.Lists the operations available in the SecurityInsights RP.Operator used for list of dependencies in criteria array.The operating system type.Insights Column type.The type of the owner the incident is assigned to.Permission provider scope.Permissions required for the connector.The PermissionsCustomsItem model.The PermissionsResourceProviderItem model.The PlaybookActionProperties model.The polling frequency for the TAXII server.Represents a process entity.Describes an automation rule condition that evaluates an array property's value change.Describes an automation rule condition that evaluates an array property's value.Describes an automation rule condition that evaluates a property's value change.Describes an automation rule condition that evaluates a property's value.Provider name.Query based alert rule template base property bag.the hive that holds the registry key.Specifies the data types to use when storing values in the registry, or identifies the data type of a value in the registry.An immutable client-side representation of Relation.The first stage of the Relation definition.The stage of the Relation definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the Relation definition allowing to specify etag.The stage of the Relation definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the Relation definition allowing to specify relatedResourceId.The template for Relation update.The stage of the Relation update allowing to specify etag.The stage of the Relation update allowing to specify relatedResourceId.List of relations.An immutable client-side representation of Repo.List all the source controls.metadata of a repository.Resources created in user's repository for the source-control.The type of repository.Required permissions for the connector.Resource provider permissions required for the connector.An azure resource object with an Etag property.The sample queries for the connector.Represents scheduled alert rule.Scheduled alert rule template property bag.Represents scheduled alert rule template.Represents a security alert entity.confidence reason item.Represents security alert timeline item.An immutable client-side representation of ml analytics settings data sources.The kind of security ML analytics settings.List all the SecurityMLAnalyticsSettings.An immutable client-side representation of SentinelOnboardingState.The first stage of the SentinelOnboardingState definition.The stage of the SentinelOnboardingState definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the SentinelOnboardingState definition allowing to specify customerManagedKey.The stage of the SentinelOnboardingState definition allowing to specify etag.The stage of the SentinelOnboardingState definition allowing to specify parent resource.An immutable client-side representation of SentinelOnboardingStatesList.The kind of the setting.An immutable client-side representation of SettingList.An immutable client-side representation of Settings.The anomaly SecurityMLAnalyticsSettings status.The kind of the setting.An immutable client-side representation of SourceControl.The first stage of the SourceControl definition.The stage of the SourceControl definition allowing to specify contentTypes.The stage of the SourceControl definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the SourceControl definition allowing to specify description.The stage of the SourceControl definition allowing to specify displayName.The stage of the SourceControl definition allowing to specify etag.The stage of the SourceControl definition allowing to specify idPropertiesId.The stage of the SourceControl definition allowing to specify lastDeploymentInfo.The stage of the SourceControl definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the SourceControl definition allowing to specify repository.The stage of the SourceControl definition allowing to specify repositoryResourceInfo.The stage of the SourceControl definition allowing to specify repoType.The stage of the SourceControl definition allowing to specify version.List all the source controls.Source type of the content.The sourceType of the watchlist.Type of support for content item.An immutable client-side representation of TeamInformation.Describes team properties.The alert rule template status.ThreatIntelligence property bag.Represents Threat Intelligence alert rule.Represents Threat Intelligence alert rule template.Array of tags to be appended to the threat intelligence indicator.Describes external reference.Filtering criteria for querying threat intelligence indicators.Describes threat granular marking model entity.Threat intelligence indicator entity.An immutable client-side representation of ThreatIntelligenceInformation.List of all the threat intelligence information objects.Describes threat kill chain phase entity.Describes threat intelligence metric.Describes threat intelligence metric entity.Threat intelligence metrics.An immutable client-side representation of ThreatIntelligenceMetricsList.Describes parsed pattern entity.Describes threat kill chain phase entity.The kind of the threat intelligence entity.List of available columns for sorting.Sorting order (ascending/descending/unsorted).Represents threat intelligence data connector.The available data types for TI (Threat Intelligence) data connector.Data type for indicators connection.timeline aggregation information per kind.Timeline Query Errors.Expansion result metadata.Data connector to pull Threat intelligence data from TAXII 2.0/2.1 server.The available data types for Threat Intelligence TAXII data connector.Data type for TAXII connector.The operation against the threshold that triggers alert rule.Defines values for TriggersOn.Defines values for TriggersWhen.Settings with single toggle.The data source that enriched by ueba.User information that made some action.Describes an error encountered in the file during validation.The version of the source control.An immutable client-side representation of Watchlist.The first stage of the Watchlist definition.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify contentType.The stage of the Watchlist definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify created.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify createdBy.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify defaultDuration.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify description.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify displayName.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify etag.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify isDeleted.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify itemsSearchKey.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify labels.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify numberOfLinesToSkip.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify provider.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify rawContent.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify source.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify sourceType.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify tenantId.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify updated.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify updatedBy.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify uploadStatus.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify watchlistAlias.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify watchlistId.The stage of the Watchlist definition allowing to specify watchlistType.The template for Watchlist update.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify contentType.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify created.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify createdBy.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify defaultDuration.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify description.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify displayName.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify etag.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify isDeleted.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify itemsSearchKey.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify labels.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify numberOfLinesToSkip.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify provider.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify rawContent.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify source.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify sourceType.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify tenantId.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify updated.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify updatedBy.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify uploadStatus.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify watchlistAlias.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify watchlistId.The stage of the Watchlist update allowing to specify watchlistType.An immutable client-side representation of WatchlistItem.The first stage of the WatchlistItem definition.The stage of the WatchlistItem definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the WatchlistItem definition allowing to specify created.The stage of the WatchlistItem definition allowing to specify createdBy.The stage of the WatchlistItem definition allowing to specify entityMapping.The stage of the WatchlistItem definition allowing to specify etag.The stage of the WatchlistItem definition allowing to specify isDeleted.The stage of the WatchlistItem definition allowing to specify itemsKeyValue.The stage of the WatchlistItem definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the WatchlistItem definition allowing to specify tenantId.The stage of the WatchlistItem definition allowing to specify updated.The stage of the WatchlistItem definition allowing to specify updatedBy.The stage of the WatchlistItem definition allowing to specify watchlistItemId.The stage of the WatchlistItem definition allowing to specify watchlistItemType.The template for WatchlistItem update.The stage of the WatchlistItem update allowing to specify created.The stage of the WatchlistItem update allowing to specify createdBy.The stage of the WatchlistItem update allowing to specify entityMapping.The stage of the WatchlistItem update allowing to specify etag.The stage of the WatchlistItem update allowing to specify isDeleted.The stage of the WatchlistItem update allowing to specify itemsKeyValue.The stage of the WatchlistItem update allowing to specify tenantId.The stage of the WatchlistItem update allowing to specify updated.The stage of the WatchlistItem update allowing to specify updatedBy.The stage of the WatchlistItem update allowing to specify watchlistItemId.The stage of the WatchlistItem update allowing to specify watchlistItemType.List all the watchlist items.List all the watchlists.The WatchlistsCreateOrUpdateHeaders model.The WatchlistsDeleteHeaders model.Contains all response data for the delete operation.Detail about the webhook object.