IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withAffinityGroup(String affinityGroup) |
Set the affinityGroup property: Affinity group associated to VM to be restored.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withCreateNewCloudService(Boolean createNewCloudService) |
Set the createNewCloudService property: Should a new cloud service be created while restoring the VM.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withDiskEncryptionSetId(String diskEncryptionSetId) |
Set the diskEncryptionSetId property: DiskEncryptionSet's ID - needed if the VM needs to be encrypted at rest
during restore with customer managed key.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withEncryptionDetails(EncryptionDetails encryptionDetails) |
Set the encryptionDetails property: Details needed if the VM was encrypted at the time of backup.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withIdentityBasedRestoreDetails(IdentityBasedRestoreDetails identityBasedRestoreDetails) |
Set the identityBasedRestoreDetails property: IaaS VM workload specific restore details for restores using
managed identity.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withIdentityInfo(IdentityInfo identityInfo) |
Set the identityInfo property: Managed Identity information required to access customer storage account.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withOriginalStorageAccountOption(Boolean originalStorageAccountOption) |
Set the originalStorageAccountOption property: Original Storage Account Option.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withRecoveryPointId(String recoveryPointId) |
Set the recoveryPointId property: ID of the backup copy to be recovered.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withRecoveryType(RecoveryType recoveryType) |
Set the recoveryType property: Type of this recovery.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withRegion(String region) |
Set the region property: Region in which the virtual machine is restored.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withRestoreDiskLunList(List<Integer> restoreDiskLunList) |
Set the restoreDiskLunList property: List of Disk LUNs for partial restore.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withRestoreWithManagedDisks(Boolean restoreWithManagedDisks) |
Set the restoreWithManagedDisks property: Flag to denote of an Unmanaged disk VM should be restored with Managed
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withSourceResourceId(String sourceResourceId) |
Set the sourceResourceId property: Fully qualified ARM ID of the VM which is being recovered.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withStorageAccountId(String storageAccountId) |
Set the storageAccountId property: Fully qualified ARM ID of the storage account to which the VM has to be
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withSubnetId(String subnetId) |
Set the subnetId property: Subnet ID, is the subnet ID associated with the to be restored VM.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withTargetDomainNameId(String targetDomainNameId) |
Set the targetDomainNameId property: Fully qualified ARM ID of the domain name to be associated to the VM being
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withTargetResourceGroupId(String targetResourceGroupId) |
Set the targetResourceGroupId property: This is the ARM Id of the resource group that you want to create for this
Virtual machine and other artifacts.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withTargetVirtualMachineId(String targetVirtualMachineId) |
Set the targetVirtualMachineId property: This is the complete ARM Id of the VM that will be created.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withVirtualNetworkId(String virtualNetworkId) |
Set the virtualNetworkId property: This is the virtual network Id of the vnet that will be attached to the
virtual machine.
IaasVMRestoreRequest |
IaasVMRestoreRequest.withZones(List<String> zones) |
Set the zones property: Target zone where the VM and its disks should be restored.