Interface Remediation.DefinitionStages.WithParallelDeployments

All Known Subinterfaces:
Remediation.Definition, Remediation.DefinitionStages.WithCreate
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Remediation.DefinitionStages.WithParallelDeployments
The stage of the Remediation definition allowing to specify parallelDeployments.
  • Method Details

    • withParallelDeployments

      Remediation.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withParallelDeployments(Integer parallelDeployments)
      Specifies the parallelDeployments property: Determines how many resources to remediate at any given time. Can be used to increase or reduce the pace of the remediation. If not provided, the default parallel deployments value is used..
      parallelDeployments - Determines how many resources to remediate at any given time. Can be used to increase or reduce the pace of the remediation. If not provided, the default parallel deployments value is used.
      the next definition stage.