Interface Attestation.DefinitionStages.WithPolicyDefinitionReferenceId

All Known Subinterfaces:
Attestation.Definition, Attestation.DefinitionStages.WithCreate
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Attestation.DefinitionStages.WithPolicyDefinitionReferenceId
The stage of the Attestation definition allowing to specify policyDefinitionReferenceId.
  • Method Details

    • withPolicyDefinitionReferenceId

      Attestation.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withPolicyDefinitionReferenceId(String policyDefinitionReferenceId)
      Specifies the policyDefinitionReferenceId property: The policy definition reference ID from a policy set definition that the attestation is setting the state for. If the policy assignment assigns a policy set definition the attestation can choose a definition within the set definition with this property or omit this and set the state for the entire set definition..
      policyDefinitionReferenceId - The policy definition reference ID from a policy set definition that the attestation is setting the state for. If the policy assignment assigns a policy set definition the attestation can choose a definition within the set definition with this property or omit this and set the state for the entire set definition.
      the next definition stage.