Interface PolicyEventsClient

public interface PolicyEventsClient
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in PolicyEventsClient.
  • Method Details

    • listQueryResultsForManagementGroup<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForManagementGroup(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String managementGroupName)
      Queries policy events for the resources under the management group.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      managementGroupName - Management group name.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForManagementGroup<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForManagementGroup(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String managementGroupName, Integer top, String orderBy, String select, OffsetDateTime from, OffsetDateTime to, String filter, String apply, String skipToken, context)
      Queries policy events for the resources under the management group.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      managementGroupName - Management group name.
      top - Maximum number of records to return.
      orderBy - Ordering expression using OData notation. One or more comma-separated column names with an optional "desc" (the default) or "asc", e.g. "$orderby=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId asc".
      select - Select expression using OData notation. Limits the columns on each record to just those requested, e.g. "$select=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId".
      from - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the start time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses ($to - 1-day).
      to - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the end time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses request time.
      filter - OData filter expression.
      apply - OData apply expression for aggregations.
      skipToken - Skiptoken is only provided if a previous response returned a partial result as a part of nextLink element.
      context - The context to associate with this operation.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForSubscription<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForSubscription(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String subscriptionId)
      Queries policy events for the resources under the subscription.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      subscriptionId - Microsoft Azure subscription ID.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForSubscription<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForSubscription(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String subscriptionId, Integer top, String orderBy, String select, OffsetDateTime from, OffsetDateTime to, String filter, String apply, String skipToken, context)
      Queries policy events for the resources under the subscription.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      subscriptionId - Microsoft Azure subscription ID.
      top - Maximum number of records to return.
      orderBy - Ordering expression using OData notation. One or more comma-separated column names with an optional "desc" (the default) or "asc", e.g. "$orderby=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId asc".
      select - Select expression using OData notation. Limits the columns on each record to just those requested, e.g. "$select=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId".
      from - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the start time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses ($to - 1-day).
      to - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the end time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses request time.
      filter - OData filter expression.
      apply - OData apply expression for aggregations.
      skipToken - Skiptoken is only provided if a previous response returned a partial result as a part of nextLink element.
      context - The context to associate with this operation.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForResourceGroup<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForResourceGroup(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String subscriptionId, String resourceGroupName)
      Queries policy events for the resources under the resource group.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      subscriptionId - Microsoft Azure subscription ID.
      resourceGroupName - Resource group name.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForResourceGroup<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForResourceGroup(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String subscriptionId, String resourceGroupName, Integer top, String orderBy, String select, OffsetDateTime from, OffsetDateTime to, String filter, String apply, String skipToken, context)
      Queries policy events for the resources under the resource group.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      subscriptionId - Microsoft Azure subscription ID.
      resourceGroupName - Resource group name.
      top - Maximum number of records to return.
      orderBy - Ordering expression using OData notation. One or more comma-separated column names with an optional "desc" (the default) or "asc", e.g. "$orderby=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId asc".
      select - Select expression using OData notation. Limits the columns on each record to just those requested, e.g. "$select=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId".
      from - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the start time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses ($to - 1-day).
      to - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the end time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses request time.
      filter - OData filter expression.
      apply - OData apply expression for aggregations.
      skipToken - Skiptoken is only provided if a previous response returned a partial result as a part of nextLink element.
      context - The context to associate with this operation.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForResource<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForResource(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String resourceId)
      Queries policy events for the resource.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      resourceId - Resource ID.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForResource<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForResource(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String resourceId, Integer top, String orderBy, String select, OffsetDateTime from, OffsetDateTime to, String filter, String apply, String expand, String skipToken, context)
      Queries policy events for the resource.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      resourceId - Resource ID.
      top - Maximum number of records to return.
      orderBy - Ordering expression using OData notation. One or more comma-separated column names with an optional "desc" (the default) or "asc", e.g. "$orderby=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId asc".
      select - Select expression using OData notation. Limits the columns on each record to just those requested, e.g. "$select=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId".
      from - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the start time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses ($to - 1-day).
      to - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the end time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses request time.
      filter - OData filter expression.
      apply - OData apply expression for aggregations.
      expand - The $expand query parameter. For example, to expand components use $expand=components.
      skipToken - Skiptoken is only provided if a previous response returned a partial result as a part of nextLink element.
      context - The context to associate with this operation.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForPolicySetDefinition<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForPolicySetDefinition(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String subscriptionId, String policySetDefinitionName)
      Queries policy events for the subscription level policy set definition.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      subscriptionId - Microsoft Azure subscription ID.
      policySetDefinitionName - Policy set definition name.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForPolicySetDefinition<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForPolicySetDefinition(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String subscriptionId, String policySetDefinitionName, Integer top, String orderBy, String select, OffsetDateTime from, OffsetDateTime to, String filter, String apply, String skipToken, context)
      Queries policy events for the subscription level policy set definition.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      subscriptionId - Microsoft Azure subscription ID.
      policySetDefinitionName - Policy set definition name.
      top - Maximum number of records to return.
      orderBy - Ordering expression using OData notation. One or more comma-separated column names with an optional "desc" (the default) or "asc", e.g. "$orderby=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId asc".
      select - Select expression using OData notation. Limits the columns on each record to just those requested, e.g. "$select=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId".
      from - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the start time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses ($to - 1-day).
      to - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the end time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses request time.
      filter - OData filter expression.
      apply - OData apply expression for aggregations.
      skipToken - Skiptoken is only provided if a previous response returned a partial result as a part of nextLink element.
      context - The context to associate with this operation.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForPolicyDefinition<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForPolicyDefinition(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String subscriptionId, String policyDefinitionName)
      Queries policy events for the subscription level policy definition.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      subscriptionId - Microsoft Azure subscription ID.
      policyDefinitionName - Policy definition name.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForPolicyDefinition<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForPolicyDefinition(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String subscriptionId, String policyDefinitionName, Integer top, String orderBy, String select, OffsetDateTime from, OffsetDateTime to, String filter, String apply, String skipToken, context)
      Queries policy events for the subscription level policy definition.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      subscriptionId - Microsoft Azure subscription ID.
      policyDefinitionName - Policy definition name.
      top - Maximum number of records to return.
      orderBy - Ordering expression using OData notation. One or more comma-separated column names with an optional "desc" (the default) or "asc", e.g. "$orderby=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId asc".
      select - Select expression using OData notation. Limits the columns on each record to just those requested, e.g. "$select=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId".
      from - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the start time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses ($to - 1-day).
      to - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the end time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses request time.
      filter - OData filter expression.
      apply - OData apply expression for aggregations.
      skipToken - Skiptoken is only provided if a previous response returned a partial result as a part of nextLink element.
      context - The context to associate with this operation.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForSubscriptionLevelPolicyAssignment<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForSubscriptionLevelPolicyAssignment(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String subscriptionId, String policyAssignmentName)
      Queries policy events for the subscription level policy assignment.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      subscriptionId - Microsoft Azure subscription ID.
      policyAssignmentName - Policy assignment name.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForSubscriptionLevelPolicyAssignment<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForSubscriptionLevelPolicyAssignment(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String subscriptionId, String policyAssignmentName, Integer top, String orderBy, String select, OffsetDateTime from, OffsetDateTime to, String filter, String apply, String skipToken, context)
      Queries policy events for the subscription level policy assignment.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      subscriptionId - Microsoft Azure subscription ID.
      policyAssignmentName - Policy assignment name.
      top - Maximum number of records to return.
      orderBy - Ordering expression using OData notation. One or more comma-separated column names with an optional "desc" (the default) or "asc", e.g. "$orderby=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId asc".
      select - Select expression using OData notation. Limits the columns on each record to just those requested, e.g. "$select=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId".
      from - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the start time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses ($to - 1-day).
      to - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the end time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses request time.
      filter - OData filter expression.
      apply - OData apply expression for aggregations.
      skipToken - Skiptoken is only provided if a previous response returned a partial result as a part of nextLink element.
      context - The context to associate with this operation.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForResourceGroupLevelPolicyAssignment<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForResourceGroupLevelPolicyAssignment(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String subscriptionId, String resourceGroupName, String policyAssignmentName)
      Queries policy events for the resource group level policy assignment.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      subscriptionId - Microsoft Azure subscription ID.
      resourceGroupName - Resource group name.
      policyAssignmentName - Policy assignment name.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • listQueryResultsForResourceGroupLevelPolicyAssignment<PolicyEventInner> listQueryResultsForResourceGroupLevelPolicyAssignment(PolicyEventsResourceType policyEventsResource, String subscriptionId, String resourceGroupName, String policyAssignmentName, Integer top, String orderBy, String select, OffsetDateTime from, OffsetDateTime to, String filter, String apply, String skipToken, context)
      Queries policy events for the resource group level policy assignment.
      policyEventsResource - The name of the virtual resource under PolicyEvents resource type; only "default" is allowed.
      subscriptionId - Microsoft Azure subscription ID.
      resourceGroupName - Resource group name.
      policyAssignmentName - Policy assignment name.
      top - Maximum number of records to return.
      orderBy - Ordering expression using OData notation. One or more comma-separated column names with an optional "desc" (the default) or "asc", e.g. "$orderby=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId asc".
      select - Select expression using OData notation. Limits the columns on each record to just those requested, e.g. "$select=PolicyAssignmentId, ResourceId".
      from - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the start time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses ($to - 1-day).
      to - ISO 8601 formatted timestamp specifying the end time of the interval to query. When not specified, the service uses request time.
      filter - OData filter expression.
      apply - OData apply expression for aggregations.
      skipToken - Skiptoken is only provided if a previous response returned a partial result as a part of nextLink element.
      context - The context to associate with this operation.
      query results as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.