Interface Volume.DefinitionStages.WithUsageThreshold

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Volume.DefinitionStages.WithUsageThreshold
    The stage of the Volume definition allowing to specify usageThreshold.
    • Method Detail

      • withUsageThreshold

        Volume.DefinitionStages.WithSubnetId withUsageThreshold​(long usageThreshold)
        Specifies the usageThreshold property: usageThreshold Maximum storage quota allowed for a file system in bytes. This is a soft quota used for alerting only. Minimum size is 100 GiB. Upper limit is 100TiB. Specified in bytes..
        usageThreshold - usageThreshold Maximum storage quota allowed for a file system in bytes. This is a soft quota used for alerting only. Minimum size is 100 GiB. Upper limit is 100TiB. Specified in bytes.
        the next definition stage.