All Classes and Interfaces

Aggregate maximum bit rate.
An immutable client-side representation of AttachedDataNetwork.
The entirety of the AttachedDataNetwork definition.
The AttachedDataNetwork definition stages.
The first stage of the AttachedDataNetwork definition.
The stage of the AttachedDataNetwork definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the AttachedDataNetwork definition allowing to specify dnsAddresses.
The stage of the AttachedDataNetwork definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the AttachedDataNetwork definition allowing to specify naptConfiguration.
The stage of the AttachedDataNetwork definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the AttachedDataNetwork definition allowing to specify tags.
The stage of the AttachedDataNetwork definition allowing to specify userEquipmentAddressPoolPrefix.
The stage of the AttachedDataNetwork definition allowing to specify userEquipmentStaticAddressPoolPrefix.
The stage of the AttachedDataNetwork definition allowing to specify userPlaneDataInterface.
The template for AttachedDataNetwork update.
The AttachedDataNetwork update stages.
The stage of the AttachedDataNetwork update allowing to specify tags.
Attached data network resource.
Response for attached data network API service call.
Data network properties.
Reference to an attached data network resource.
Resource collection API of AttachedDataNetworks.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in AttachedDataNetworksClient.
Reference to an Azure Arc custom location resource.
Defines values for BillingSku.
Reference to an Azure Arc custom location resource.
Defines values for CoreNetworkType.
Reference to an Azure Arc custom location resource.
An immutable client-side representation of DataNetwork.
The entirety of the DataNetwork definition.
The DataNetwork definition stages.
The first stage of the DataNetwork definition.
The stage of the DataNetwork definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the DataNetwork definition allowing to specify description.
The stage of the DataNetwork definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the DataNetwork definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the DataNetwork definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for DataNetwork update.
The DataNetwork update stages.
The stage of the DataNetwork update allowing to specify tags.
Settings controlling data network use.
Data network resource.
Response for data network API service call.
Data network properties.
Reference to a data network resource.
Resource collection API of DataNetworks.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in DataNetworksClient.
Interface properties.
An Azure key vault certificate.
An Azure key vault key.
The kubernetes ingress configuration to control access to packet core diagnostics over local APIs.
Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities).
Defines values for ManagedServiceIdentityType.
An immutable client-side representation of MobileNetwork.
The entirety of the MobileNetwork definition.
The MobileNetwork definition stages.
The first stage of the MobileNetwork definition.
The stage of the MobileNetwork definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the MobileNetwork definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the MobileNetwork definition allowing to specify publicLandMobileNetworkIdentifier.
The stage of the MobileNetwork definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the MobileNetwork definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for MobileNetwork update.
The MobileNetwork update stages.
The stage of the MobileNetwork update allowing to specify tags.
Mobile network resource.
Response for mobile networks API service call.
The interface for MobileNetworkManagementClient class.
Entry point to MobileNetworkManager.
The Configurable allowing configurations to be set.
Mobile network properties.
Reference to a mobile network resource.
Resource collection API of MobileNetworks.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in MobileNetworksClient.
The network address and port translation settings to use for the attached data network.
Defines values for NaptEnabled.
An immutable client-side representation of Operation.
The object that represents the operation.
Object that describes a single Microsoft.MobileNetwork operation.
List of the operations.
Resource collection API of Operations.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in OperationsClient.
An immutable client-side representation of PacketCoreControlPlane.
The entirety of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition.
The PacketCoreControlPlane definition stages.
The first stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition allowing to specify controlPlaneAccessInterface.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition allowing to specify coreNetworkTechnology.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition allowing to specify identity.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition allowing to specify interopSettings.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition allowing to specify localDiagnosticsAccess.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition allowing to specify mobileNetwork.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition allowing to specify platform.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition allowing to specify sku.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition allowing to specify tags.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane definition allowing to specify version.
The template for PacketCoreControlPlane update.
The PacketCoreControlPlane update stages.
The stage of the PacketCoreControlPlane update allowing to specify tags.
Packet core control plane resource.
Response for packet core control planes API service call.
Packet core control plane properties.
Resource collection API of PacketCoreControlPlanes.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in PacketCoreControlPlanesClient.
An immutable client-side representation of PacketCoreControlPlaneVersion.
Packet core control plane version resource.
Response for packet core control plane version API service call.
Packet core control plane version properties.
Resource collection API of PacketCoreControlPlaneVersions.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in PacketCoreControlPlaneVersionsClient.
An immutable client-side representation of PacketCoreDataPlane.
The entirety of the PacketCoreDataPlane definition.
The PacketCoreDataPlane definition stages.
The first stage of the PacketCoreDataPlane definition.
The stage of the PacketCoreDataPlane definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the PacketCoreDataPlane definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the PacketCoreDataPlane definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the PacketCoreDataPlane definition allowing to specify tags.
The stage of the PacketCoreDataPlane definition allowing to specify userPlaneAccessInterface.
The template for PacketCoreDataPlane update.
The PacketCoreDataPlane update stages.
The stage of the PacketCoreDataPlane update allowing to specify tags.
Packet core data plane resource.
Response for packet core data planes API service call.
Packet core data plane properties.
Resource collection API of PacketCoreDataPlanes.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in PacketCoreDataPlanesClient.
Data flow policy rule configuration.
Data flow policy rule QoS policy.
Defines values for PduSessionType.
Expiry times of inactive NAPT pinholes, in seconds.
The platform where the packet core is deployed.
Defines values for PlatformType.
Public land mobile network (PLMN) ID.
Range of port numbers to use as translated ports on each translated address.
The minimum time (in seconds) that will pass before a port that was used by a closed pinhole can be recycled for use by another pinhole.
Defines values for PreemptionCapability.
Defines values for PreemptionVulnerability.
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
QoS policy.
Defines values for RecommendedVersion.
Defines values for SdfDirection.
An immutable client-side representation of Service.
The entirety of the Service definition.
The Service definition stages.
The first stage of the Service definition.
The stage of the Service definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the Service definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the Service definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the Service definition allowing to specify pccRules.
The stage of the Service definition allowing to specify servicePrecedence.
The stage of the Service definition allowing to specify serviceQosPolicy.
The stage of the Service definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for Service update.
The Service update stages.
The stage of the Service update allowing to specify tags.
Data flow template.
Service resource.
Response for services API service call.
Service properties.
Reference to a service resource.
Resource collection API of Services.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ServicesClient.
An immutable client-side representation of Sim.
The entirety of the Sim definition.
The Sim definition stages.
The first stage of the Sim definition.
The stage of the Sim definition allowing to specify authenticationKey.
The stage of the Sim definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the Sim definition allowing to specify deviceType.
The stage of the Sim definition allowing to specify integratedCircuitCardIdentifier.
The stage of the Sim definition allowing to specify internationalMobileSubscriberIdentity.
The stage of the Sim definition allowing to specify operatorKeyCode.
The stage of the Sim definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the Sim definition allowing to specify simPolicy.
The stage of the Sim definition allowing to specify staticIpConfiguration.
The template for Sim update.
The Sim update stages.
The stage of the Sim update allowing to specify authenticationKey.
The stage of the Sim update allowing to specify deviceType.
The stage of the Sim update allowing to specify integratedCircuitCardIdentifier.
The stage of the Sim update allowing to specify operatorKeyCode.
The stage of the Sim update allowing to specify simPolicy.
The stage of the Sim update allowing to specify staticIpConfiguration.
An immutable client-side representation of SimGroup.
The entirety of the SimGroup definition.
The SimGroup definition stages.
The first stage of the SimGroup definition.
The stage of the SimGroup definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the SimGroup definition allowing to specify encryptionKey.
The stage of the SimGroup definition allowing to specify identity.
The stage of the SimGroup definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the SimGroup definition allowing to specify mobileNetwork.
The stage of the SimGroup definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the SimGroup definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for SimGroup update.
The SimGroup update stages.
The stage of the SimGroup update allowing to specify tags.
SIM group resource.
Response for list SIM groups API service call.
SIM group properties.
Resource collection API of SimGroups.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in SimGroupsClient.
An immutable client-side representation of SimIdListResult.
Response for list SIM IDs API service call.
SIM resource.
Response for list SIMs API service call.
Resource collection API of SimPolicies.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in SimPoliciesClient.
An immutable client-side representation of SimPolicy.
The entirety of the SimPolicy definition.
The SimPolicy definition stages.
The first stage of the SimPolicy definition.
The stage of the SimPolicy definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the SimPolicy definition allowing to specify defaultSlice.
The stage of the SimPolicy definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the SimPolicy definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the SimPolicy definition allowing to specify registrationTimer.
The stage of the SimPolicy definition allowing to specify rfspIndex.
The stage of the SimPolicy definition allowing to specify sliceConfigurations.
The stage of the SimPolicy definition allowing to specify tags.
The stage of the SimPolicy definition allowing to specify ueAmbr.
The template for SimPolicy update.
The SimPolicy update stages.
The stage of the SimPolicy update allowing to specify tags.
SIM policy resource.
Response for SIM policies API service call.
SIM policy properties.
Reference to a SIM policy resource.
SIM properties.
Resource collection API of Sims.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in SimsClient.
Defines values for SimState.
Static IP configuration for a SIM, scoped to a particular attached data network and slice.
The static IP configuration for the SIM to use at the defined network scope.
An immutable client-side representation of Site.
The entirety of the Site definition.
The Site definition stages.
The first stage of the Site definition.
The stage of the Site definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the Site definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the Site definition allowing to specify networkFunctions.
The stage of the Site definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the Site definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for Site update.
The Site update stages.
The stage of the Site update allowing to specify tags.
Site resource.
Response for sites API service call.
Site properties.
Resource collection API of Sites.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in SitesClient.
An immutable client-side representation of Slice.
The entirety of the Slice definition.
The Slice definition stages.
The first stage of the Slice definition.
The stage of the Slice definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the Slice definition allowing to specify description.
The stage of the Slice definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the Slice definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the Slice definition allowing to specify snssai.
The stage of the Slice definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for Slice update.
The Slice update stages.
The stage of the Slice update allowing to specify tags.
Per-slice settings.
Network slice resource.
Response for network slice API service call.
Network slice properties.
Reference to a slice resource.
Resource collection API of Slices.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in SlicesClient.
Single-network slice selection assistance information (S-NSSAI).
Tags object for patch operations.
Defines values for TrafficControlPermission.
User assigned identity properties.
Defines values for VersionState.