Interface Service.DefinitionStages.WithServicePrecedence

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Service.DefinitionStages.WithServicePrecedence
    The stage of the Service definition allowing to specify servicePrecedence.
    • Method Detail

      • withServicePrecedence

        Service.DefinitionStages.WithPccRules withServicePrecedence​(int servicePrecedence)
        Specifies the servicePrecedence property: A precedence value that is used to decide between services when identifying the QoS values to use for a particular Sim. A lower value means a higher priority. This value should be unique among all services configured in the Mobile Network..
        servicePrecedence - A precedence value that is used to decide between services when identifying the QoS values to use for a particular Sim. A lower value means a higher priority. This value should be unique among all services configured in the Mobile Network.
        the next definition stage.