Interface MobileNetwork.DefinitionStages.WithPublicLandMobileNetworkIdentifier

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface MobileNetwork.DefinitionStages.WithPublicLandMobileNetworkIdentifier
    The stage of the MobileNetwork definition allowing to specify publicLandMobileNetworkIdentifier.
    • Method Detail

      • withPublicLandMobileNetworkIdentifier

        MobileNetwork.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withPublicLandMobileNetworkIdentifier​(PlmnId publicLandMobileNetworkIdentifier)
        Specifies the publicLandMobileNetworkIdentifier property: The unique public land mobile network identifier for the network. This is made up of the Mobile Country Code and Mobile Network Code, as defined in The values 001-01 and 001-001 can be used for testing and the values 999-99 and 999-999 can be used on internal private networks..
        publicLandMobileNetworkIdentifier - The unique public land mobile network identifier for the network. This is made up of the Mobile Country Code and Mobile Network Code, as defined in The values 001-01 and 001-001 can be used for testing and the values 999-99 and 999-999 can be used on internal private networks.
        the next definition stage.