Interface MaintenanceConfiguration.DefinitionStages.WithStartDateTime

All Known Subinterfaces:
MaintenanceConfiguration.Definition, MaintenanceConfiguration.DefinitionStages.WithCreate
Enclosing interface:

public static interface MaintenanceConfiguration.DefinitionStages.WithStartDateTime
The stage of the MaintenanceConfiguration definition allowing to specify startDateTime.
  • Method Details

    • withStartDateTime

      Specifies the startDateTime property: Effective start date of the maintenance window in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format. The start date can be set to either the current date or future date. The window will be created in the time zone provided and adjusted to daylight savings according to that time zone..
      startDateTime - Effective start date of the maintenance window in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format. The start date can be set to either the current date or future date. The window will be created in the time zone provided and adjusted to daylight savings according to that time zone.
      the next definition stage.