Package containing the data models for KustoManagementClient. The Azure Kusto management API provides a RESTful set
of web services that interact with Azure Kusto services to manage your clusters and databases. The API enables you to
create, update, and delete clusters and databases.
ClassDescriptionRepresents an accepted audience trusted by the cluster.An immutable client-side representation of AttachedDatabaseConfiguration.The entirety of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration definition.The AttachedDatabaseConfiguration definition stages.The first stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration definition.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration definition allowing to specify clusterResourceId.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration definition allowing to specify databaseName.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration definition allowing to specify databaseNameOverride.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration definition allowing to specify databaseNamePrefix.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration definition allowing to specify defaultPrincipalsModificationKind.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration definition allowing to specify location.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration definition allowing to specify tableLevelSharingProperties.The template for AttachedDatabaseConfiguration update.The AttachedDatabaseConfiguration update stages.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration update allowing to specify clusterResourceId.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration update allowing to specify databaseName.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration update allowing to specify databaseNameOverride.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration update allowing to specify databaseNamePrefix.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration update allowing to specify defaultPrincipalsModificationKind.The stage of the AttachedDatabaseConfiguration update allowing to specify tableLevelSharingProperties.The list attached database configurations operation response.Resource collection API of AttachedDatabaseConfigurations.The result returned from a AttachedDatabaseConfigurations check name availability request.Azure capacity definition.An immutable client-side representation of AzureResourceSku.Scale type.Azure SKU definition.SKU name.SKU tier.The name of blob storage event type to process.Defines values for CallerRole.The result returned from a database check name availability request.An immutable client-side representation of CheckNameResult.An immutable client-side representation of Cluster.The entirety of the Cluster definition.The Cluster definition stages.The first stage of the Cluster definition.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify acceptedAudiences.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify allowedFqdnList.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify allowedIpRangeList.The stage of the Cluster definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify enableAutoStop.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify enableDiskEncryption.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify enableDoubleEncryption.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify enablePurge.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify enableStreamingIngest.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify engineType.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify identity.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify ifMatch.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify ifNoneMatch.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify keyVaultProperties.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify location.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify optimizedAutoscale.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify publicIpType.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify publicNetworkAccess.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify restrictOutboundNetworkAccess.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify sku.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify tags.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify trustedExternalTenants.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify virtualClusterGraduationProperties.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify virtualNetworkConfiguration.The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify zones.The template for Cluster update.The Cluster update stages.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify acceptedAudiences.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify allowedFqdnList.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify allowedIpRangeList.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify enableAutoStop.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify enableDiskEncryption.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify enableDoubleEncryption.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify enablePurge.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify enableStreamingIngest.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify engineType.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify identity.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify ifMatch.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify keyVaultProperties.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify optimizedAutoscale.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify publicIpType.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify publicNetworkAccess.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify restrictOutboundNetworkAccess.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify sku.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify tags.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify trustedExternalTenants.The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify virtualNetworkConfiguration.The result returned from a cluster check name availability request.The list Kusto clusters operation response.Whether or not to restrict outbound network access.An immutable client-side representation of ClusterPrincipalAssignment.The entirety of the ClusterPrincipalAssignment definition.The ClusterPrincipalAssignment definition stages.The first stage of the ClusterPrincipalAssignment definition.The stage of the ClusterPrincipalAssignment definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the ClusterPrincipalAssignment definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the ClusterPrincipalAssignment definition allowing to specify principalId.The stage of the ClusterPrincipalAssignment definition allowing to specify principalType.The stage of the ClusterPrincipalAssignment definition allowing to specify role.The stage of the ClusterPrincipalAssignment definition allowing to specify tenantId.The template for ClusterPrincipalAssignment update.The ClusterPrincipalAssignment update stages.The stage of the ClusterPrincipalAssignment update allowing to specify principalId.The stage of the ClusterPrincipalAssignment update allowing to specify principalType.The stage of the ClusterPrincipalAssignment update allowing to specify role.The stage of the ClusterPrincipalAssignment update allowing to specify tenantId.A principal assignment check name availability request.The list Kusto cluster principal assignments operation response.Resource collection API of ClusterPrincipalAssignments.Cluster principal role.Resource collection API of Clusters.Class representing an update to a Kusto cluster.The compression type.An immutable client-side representation of Database.The list Kusto databases operation response.An immutable client-side representation of DatabasePrincipal.An immutable client-side representation of DatabasePrincipalAssignment.The entirety of the DatabasePrincipalAssignment definition.The DatabasePrincipalAssignment definition stages.The first stage of the DatabasePrincipalAssignment definition.The stage of the DatabasePrincipalAssignment definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the DatabasePrincipalAssignment definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the DatabasePrincipalAssignment definition allowing to specify principalId.The stage of the DatabasePrincipalAssignment definition allowing to specify principalType.The stage of the DatabasePrincipalAssignment definition allowing to specify role.The stage of the DatabasePrincipalAssignment definition allowing to specify tenantId.The template for DatabasePrincipalAssignment update.The DatabasePrincipalAssignment update stages.The stage of the DatabasePrincipalAssignment update allowing to specify principalId.The stage of the DatabasePrincipalAssignment update allowing to specify principalType.The stage of the DatabasePrincipalAssignment update allowing to specify role.The stage of the DatabasePrincipalAssignment update allowing to specify tenantId.A principal assignment check name availability request.The list Kusto database principal assignments operation response.Resource collection API of DatabasePrincipalAssignments.The list Kusto database principals operation request.An immutable client-side representation of DatabasePrincipalListResult.Database principal role.Database principal type.Indication for database routing information from the data connection, by default only database routing information is allowed.Resource collection API of Databases.The origin of the following setup.A class that contains database statistics information.An immutable client-side representation of DataConnection.A data connection check name availability request.Kind of the endpoint for the data connection.The list Kusto data connections operation response.Resource collection API of DataConnections.An immutable client-side representation of DataConnectionValidation.An immutable client-side representation of DataConnectionValidationListResult.The result returned from a data connection validation request.The default principals modification kind.An immutable client-side representation of DiagnoseVirtualNetworkResult.A domain name that a service is reached at, including details of the current connection status.Current TCP connectivity information from the Kusto cluster to a single endpoint.The engine type.Class representing an Event Grid data connection.The data format of the message.Class representing an event hub data connection.The data format of the message.An immutable client-side representation of FollowerDatabaseDefinition.The list Kusto database principals operation response.Identity for the resource.The type of managed identity used.The IdentityUserAssignedIdentities model.Class representing an iot hub data connection.The data format of the message.Properties of the key vault.Kind of the database.An immutable client-side representation of LanguageExtension.Language extension that can run within KQL query.The list of language extension objects.List of available SKUs for a Kusto Cluster.An immutable client-side representation of ManagedPrivateEndpoint.The entirety of the ManagedPrivateEndpoint definition.The ManagedPrivateEndpoint definition stages.The first stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpoint definition.The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpoint definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpoint definition allowing to specify groupId.The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpoint definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpoint definition allowing to specify privateLinkResourceId.The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpoint definition allowing to specify privateLinkResourceRegion.The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpoint definition allowing to specify requestMessage.The template for ManagedPrivateEndpoint update.The ManagedPrivateEndpoint update stages.The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpoint update allowing to specify groupId.The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpoint update allowing to specify privateLinkResourceId.The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpoint update allowing to specify privateLinkResourceRegion.The stage of the ManagedPrivateEndpoint update allowing to specify requestMessage.The list managed private endpoints operation response.Resource collection API of ManagedPrivateEndpoints.The result returned from a managedPrivateEndpoints check name availability request.An immutable client-side representation of Operation.The object that describes the operation.Result of the request to list REST API operations.An immutable client-side representation of OperationResult.Resource collection API of Operations.Resource collection API of OperationsResults.Resource collection API of OperationsResultsLocations.A class that contains the optimized auto scale definition.An immutable client-side representation of OutboundNetworkDependenciesEndpoint.Collection of Outbound Environment Endpoints.The principals modification kind of the database.Principal type.An immutable client-side representation of PrivateEndpointConnection.The entirety of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition.The PrivateEndpointConnection definition stages.The first stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition.The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition allowing to specify privateLinkServiceConnectionState.The template for PrivateEndpointConnection update.The PrivateEndpointConnection update stages.The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection update allowing to specify privateLinkServiceConnectionState.A list of private endpoint connections.Resource collection API of PrivateEndpointConnections.Private endpoint which the connection belongs to.An immutable client-side representation of PrivateLinkResource.A list of private link resources.Resource collection API of PrivateLinkResources.Connection State of the Private Endpoint Connection.The provisioned state of the resource.Indicates what public IP type to create - IPv4 (default), or DualStack (both IPv4 and IPv6).Public network access to the cluster is enabled by default.Class representing a read only following database.Class representing a read write database.Message providing the reason why the given name is invalid.An immutable client-side representation of Script.The entirety of the Script definition.The Script definition stages.The first stage of the Script definition.The stage of the Script definition allowing to specify continueOnErrors.The stage of the Script definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the Script definition allowing to specify forceUpdateTag.The stage of the Script definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the Script definition allowing to specify scriptContent.The stage of the Script definition allowing to specify scriptUrl.The stage of the Script definition allowing to specify scriptUrlSasToken.The template for Script update.The Script update stages.The stage of the Script update allowing to specify continueOnErrors.The stage of the Script update allowing to specify forceUpdateTag.The stage of the Script update allowing to specify scriptUrl.A script name availability request.The list Kusto database script operation response.Resource collection API of Scripts.An immutable client-side representation of SkuDescription.The list of the EngagementFabric SKU descriptions.The locations and zones info for SKU.The state of the resource.The status of operation.Tables that will be included and excluded in the follower database.Represents a tenant ID that is trusted by the cluster.The type of resource, for instance Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/databases.A class that contains virtual network definition.