All Classes and Interfaces

An immutable client-side representation of CustomLocation.
The entirety of the CustomLocation definition.
The CustomLocation definition stages.
The first stage of the CustomLocation definition.
The stage of the CustomLocation definition allowing to specify authentication.
The stage of the CustomLocation definition allowing to specify clusterExtensionIds.
The stage of the CustomLocation definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the CustomLocation definition allowing to specify displayName.
The stage of the CustomLocation definition allowing to specify hostResourceId.
The stage of the CustomLocation definition allowing to specify hostType.
The stage of the CustomLocation definition allowing to specify identity.
The stage of the CustomLocation definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the CustomLocation definition allowing to specify namespace.
The stage of the CustomLocation definition allowing to specify provisioningState.
The stage of the CustomLocation definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the CustomLocation definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for CustomLocation update.
The CustomLocation update stages.
The stage of the CustomLocation update allowing to specify authentication.
The stage of the CustomLocation update allowing to specify clusterExtensionIds.
The stage of the CustomLocation update allowing to specify displayName.
The stage of the CustomLocation update allowing to specify hostResourceId.
The stage of the CustomLocation update allowing to specify hostType.
The stage of the CustomLocation update allowing to specify identity.
The stage of the CustomLocation update allowing to specify namespace.
The stage of the CustomLocation update allowing to specify provisioningState.
The stage of the CustomLocation update allowing to specify tags.
The Find Target Resource Group operation request.
An immutable client-side representation of CustomLocationFindTargetResourceGroupResult.
The Find Target Resource Group operation response.
Custom Locations definition.
The List Custom Locations operation response.
An immutable client-side representation of CustomLocationOperation.
Custom Locations operation.
Lists of Custom Locations operations.
Describes the properties of a Custom Locations Operation Value Display.
Properties for a custom location.
This is optional input that contains the authentication that should be used to generate the namespace.
Resource collection API of CustomLocations.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in CustomLocationsClient.
The interface for CustomLocationsManagementClient class.
Entry point to CustomLocationsManager.
The Configurable allowing configurations to be set.
An immutable client-side representation of EnabledResourceType.
EnabledResourceType definition.
Properties for EnabledResourceType of a custom location.
Metadata of the Resource Type.
List of EnabledResourceTypes definition.
Defines values for HostType.
Identity for the resource.
Resource Sync Rules matchExpression property definition.
The Custom Locations patchable resource definition.
The Resource Sync Rules patchable resource definition.
Defines values for ResourceIdentityType.
An immutable client-side representation of ResourceSyncRule.
The entirety of the ResourceSyncRule definition.
The ResourceSyncRule definition stages.
The first stage of the ResourceSyncRule definition.
The stage of the ResourceSyncRule definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the ResourceSyncRule definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the ResourceSyncRule definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the ResourceSyncRule definition allowing to specify priority.
The stage of the ResourceSyncRule definition allowing to specify selector.
The stage of the ResourceSyncRule definition allowing to specify tags.
The stage of the ResourceSyncRule definition allowing to specify targetResourceGroup.
The template for ResourceSyncRule update.
The ResourceSyncRule update stages.
The stage of the ResourceSyncRule update allowing to specify priority.
The stage of the ResourceSyncRule update allowing to specify selector.
The stage of the ResourceSyncRule update allowing to specify tags.
The stage of the ResourceSyncRule update allowing to specify targetResourceGroup.
Resource Sync Rules definition.
The List Resource Sync Rules operation response.
Properties for a resource sync rule.
A label selector is composed of two parts, matchLabels and matchExpressions.
Resource collection API of ResourceSyncRules.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ResourceSyncRulesClient.