Interface EventHubConsumerGroups

All Superinterfaces:
HasManager<EventHubsManager>, SupportsCreating<EventHubConsumerGroup.DefinitionStages.Blank>, SupportsDeletingById, SupportsGettingById<EventHubConsumerGroup>

Entry point to manage event hub consumer groups.
  • Method Details

    • listByEventHub<EventHubConsumerGroup> listByEventHub(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String eventHubName)
      Lists the consumer groups of an event hub in a namespace under a resource group.
      resourceGroupName - namespace resource group name
      namespaceName - event hub parent namespace name
      eventHubName - event hub name
      list of consumer groups
    • listByEventHubAsync<EventHubConsumerGroup> listByEventHubAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String eventHubName)
      Lists the consumer groups of an event hub in a namespace under a resource group.
      resourceGroupName - namespace resource group name
      namespaceName - event hub parent namespace name
      eventHubName - event hub name
      observable that emits the consumer groups
    • getByNameAsync

      Mono<EventHubConsumerGroup> getByNameAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String eventHubName, String name)
      Gets a consumer group of an event hub in a namespace in a resource group.
      resourceGroupName - namespace resource group name
      namespaceName - event hub parent namespace name
      eventHubName - event hub name
      name - consumer group name
      observable that emits the consumer group
    • getByName

      EventHubConsumerGroup getByName(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String eventHubName, String name)
      Gets a consumer group of an event hub in a namespace under a resource group.
      resourceGroupName - namespace resource group name
      namespaceName - event hub parent namespace name
      eventHubName - event hub name
      name - consumer group name
      the consumer group
    • deleteByNameAsync

      Mono<Void> deleteByNameAsync(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String eventHubName, String name)
      Deletes a consumer group of an event hub in a namespace under a resource group.
      resourceGroupName - namespace resource group name
      namespaceName - event hub parent namespace name
      eventHubName - event hub name
      name - consumer group name
      the completable representing the task
    • deleteByName

      void deleteByName(String resourceGroupName, String namespaceName, String eventHubName, String name)
      Deletes a consumer group of an event hub in a namespace under a resource group.
      resourceGroupName - namespace resource group name
      namespaceName - event hub parent namespace name
      eventHubName - event hub name
      name - consumer group name