Interface AuthorizationRule<RuleT extends AuthorizationRule<RuleT>>

Type Parameters:
RuleT - the specific authorization rule type
All Superinterfaces:
HasInnerModel<AuthorizationRuleInner>, HasManager<EventHubsManager>, Indexable, NestedResource, Refreshable<RuleT>
All Known Subinterfaces:
EventHubAuthorizationRule, EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRule

public interface AuthorizationRule<RuleT extends AuthorizationRule<RuleT>> extends NestedResource, HasInnerModel<AuthorizationRuleInner>, HasManager<EventHubsManager>, Refreshable<RuleT>
The base type representing authorization rule of event hub namespace and event hub.
  • Method Details

    • rights

      List<AccessRights> rights()
      rights associated with the authorization rule
    • getKeysAsync

      a representation of the deferred computation of this call, returning access keys (primary, secondary) and the connection strings
    • getKeys

      the access keys (primary, secondary) and the connection strings
    • regenerateKeyAsync

      Mono<EventHubAuthorizationKey> regenerateKeyAsync(KeyType keyType)
      Regenerates primary or secondary access keys.
      keyType - the key to regenerate
      a representation of the deferred computation of this call, returning access keys (primary, secondary) and the connection strings
    • regenerateKey

      EventHubAuthorizationKey regenerateKey(KeyType keyType)
      Regenerates primary or secondary keys.
      keyType - the key to regenerate
      the access keys (primary, secondary) and the connection strings