Package containing the data models for AzureDigitalTwinsManagementClient. Azure Digital Twins Client for managing
ClassDescriptionDefines values for AuthenticationType.Properties of a time series database connection to Azure Data Explorer with data being sent via an EventHub.The result returned from a database check name availability request.An immutable client-side representation of CheckNameResult.The properties of a private endpoint connection.The connection state.Defines values for ConnectionPropertiesProvisioningState.The current state of a private endpoint connection.Defines values for ConnectionType.Resource collection API of DigitalTwins.An immutable client-side representation of DigitalTwinsDescription.The entirety of the DigitalTwinsDescription definition.The DigitalTwinsDescription definition stages.The first stage of the DigitalTwinsDescription definition.The stage of the DigitalTwinsDescription definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the DigitalTwinsDescription definition allowing to specify identity.The stage of the DigitalTwinsDescription definition allowing to specify location.The stage of the DigitalTwinsDescription definition allowing to specify privateEndpointConnections.The stage of the DigitalTwinsDescription definition allowing to specify publicNetworkAccess.The stage of the DigitalTwinsDescription definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the DigitalTwinsDescription definition allowing to specify tags.The template for DigitalTwinsDescription update.The DigitalTwinsDescription update stages.The stage of the DigitalTwinsDescription update allowing to specify identity.The stage of the DigitalTwinsDescription update allowing to specify properties.The stage of the DigitalTwinsDescription update allowing to specify tags.A list of DigitalTwins description objects with a next link.An immutable client-side representation of DigitalTwinsEndpointResource.The entirety of the DigitalTwinsEndpointResource definition.The DigitalTwinsEndpointResource definition stages.The first stage of the DigitalTwinsEndpointResource definition.The stage of the DigitalTwinsEndpointResource definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the DigitalTwinsEndpointResource definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the DigitalTwinsEndpointResource definition allowing to specify properties.The template for DigitalTwinsEndpointResource update.The DigitalTwinsEndpointResource update stages.The stage of the DigitalTwinsEndpointResource update allowing to specify properties.A list of DigitalTwinsInstance Endpoints with a next link.Properties related to Digital Twins Endpoint.Resource collection API of DigitalTwinsEndpoints.The managed identity for the DigitalTwinsInstance.Defines values for DigitalTwinsIdentityType.The description of the DigitalTwins service.The properties of a DigitalTwinsInstance.The common properties of a DigitalTwinsInstance.Defines values for EndpointProvisioningState.Defines values for EndpointType.Properties related to EventGrid.Properties related to EventHub.Definition of a resource.An immutable client-side representation of GroupIdInformation.The properties for a group information object.An immutable client-side representation of GroupIdInformationResponse.An immutable client-side representation of Operation.The object that represents the operation.A list of DigitalTwins service operations.Resource collection API of Operations.The private endpoint property of a private endpoint connection.An immutable client-side representation of PrivateEndpointConnection.The entirety of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition.The PrivateEndpointConnection definition stages.The first stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition.The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection definition allowing to specify properties.The template for PrivateEndpointConnection update.The PrivateEndpointConnection update stages.The stage of the PrivateEndpointConnection update allowing to specify properties.Resource collection API of PrivateEndpointConnections.An immutable client-side representation of PrivateEndpointConnectionsResponse.Resource collection API of PrivateLinkResources.Defines values for PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus.Defines values for ProvisioningState.Defines values for PublicNetworkAccess.Defines values for Reason.Properties related to ServiceBus.An immutable client-side representation of TimeSeriesDatabaseConnection.The entirety of the TimeSeriesDatabaseConnection definition.The TimeSeriesDatabaseConnection definition stages.The first stage of the TimeSeriesDatabaseConnection definition.The stage of the TimeSeriesDatabaseConnection definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the TimeSeriesDatabaseConnection definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the TimeSeriesDatabaseConnection definition allowing to specify properties.The template for TimeSeriesDatabaseConnection update.The TimeSeriesDatabaseConnection update stages.The stage of the TimeSeriesDatabaseConnection update allowing to specify properties.A pageable list of time series database connection resources.Properties of a time series database connection resource.Resource collection API of TimeSeriesDatabaseConnections.Defines values for TimeSeriesDatabaseConnectionState.