All Classes and Interfaces

An immutable client-side representation of ContainerHostMapping.
Container host mapping object specifying the Container host resource ID and its associated Controller resource.
Resource collection API of ContainerHostMappings.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ContainerHostMappingsClient.
An immutable client-side representation of Controller.
The entirety of the Controller definition.
The Controller definition stages.
The first stage of the Controller definition.
The stage of the Controller definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the Controller definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the Controller definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the Controller definition allowing to specify sku.
The stage of the Controller definition allowing to specify tags.
The stage of the Controller definition allowing to specify targetContainerHostCredentialsBase64.
The stage of the Controller definition allowing to specify targetContainerHostResourceId.
The template for Controller update.
The Controller update stages.
The stage of the Controller update allowing to specify tags.
The stage of the Controller update allowing to specify targetContainerHostCredentialsBase64.
The ControllerConnectionDetails model.
An immutable client-side representation of ControllerConnectionDetailsList.
The ControllerConnectionDetailsList model.
The Controller model.
The ControllerList model.
The ControllerProperties model.
Resource collection API of Controllers.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ControllersClient.
Parameters for updating an Azure Dev Spaces Controller.
The ControllerUpdateParametersProperties model.
The interface for DevSpacesManagementClient class.
Entry point to DevSpacesManager.
The Configurable allowing configurations to be set.
Contains information used to connect to a Kubernetes cluster.
Parameters for listing connection details of an Azure Dev Spaces Controller.
Resource collection API of Operations.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in OperationsClient.
Base class for types that supply values used to connect to container orchestrators.
Provisioning state of the Azure Dev Spaces Controller.
An immutable client-side representation of ResourceProviderOperationDefinition.
The ResourceProviderOperationDefinition model.
The ResourceProviderOperationDisplay model.
The ResourceProviderOperationList model.
Model representing SKU for Azure Dev Spaces Controller.
The name of the SKU for Azure Dev Spaces Controller.
The tier of the SKU for Azure Dev Spaces Controller.