Package containing the data models for DeviceRegistry.
Microsoft.DeviceRegistry Resource Provider management API.
ClassDescriptionEnum.An immutable client-side representation of Asset.The entirety of the Asset definition.The Asset definition stages.The first stage of the Asset definition.The stage of the Asset definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the Asset definition allowing to specify extendedLocation.The stage of the Asset definition allowing to specify location.The stage of the Asset definition allowing to specify properties.The stage of the Asset definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the Asset definition allowing to specify tags.The template for Asset update.The Asset update stages.The stage of the Asset update allowing to specify properties.The stage of the Asset update allowing to specify tags.An immutable client-side representation of AssetEndpointProfile.The entirety of the AssetEndpointProfile definition.The AssetEndpointProfile definition stages.The first stage of the AssetEndpointProfile definition.The stage of the AssetEndpointProfile definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.The stage of the AssetEndpointProfile definition allowing to specify extendedLocation.The stage of the AssetEndpointProfile definition allowing to specify location.The stage of the AssetEndpointProfile definition allowing to specify properties.The stage of the AssetEndpointProfile definition allowing to specify parent resource.The stage of the AssetEndpointProfile definition allowing to specify tags.The template for AssetEndpointProfile update.The AssetEndpointProfile update stages.The stage of the AssetEndpointProfile update allowing to specify properties.The stage of the AssetEndpointProfile update allowing to specify tags.Defines the Asset Endpoint Profile properties.Resource collection API of AssetEndpointProfiles.The type used for update operations of the AssetEndpointProfile.The updatable properties of the AssetEndpointProfile.Defines the asset properties.Resource collection API of Assets.Defines the asset status properties.Defines the asset status error properties.The type used for update operations of the Asset.The updatable properties of the Asset.Defines the data point properties.Defines the data point observability mode.Defines the event properties.Defines the event observability mode.The extended location.An immutable client-side representation of Operation.Localized display information for and operation.Resource collection API of Operations.Resource collection API of OperationStatus.An immutable client-side representation of OperationStatusResult.The intended executor of the operation; as in Resource Based Access Control (RBAC) and audit logs UX.Certificate or private key that can be used by the southbound connector connecting to the shop floor/OT device.The provisioning status of the resource.Definition of the authentication mechanism for the southbound connector.Definition of the client authentication mechanism to the server.The mode to authenticate the user of the client at the server.The credentials for authentication mode UsernamePassword.The x509 certificate for authentication mode Certificate.