Package containing the inner data models for DevCenterManagementClient. DevCenter Management API.
ClassDescriptionRepresents an allowed environment type.Properties of an allowed environment type.Represents an attached NetworkConnection.Properties of an attached NetworkConnection.Represents a catalog.Properties of a catalog.Properties of a catalog.The check availability result.Represents a definition for a Developer Machine.Properties of a Dev Box definition.Properties of a Dev Box definition.Represents a devcenter resource.Properties of the devcenter.The resource model definition representing SKU for DevCenter resources.Represents an environment type.Properties of an environment type.Represents a gallery.Properties of a gallery.Health Check details.Health Check properties.Represents an image.Properties of an image.Represents an image version.Properties of an image version.Network related settings.Properties of network connection.Network properties.REST API OperationThe current status of an async operation.A pool of Virtual Machines.Properties of a Pool.Properties of a Pool.Represents an environment type.Properties of a project environment type.Properties of a project environment type.Represents a project resource.Properties of a project.Properties of a project.Represents a Schedule to execute a task.The Schedule properties defining when and what to execute.Updatable properties of a Schedule.The core usage details.