Interface ArtifactSource.UpdateStages.WithArtifactRoot

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Enclosing interface:

public static interface ArtifactSource.UpdateStages.WithArtifactRoot
The stage of the ArtifactSource update allowing to specify artifactRoot.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    withArtifactRoot(String artifactRoot)
    Specifies the artifactRoot property: The path from the location that the 'authentication' property [say, a SAS URI to the blob container] refers to, to the location of the artifacts.
  • Method Details

    • withArtifactRoot

      ArtifactSource.Update withArtifactRoot(String artifactRoot)
      Specifies the artifactRoot property: The path from the location that the 'authentication' property [say, a SAS URI to the blob container] refers to, to the location of the artifacts. This can be used to differentiate different versions of the artifacts. Or, different types of artifacts like binaries or templates. The location referenced by the authentication property concatenated with this optional artifactRoot path forms the artifact source location where the artifacts are expected to be found..
      artifactRoot - The path from the location that the 'authentication' property [say, a SAS URI to the blob container] refers to, to the location of the artifacts. This can be used to differentiate different versions of the artifacts. Or, different types of artifacts like binaries or templates. The location referenced by the authentication property concatenated with this optional artifactRoot path forms the artifact source location where the artifacts are expected to be found.
      the next definition stage.