Interface InteractionResourceFormat.DefinitionStages.WithIsActivity

All Known Subinterfaces:
InteractionResourceFormat.Definition, InteractionResourceFormat.DefinitionStages.WithCreate
Enclosing interface:

public static interface InteractionResourceFormat.DefinitionStages.WithIsActivity
The stage of the InteractionResourceFormat definition allowing to specify isActivity.
  • Method Details

    • withIsActivity

      Specifies the isActivity property: An interaction can be tagged as an activity only during create. This enables the interaction to be editable and can enable merging of properties from multiple data sources based on precedence, which is defined at a link level..
      isActivity - An interaction can be tagged as an activity only during create. This enables the interaction to be editable and can enable merging of properties from multiple data sources based on precedence, which is defined at a link level.
      the next definition stage.