Interface Dimensions

public interface Dimensions
Resource collection API of Dimensions.
  • Method Details

    • list<Dimension> list(String scope)
      Lists the dimensions by the defined scope.
      scope - The scope associated with dimension operations. This includes '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/' for subscription scope, '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}' for resourceGroup scope, '/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}' for Billing Account scope, '/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/departments/{departmentId}' for Department scope, '/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/enrollmentAccounts/{enrollmentAccountId}' for EnrollmentAccount scope, '/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/{managementGroupId}' for Management Group scope, '/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/billingProfiles/{billingProfileId}' for billingProfile scope, 'providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/billingProfiles/{billingProfileId}/invoiceSections/{invoiceSectionId}' for invoiceSection scope, and 'providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/customers/{customerId}' specific for partners.
      result of listing dimensions as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • list<Dimension> list(String scope, String filter, String expand, String skiptoken, Integer top, context)
      Lists the dimensions by the defined scope.
      scope - The scope associated with dimension operations. This includes '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/' for subscription scope, '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}' for resourceGroup scope, '/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}' for Billing Account scope, '/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/departments/{departmentId}' for Department scope, '/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/enrollmentAccounts/{enrollmentAccountId}' for EnrollmentAccount scope, '/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/{managementGroupId}' for Management Group scope, '/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/billingProfiles/{billingProfileId}' for billingProfile scope, 'providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/billingProfiles/{billingProfileId}/invoiceSections/{invoiceSectionId}' for invoiceSection scope, and 'providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{billingAccountId}/customers/{customerId}' specific for partners.
      filter - May be used to filter dimensions by properties/category, properties/usageStart, properties/usageEnd. Supported operators are 'eq','lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge'.
      expand - May be used to expand the properties/data within a dimension category. By default, data is not included when listing dimensions.
      skiptoken - Skiptoken is only used if a previous operation returned a partial result. If a previous response contains a nextLink element, the value of the nextLink element will include a skiptoken parameter that specifies a starting point to use for subsequent calls.
      top - May be used to limit the number of results to the most recent N dimension data.
      context - The context to associate with this operation.
      result of listing dimensions as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • byExternalCloudProviderType<Dimension> byExternalCloudProviderType(ExternalCloudProviderType externalCloudProviderType, String externalCloudProviderId)
      Lists the dimensions by the external cloud provider type.
      externalCloudProviderType - The external cloud provider type associated with dimension/query operations. This includes 'externalSubscriptions' for linked account and 'externalBillingAccounts' for consolidated account.
      externalCloudProviderId - This can be '{externalSubscriptionId}' for linked account or '{externalBillingAccountId}' for consolidated account used with dimension/query operations.
      result of listing dimensions as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
    • byExternalCloudProviderType<Dimension> byExternalCloudProviderType(ExternalCloudProviderType externalCloudProviderType, String externalCloudProviderId, String filter, String expand, String skiptoken, Integer top, context)
      Lists the dimensions by the external cloud provider type.
      externalCloudProviderType - The external cloud provider type associated with dimension/query operations. This includes 'externalSubscriptions' for linked account and 'externalBillingAccounts' for consolidated account.
      externalCloudProviderId - This can be '{externalSubscriptionId}' for linked account or '{externalBillingAccountId}' for consolidated account used with dimension/query operations.
      filter - May be used to filter dimensions by properties/category, properties/usageStart, properties/usageEnd. Supported operators are 'eq','lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge'.
      expand - May be used to expand the properties/data within a dimension category. By default, data is not included when listing dimensions.
      skiptoken - Skiptoken is only used if a previous operation returned a partial result. If a previous response contains a nextLink element, the value of the nextLink element will include a skiptoken parameter that specifies a starting point to use for subsequent calls.
      top - May be used to limit the number of results to the most recent N dimension data.
      context - The context to associate with this operation.
      result of listing dimensions as paginated response with PagedIterable.
      IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation. - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.