Interface EventSummary

  • public interface EventSummary
    An immutable client-side representation of EventSummary.
    • Method Detail

      • id

        String id()
        Gets the id property: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource.
        the id value.
      • name

        String name()
        Gets the name property: The name of the resource.
        the name value.
      • type

        String type()
        Gets the type property: The type of the resource.
        the type value.
      • etag

        String etag()
        Gets the etag property: eTag of the resource. To handle concurrent update scenario, this field will be used to determine whether the user is updating the latest version or not.
        the etag value.
      • transactionDate

        OffsetDateTime transactionDate()
        Gets the transactionDate property: The date of the event.
        the transactionDate value.
      • description

        String description()
        Gets the description property: The description of the event.
        the description value.
      • newCredit

        Amount newCredit()
        Gets the newCredit property: The amount of new credit or commitment for NewCredit or SettleCharges event.
        the newCredit value.
      • adjustments

        Amount adjustments()
        Gets the adjustments property: The amount of balance adjustment. The property is not available for ConsumptionCommitment lots.
        the adjustments value.
      • creditExpired

        Amount creditExpired()
        Gets the creditExpired property: The amount of expired credit or commitment for NewCredit or SettleCharges event.
        the creditExpired value.
      • charges

        Amount charges()
        Gets the charges property: The amount of charges for events of type SettleCharges and PendingEligibleCharges.
        the charges value.
      • closedBalance

        Amount closedBalance()
        Gets the closedBalance property: The balance after the event.
        the closedBalance value.
      • eventType

        EventType eventType()
        Gets the eventType property: Identifies the type of the event.
        the eventType value.
      • invoiceNumber

        String invoiceNumber()
        Gets the invoiceNumber property: The number which uniquely identifies the invoice on which the event was billed. This will be empty for unbilled events.
        the invoiceNumber value.
      • billingProfileId

        String billingProfileId()
        Gets the billingProfileId property: The ID that uniquely identifies the billing profile for which the event happened. The property is only available for billing account of type MicrosoftCustomerAgreement.
        the billingProfileId value.
      • billingProfileDisplayName

        String billingProfileDisplayName()
        Gets the billingProfileDisplayName property: The display name of the billing profile for which the event happened. The property is only available for billing account of type MicrosoftCustomerAgreement.
        the billingProfileDisplayName value.
      • lotId

        String lotId()
        Gets the lotId property: The ID that uniquely identifies the lot for which the event happened.
        the lotId value.
      • lotSource

        String lotSource()
        Gets the lotSource property: Identifies the source of the lot for which the event happened.
        the lotSource value.
      • canceledCredit

        Amount canceledCredit()
        Gets the canceledCredit property: Amount of canceled credit.
        the canceledCredit value.
      • creditCurrency

        String creditCurrency()
        Gets the creditCurrency property: The credit currency of the event.
        the creditCurrency value.
      • billingCurrency

        String billingCurrency()
        Gets the billingCurrency property: The billing currency of the event.
        the billingCurrency value.
      • reseller

        Reseller reseller()
        Gets the reseller property: The reseller of the event.
        the reseller value.
      • creditExpiredInBillingCurrency

        AmountWithExchangeRate creditExpiredInBillingCurrency()
        Gets the creditExpiredInBillingCurrency property: The amount of expired credit or commitment for NewCredit or SettleCharges event in billing currency.
        the creditExpiredInBillingCurrency value.
      • newCreditInBillingCurrency

        AmountWithExchangeRate newCreditInBillingCurrency()
        Gets the newCreditInBillingCurrency property: The amount of new credit or commitment for NewCredit or SettleCharges event in billing currency.
        the newCreditInBillingCurrency value.
      • adjustmentsInBillingCurrency

        AmountWithExchangeRate adjustmentsInBillingCurrency()
        Gets the adjustmentsInBillingCurrency property: The amount of balance adjustment in billing currency.
        the adjustmentsInBillingCurrency value.
      • chargesInBillingCurrency

        AmountWithExchangeRate chargesInBillingCurrency()
        Gets the chargesInBillingCurrency property: The amount of charges for events of type SettleCharges and PendingEligibleCharges in billing currency.
        the chargesInBillingCurrency value.
      • closedBalanceInBillingCurrency

        AmountWithExchangeRate closedBalanceInBillingCurrency()
        Gets the closedBalanceInBillingCurrency property: The balance in billing currency after the event.
        the closedBalanceInBillingCurrency value.
      • etagPropertiesEtag

        String etagPropertiesEtag()
        Gets the etagPropertiesEtag property: The eTag for the resource.
        the etagPropertiesEtag value.
      • innerModel

        EventSummaryInner innerModel()
        Gets the inner object.
        the inner object.