All Classes and Interfaces

The type of account key to regenerate.
Parameters for an activating an application package.
Whether the pool is resizing.
An immutable client-side representation of Application.
The entirety of the Application definition.
The Application definition stages.
The first stage of the Application definition.
The stage of the Application definition allowing to specify allowUpdates.
The stage of the Application definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the Application definition allowing to specify defaultVersion.
The stage of the Application definition allowing to specify displayName.
The stage of the Application definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The template for Application update.
The Application update stages.
The stage of the Application update allowing to specify allowUpdates.
The stage of the Application update allowing to specify defaultVersion.
The stage of the Application update allowing to specify displayName.
Contains information about an application in a Batch account.
An immutable client-side representation of ApplicationPackage.
The entirety of the ApplicationPackage definition.
The ApplicationPackage definition stages.
The first stage of the ApplicationPackage definition.
The stage of the ApplicationPackage definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the ApplicationPackage definition allowing to specify parent resource.
An application package which represents a particular version of an application.
Properties of an application package.
Link to an application package inside the batch account.
Resource collection API of ApplicationPackages.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ApplicationPackagesClient.
The properties associated with the Application.
Resource collection API of Applications.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ApplicationsClient.
The authentication mode for the Batch account.
The results and errors from an execution of a pool autoscale formula.
An error that occurred when autoscaling a pool.
AutoScale settings for the pool.
The authentication mode which the Batch service will use to manage the auto-storage account.
The properties related to the auto-storage account.
Contains information about the auto-storage account associated with a Batch account.
The scope for the auto user
Specifies the parameters for the auto user that runs a task on the Batch service.
Information used to connect to an Azure Storage Container using Blobfuse.
Information used to connect to an Azure Fileshare.
An immutable client-side representation of BatchAccount.
The entirety of the BatchAccount definition.
The BatchAccount definition stages.
The first stage of the BatchAccount definition.
The stage of the BatchAccount definition allowing to specify allowedAuthenticationModes.
The stage of the BatchAccount definition allowing to specify autoStorage.
The stage of the BatchAccount definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the BatchAccount definition allowing to specify encryption.
The stage of the BatchAccount definition allowing to specify identity.
The stage of the BatchAccount definition allowing to specify keyVaultReference.
The stage of the BatchAccount definition allowing to specify location.
The stage of the BatchAccount definition allowing to specify networkProfile.
The stage of the BatchAccount definition allowing to specify poolAllocationMode.
The stage of the BatchAccount definition allowing to specify publicNetworkAccess.
The stage of the BatchAccount definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the BatchAccount definition allowing to specify tags.
The template for BatchAccount update.
The BatchAccount update stages.
The stage of the BatchAccount update allowing to specify allowedAuthenticationModes.
The stage of the BatchAccount update allowing to specify autoStorage.
The stage of the BatchAccount update allowing to specify encryption.
The stage of the BatchAccount update allowing to specify identity.
The stage of the BatchAccount update allowing to specify networkProfile.
The stage of the BatchAccount update allowing to specify publicNetworkAccess.
The stage of the BatchAccount update allowing to specify tags.
Parameters supplied to the Create operation.
The properties of a Batch account.
The identity of the Batch account, if configured.
Contains information about an Azure Batch account.
An immutable client-side representation of BatchAccountKeys.
A set of Azure Batch account keys.
Values returned by the List operation.
Account specific properties.
Parameters supplied to the RegenerateKey operation.
Resource collection API of BatchAccounts.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in BatchAccountsClient.
Parameters for updating an Azure Batch account.
The properties of a Batch account.
An immutable client-side representation of BatchLocationQuota.
Quotas associated with a Batch region for a particular subscription.
The interface for BatchManagementClient class.
Entry point to BatchManager.
The Configurable allowing configurations to be set.
The identity of the Batch pool, if configured.
The type of caching to enable for the disk.
An immutable client-side representation of Certificate.
The entirety of the Certificate definition.
The Certificate definition stages.
The first stage of the Certificate definition.
The stage of the Certificate definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the Certificate definition allowing to specify format.
The stage of the Certificate definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the Certificate definition allowing to specify ifNoneMatch.
The stage of the Certificate definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the Certificate definition allowing to specify password.
The stage of the Certificate definition allowing to specify thumbprint.
The stage of the Certificate definition allowing to specify thumbprintAlgorithm.
The template for Certificate update.
The Certificate update stages.
The stage of the Certificate update allowing to specify data.
The stage of the Certificate update allowing to specify format.
The stage of the Certificate update allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the Certificate update allowing to specify password.
The stage of the Certificate update allowing to specify thumbprint.
The stage of the Certificate update allowing to specify thumbprintAlgorithm.
Base certificate properties.
Contains information about a certificate.
Certificate properties for create operations.
The format of the certificate - either Pfx or Cer.
Contains information about a certificate.
Certificate properties.
Defines values for CertificateProvisioningState.
A reference to a certificate to be installed on compute nodes in a pool.
Resource collection API of Certificates.
The CertificatesCancelDeletionHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the cancelDeletion operation.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in CertificatesClient.
The CertificatesCreateHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the create operation.
The CertificatesGetHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the get operation.
The location of the certificate store on the compute node into which to install the certificate.
The CertificatesUpdateHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the update operation.
Defines values for CertificateVisibility.
Parameters for a check name availability request.
An immutable client-side representation of CheckNameAvailabilityResult.
The CheckNameAvailability operation response.
Information used to connect to a CIFS file system.
The configuration for nodes in a pool based on the Azure Cloud Services platform.
Determines what to do with a node and its running task(s) after it has been selected for deallocation.
How tasks should be distributed across compute nodes.
The reference to a user assigned identity associated with the Batch pool which a compute node will use.
The configuration for container-enabled pools.
A private container registry.
A flag to indicate where the container task working directory is.
Settings which will be used by the data disks associated to Compute Nodes in the Pool.
An error response from the Batch service.
Deployment configuration properties.
Values returned by the List operation.
An immutable client-side representation of DetectorResponse.
Contains the information for a detector.
Detector response properties.
Specifies the ephemeral disk placement for operating system disk for all VMs in the pool.
Specifies the ephemeral Disk Settings for the operating system disk used by the virtual machine.
The disk encryption configuration applied on compute nodes in the pool.
The disks to encrypt on each compute node.
The scope of dynamic vnet assignment.
The elevation level of the user.
Configures how customer data is encrypted inside the Batch account.
The default action when there is no IPRule matched.
Network access profile for Batch endpoint.
A domain name and connection details used to access a dependency.
Details about the connection between the Batch service and the endpoint.
An environment variable to be set on a task process.
Fixed scale settings for the pool.
A reference to an Azure Virtual Machines Marketplace image or the Azure Image resource of a custom Virtual Machine.
The protocol of the endpoint.
A inbound NAT pool that can be used to address specific ports on compute nodes in a Batch pool externally.
Whether the pool permits direct communication between nodes.
The provisioning type for Public IP Addresses for the Batch Pool.
Rule to filter client IP address.
Type of the key source.
KeyVault configuration when using an encryption KeySource of Microsoft.KeyVault.
Identifies the Azure key vault associated with a Batch account.
Properties used to create a user account on a Linux node.
The result of performing list application packages.
The result of performing list applications.
Values returned by the List operation.
Values returned by the List operation.
Values returned by the List operation.
Values returned by the List operation.
Resource collection API of Locations.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in LocationsClient.
Login mode for user
A name-value pair associated with a Batch service resource.
The file system to mount on each node.
Gets the reason that a Batch account name could not be used.
The network configuration for a pool.
Network profile for Batch account, which contains network rule settings for each endpoint.
A network security group rule to apply to an inbound endpoint.
The action that should be taken for a specified IP address, subnet range or tag.
Information used to connect to an NFS file system.
Determines how a pool communicates with the Batch service.
Node placement configuration for batch pools.
The placement policy for allocating nodes in the pool.
An immutable client-side representation of Operation.
The object that describes the operation.
A REST API operation.
Result of the request to list REST API operations.
Resource collection API of Operations.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in OperationsClient.
Settings for the operating system disk of the virtual machine.
An immutable client-side representation of OutboundEnvironmentEndpoint.
Values returned by the List operation.
A collection of related endpoints from the same service for which the Batch service requires outbound access.
The current state of the application package.
An immutable client-side representation of Pool.
The entirety of the Pool definition.
The Pool definition stages.
The first stage of the Pool definition.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify applicationLicenses.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify applicationPackages.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify certificates.
The stage of the Pool definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify deploymentConfiguration.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify displayName.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify identity.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify ifNoneMatch.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify interNodeCommunication.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify metadata.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify mountConfiguration.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify networkConfiguration.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify parent resource.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify scaleSettings.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify startTask.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify targetNodeCommunicationMode.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify taskSchedulingPolicy.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify taskSlotsPerNode.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify userAccounts.
The stage of the Pool definition allowing to specify vmSize.
The template for Pool update.
The Pool update stages.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify applicationLicenses.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify applicationPackages.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify certificates.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify deploymentConfiguration.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify displayName.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify identity.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify ifMatch.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify interNodeCommunication.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify metadata.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify mountConfiguration.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify networkConfiguration.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify scaleSettings.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify startTask.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify targetNodeCommunicationMode.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify taskSchedulingPolicy.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify taskSlotsPerNode.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify userAccounts.
The stage of the Pool update allowing to specify vmSize.
The allocation mode for creating pools in the Batch account.
The endpoint configuration for a pool.
The type of identity used for the Batch Pool.
Contains information about a pool.
Pool properties.
The current state of the pool.
Resource collection API of Pools.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in PoolsClient.
The PoolsCreateHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the create operation.
The PoolsDisableAutoScaleHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the disableAutoScale operation.
The PoolsGetHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the get operation.
The PoolsStopResizeHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the stopResize operation.
The PoolsUpdateHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the update operation.
The private endpoint of the private endpoint connection.
An immutable client-side representation of PrivateEndpointConnection.
Contains information about a private link resource.
Private endpoint connection properties.
The provisioning state of the private endpoint connection.
Resource collection API of PrivateEndpointConnections.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.
An immutable client-side representation of PrivateLinkResource.
Contains information about a private link resource.
Private link resource properties.
Resource collection API of PrivateLinkResources.
An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in PrivateLinkResourcesClient.
The private link service connection state of the private endpoint connection.
The status of the Batch private endpoint connection.
The provisioned state of the resource.
The public IP Address configuration of the networking configuration of a Pool.
The network access type for operating on the resources in the Batch account.
An error that occurred when resizing a pool.
Details about the current or last completed resize operation.
A single file or multiple files to be downloaded to a compute node.
The type of identity used for the Batch account.
Scale settings for the pool
A SKU capability, such as the number of cores.
A task which is run when a compute node joins a pool in the Azure Batch service, or when the compute node is rebooted or reimaged.
The storage account type for use in creating data disks.
An immutable client-side representation of SupportedSku.
Describes a Batch supported SKU.
The Batch List supported SKUs operation response.
The container settings for a task.
Specifies how tasks should be distributed across compute nodes.
Properties used to create a user on an Azure Batch node.
The list of associated user identities.
The definition of the user identity under which the task is run.
The configuration for compute nodes in a pool based on the Azure Virtual Machines infrastructure.
A VM Family and its associated core quota for the Batch account.
The configuration for virtual machine extensions.
Windows operating system settings to apply to the virtual machine.
Properties used to create a user account on a Windows node.